Memorial Book of the Community of Tluszcz
(Tłuszcz, Poland)

52°25' / 21°27'

Translation of
Sefer zikaron le-kehilat Tluszcz

Editor: M. Gelbart

Published in Tel Aviv 1971




Our sincere appreciation to Yad Vashem
for the submission of the necrology for placement on the JewishGen web site.

This is a translation of: Sefer zikaron le-kehilat Tluszcz (Memorial book of the community of Tluszcz),
Editor: M. Gelbart, Association of Former Residents of Tluszcz in Israel, Published: Tel Aviv 1971 (H,Y 340 pages)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Tluszcz

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Translated by Yocheved Klausner


Our Town
The history of the town [Y] Chanoch Perel 11
Our town before the Holocaust [Y] Chanoch Perel 21
The Rav R'Yakov Yosef Brikman z”l [H] Chanoch Perel 25
Memories [H] Yitzhak Tzahovi 28
Pogroms in the town Tluszcz by the Czar's soldiers [H] Yitzhak Goldwasser 34
Two Personalities [H] Yitzhak Goldwasser 34
The pogrom in Tluszcz in 1914 [Y] Yitzhak Goldwasser 35
Two Personalities [Y] Yitzhak Goldwasser 36
The training kibbutz “Bar Kochba” [H] Gad Pleshva 38
My Heder years and the rabbis in Tluszcz [Y] Chanoch Perel 48
My thoughts are with Tluszcz [H] Dr. Reuven Ben-Shem 52
Memories from my old home [Y] Yosef Chodshi 55
That night [H] Yitzhak Tzahovi 60
The railroad catastrophy [Y] Chanoch Perel 69
The Tluszcz music band and its klezmer [Y] Chanoch Perel 73
My memories from my town Tluszcz [Y] Yoel Perl 78
Ani Ledodi - In memory of my uncle R'Menachem Mendel [H] Sara Perl 79
With the writer Shlomo Gilbert in Tluszcz [Y] Israel Amiyat 81
My rabbi in the emperor's portrait [Y] Israel Amiyat 87
Holocaust and Destruction
My life experiences and survival during WWII [Y] Chanoch Perel 95
The liquidation of the Tluszcz ghetto [Y] Michael Kossover 125
Various publications on the destruction of Tluszcz 1941-1942   129
The beginning of the end of the town Tluszcz [Y] Chanoch Perel 134
My life experience during the War [Y] Dora Mazer-Shkolnik 138
In the ghetto and on the Arian Side [Y] Halina Benet (Radziminski) 143
My life experiences during the Hitler period [Y] Arie Perel 149
Memories [Y] Dina Greenberg (Radziminski) 159
The annihilation of my family [Y] Yosef Chodshi 163
In the Arian Side [Y] Miriam Gitl Karson (Radziminski) 166
The ruin of Tluszcz [H] Moshe Radziminski 177
War experiences [Y] Asher Seimon 182
A miracle [Y] Israel Amiyat 184
My first acquaintance with Tluszcz [Y] Chana Perel Pressberg 190
A testimony [H] Miriam Gitl Karson 193
My life experiences during WWII [H] Lea Stolik Greenhaus 195
Mendel Perel, may God avenge his blood [Y] Ben-Menachem 203
My father and his home [H] Chanoch Perel 211
The last Head of the Community [Y] Chaim Stolik 217
Familiar figures [Y] Chanoch Perel 222
R'Shmuel Yankl Bergman z”l, the town cantor [Y] Moshe ben-Yaakov (Popovski) 249
Binyamin Zablodover, may God avenge his blood Menachem Ben-Zion Friedman 245
R'Baruch Mordechai Bergman z”l Alter Ben-Yehuda (Wollach) 256
R'Leibl Lerner z”l Chanoch Perel 269
R'Meir Taub, may God avenge his blood Chanoch Perel 262
The Lerner family [H] Tehila Nachmani (nee Lerner) 265
Memories from the Holocaust years [H] Yitzhak Gutowitz 269
In memory of Yona Radziminski, may God avenge his blood [H] Ruth Tzahovi 272
The Organization of former residents of Tluszcz Yitzhak Tzahovi 274
Necrology   279
List of Martyrs   333


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