Entertainment and Ball Given by the
United Wisoko-Litowsker and Woltchiner Relief

(Vysokaye, Belarus)
52°22' / 23°22'
  (Volchin, Belarus)
52°17' / 23°19'

Translation of
Yisker zhurnal gevidmet diumgekumene
fun Visoka un Voltshin

Editors: Samuel Levine, Morris Gevirtz, NY, 1948



Project Coordinator

Andrea Simon


Edited by Andrea Simon & Henry Neugass


This is a translation from: Yisker zhurnal gevidmet diumgekumene fun Visoka un Voltshin
Entertainment and ball given by the United Wisoko-Litowsker and Woltchiner Relief
Ed. Samuel Levine, Morris Gevirtz, NY: United Wisoko-Litowsker and Woltchiner Relief, 1948

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Dedicated to the Holy
Memory of the Martyrs of
Visoke-Litovsk and Volchin
I weep for those mishaps, my eyes are dripping with tears,
for the destructions.
Visoke Volchin
Saturday evening Beethoven Hall
1948 1948
February 7th 210 East 5th Street

Entertainment and Ball
Given by the

United Wisoko-Litowsker and
Woltchiner Relief

February 7th, 1948

Beethoven Hall
210-214 East 5th Street, New York City

[not found in original document]

Article Author Page
Hebrew Cover   1
Title Page; Journal Committee Members List   3
Yizkor! Morris Gevirtz 4
Woe to Those Who Have Been Lost Rabbi Abba Seltzer 5
Photo: Arrangement Committee   6
Summer in My Small Town Visoke Faigl Shatsky-Yudin 7
Photo: Passaic Branch of the United Relief   9
Open Letter to Our Landsleit   10
From Darkness to Light Rabbi Reb Abraham Shmuel Samuels 12
Photo: Journal Committee   14
God Is Crying… Morris Gevirtz 15
Visoke-Litovsk and Volchin Survivors   19
Hyman Gevirtz, Our President Samuel Levine 20
Two Letters From the Other World David Wolf 22
The Terrible Catastrophe in the Small Town of Volchin Mendl Refkovske 25
Photo: Surviving Landsleit after Liberation   26
Get Acquainted with … the United … Relief Louis Weiner 27
A Yom Kippur Night in Volchin Morris Gevirtz 29
About some of our Active Relief Workers Samuel Levine 32
Dedications: Kravitz, et al.   33
Dedications: Khazanovitch, et al.   34
Wysoko-Litovsker Bruderlikher Untershtitzungsfareyn Gevirtz et al. 35
Dedications: Rubin   36
Dedications: Wisoko Aid Society of Chicago   37
Dedications: Gold   38
Dedications: Katz, et al.   39
Dedication, Zeydl, et al.   40
Dedications: Faynberg, et al.   41
Dedications: Yudin, et al.   42
Dedications: Kaplans, et al.   43
Dedications: Hecht, et al.   44
Dedications: Manishewiz, et al.   45
Dedications: Steinman, et al.   46
Dedications: Kreizelman, et al.   47
Dedications: Lichter, et al.   48
Dedications: Windsor House, et al.   49
Dedications: Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Rosen   50
Dedications: Siegel, et al.   51
Dedications: Witzel, et al.   52
Dedications: Weyner, at al.   53
Dedications: Blumberg, et al.   54
Dedications: Manishewitz, et al.   55
Dedications: Stein, et al.   56
Dedications: Pressner, et al.   57
Dedications: Gervirtz, et al.   58
Dedications: Pinchuc, et al.   59
Dedications: Rabin, et al.   60
Dedications: Shmith, et al.   61
Dedications: Farber, et al.   62
Dedications: Dostis, et al.   63
Dedications: Cohen, et al.   64
Dedications: Cohen, et al.   65
Dedications: Gottfried, et al.   66
Dedications: Gutterman, et al.   67
Dedications: Cohen, et al.   68
Dedications: Sall, et al.   69
Dedications: Goodman, et al.   70
Dedications: Tenenboim, et al.   71
Dedications: Cantor; photo   72
Dedications: Witzel, et al.   73
Dedications: Kravetz, et al.   74
Dedications: Steiner, et al.   75
Dedications: Bayer, et al.   76
Dedications: Witchel, et al.   77
Dedications: Wolf   78
Dedications: Schaenman, et al.   79
Dedications: Tenenboim, et al.   80
Dedications: Shuster, et al.   81
Dedications: Levine; photo   82
Compliments of our Landsleit and Supporters of Our Relief (list)   83
Dedications: Bernstein   84
Dedications: Rosen   85
Dedications: Myers   86
Dedications: Ripley   87
Dedications: Katz   88
Dedications: Grossman   89
Dedications: Lafer   90
Dedications: Darvick   91
Dedications: Seideman   92
Dedications: Goodman   93
Dedications: Bokras; photo   94
Dedications: Born   95
Financial Report… and a Little History of How the Relief Was Organized   96
United … Relief Officers and Executive Committee (lists)   97
English Title Page   98
English Cover   100
Names Index


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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
Emerita Yizkor Book Project Manager, Joyce Field z”l
Contact person for this translation Andrea Simon
This web page created by Max Heffler

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Updated 25 Sep 2018 by LA