Memorial Book of Trisk
(Turiysk, Ukraine)

51°06' / 24°32'

Translation of
Pinkas ha-kehila Trisk; sefer yizkor

Editor: Natan Livneh

Published in Tel Aviv 1975

Our sincere appreciation to Yad Vashem
for the submission of the necrology for placement on the JewishGen web site.

This is a translation of: Pinkas ha-kehila Trisk; sefer yizkor (Memorial book of Trisk),
Editor: Natan Livneh, Trisk Society, Published: Tel Aviv 1975 (H,Y 376 pages)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Turiisk

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Translated by Yocheved Klausner


Since the time it was destroyed [H] N. L. 7
It has been thirty three years [Y]   9
The Shtetl
Trisk in the encyclopedias [Y] 14
Turiysk: People and Landscapes [H] L. Olitzki 16
My shtetl (poem) [Y] Z. Weinfer 24
Hassidic Trisk and secular Trisk [H] Dov Harari 26
Trisk Shlomo Keiser 33
The ribbon (poem) [Y] L. Olitzki 36
Little tombstones [H] Erka and Arie Greenstein 37
Deeds and misdeeds in the shtetl [H] Moshe Weiner 48
The Verbitchna village [H] Aharon Tchessner 50
Trisk in Poem and Tale/Poets and Writers
Poems from Trisk Baruch Alitzki
  1. Fathers and sons [Y]   55
  2. To a Trisk poet [Y]   56
Baruch Alitzki B. E. B., Nachman Meizel 57, 59
Poems for my brother Baruch (Hebrew: N. Livne 66
On Hasidic books [Y] I. I. Wahl 68
I. I. Wahl Avraham Epstein 72
Prof. S. Halkin 74
  1. R'Moshe Wahl [H] Yochanan Twerski 77
  2. Miracles in Trisk (stories) [H]   81
Yochanan Twerski [H]   84
How the Place of Turiysk Was Uplifted [Y] Z. Weinfer 85
Zisha Weinfer [H] Nachman Meisel, Hebrew A. Meitus 95
Z. Weinfer David Bergelson 96, 97
Efraim Auerbach
Nachman Meisel
S. Nieger
The appeased (a tale) [H] Arie Tabkay 98
Arie Tabkay [H] Arie Greenstein 108
“The full life” of Arie Tabkay [H] B. Mordechai 110
Two revived trees (a tale) [Y] A. L. Euventhal 112
Avraham L. Euventhal [Y] 115
The poet Kalman Liess [H] L. Olitzki, Hebrew I. Teitelker 116
Dr. Moshe Markuzi [Y] 120
Leib Alitzki [Y] Z. Weinfer 122
Itzie Balegule [the wagon driver] (poem) [Y] L. Alitzki 128
In the Rebbe's Court, R'Avreim'ele Magid
Righteousness is from God S. Y. Agnon 138
R'Avreim'ele Trisker (poem) [Y] Z. Weinfer 139
R'Avreim'ele from Trisk [H] Hebrew N. Livne 140
Father [H] Yochanan Twerski 141
Farewell [H]   145
Farewell [Y] Yiddish N. Livne 146
With the rabbi R'Yakov Leibenyu (a tale) [Y] Z. Weinfer 147
Rabbi Hilel Finkler Yehuda Elyush 152
The Rebbe's court [Y] S. Keiser 153
The Yahrzeit [memorial day] of the Trisker Magid Mordechai Eliezer Perl 157
From the Trisker Court [Y]   160
The Trisk Rabbi [Y] I. I. Wahl 162
Kloizen and Shtiblech in Trisk [Y] A. Sucher 162
The Rabbi R'Velvele from Kobel [H] Dr. Reuven Ben–Shem 163
The Trisk Shtiebl in Kobel [H] Moshe Better 164
The Chernobyl dynasty [H] Prof. S. Dubnov 164
A story about R'Dov–Ber the Magid of Miedzyrzec, who wanted to bring the Geula
[salvation] (a ballad, H)
Nathan Livne 165
From the sermons of the Magid of Trisk   169
Synagogues and Societies, Rabbis, Slaughterers, Melamdim
Societies in Trisk [H]   172
Batei Midrash and Minyanim (prayer–groups) in Trisk [H]   172
The Chevra Kadisha (burial society) Register [Y]   173
The first Craftsmen's Minyan [prayer quorum)   174
R'Moishele, the rabbi's son [Y] Ben–Zion Scher 175
R'Nachum Moishele, the rabbi's son–in–law [Y] R. AviShlomo 176
My Grandfather, Rabbi Zechariah Yosef Azriel Glazer 178
The Last Three Rabbis of Turiysk [Y] Mordechai Eliezer Perl 179
Trisker slaughterers [Y] Beile 181
My melamdim [Y] Leibl Yek Meirs
  1. In R'Yankel Melamed's cheder [Y]   186
  2. Stories from the beloved melamed, of blessed memory [Y]   191
People in the Shtetl
To my brother Simcha (poem) [Y] Mates Alitzki 201
Malka from Radowice (poem) [Y] Z. Weinfer 202
  R'Bunem and Malka Radowiczer [Y] M. A. Perl 204
  Srulik Schneider (Rosenfeld) [Y]   206
  R'Shmuel Lederwarger (Frishberg) [Y]   207
  A Trisker Jew [Y]   208
Mother Sosel [Y] Baruch Mendelson 211
R'Zalman Balebos [Y] S. Keiser 214
Treitelche the female melamed [Y] R. L. Maspanis 218
Zalman Foren Nechemia Beer 220
Crumbs from my Trisk table [Y] R. AviShlomo 221
Culture and Education
The First Library in Turiysk [Y] Mordechai Eliezer Perl 230
The establisment of the Jewish folk–library [Y] Hershke Greenstein 234
  Neite Weiner Teitelker 238
  Moshe Shachat   241
  Leibl Reichenbaum   242
Etke Lyubranitzki [H] A. Lehrer 243
I was teacher in Trisk [H] Tonya Frishberg (Tepper) 244
My Jewish school [Y] Ethel Yerisyuk–Scheffer 251
Shaye Samet and Feigele Tzurif [Y] A. Maspali 254
The struggle was burning up my heart [Y] Reuven Nachmani 256
Portraits [H] Penina and Tamara 257
An odd visitor [Y] R. Ben–Nachman 260
Organizations, Pioneers
The Hashomer Trumpeldor movement [H] Kalman Liess 266
Kalman Liess [H] Israel Dietl, Avraham Gozani, Zelig Sobol 271
A training group in Trisk [H] Dov Harari 272
The communist movement in Trisk [Y] Itzik Bick 275
In the service of an idea [H] Arie Greenstein, Sara Segal, Sara Tennenboim 280
Theater, and more [H] Tamara and Penina 288
The first girls travel to Klasov [Y] Nechemia Beer 290
I fled to Klosova [H] Malka Greenstein 294
Pages from a diary [H] Dubit Bar – Ben Artzi 296
Flight and Aliya, fragments of discussions Participating: Gad, Shayke, Ben–Zion, Sara L.,
Sara S., Sara T., Duba, Nacman, Arie, Erka
In mourning (poem) [Y] L. Alitzki 318
In mourning (poem) [H] Hebrew: N. Livne 319
The first Germans [Y] Itzye Binder 320
On the long road to life [H] The Stcherev Family 329
“The tent” [H] Moshe Duvshani (Honigman) 336
My eyes are a source of tears (see Jeremiah 8:23) [H] Bracha Order 342
Upon the ruins of Trisk [H] Moshe Arder 348
R'Velvele's bitter death Ben–Zion Scher 350
About Lieber Brenner   353
The Purim Aktzia in the the Czestochowa ghetto [Y] Lieber Brenner 354
  A ballad about two children [Y] (poem) M. Alitzki 357
  Machlye Glaz (poem)   358
Mother (poem) [Y] Z. Weinfer 359
A bundle of letters [H] Pu'ah Wahl 360
The Trisk Martyrs, May God Avenge Their Blood   363
A Memorial to the Sons
Vulunteers of the Jewish Brigade in WWII Binyamin Ackerman 371
The Six–Day War Uzi Burstein 372
The Yom–Kippur War Yehoshua Yahalom (Finkelstein) 375
The sportsmen killed in Muenchen by terrorists Zev Friedman 376


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