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Volume II


50°18' / 19°10'

Translation of Sefer Sosnowiec v'hasviva b'Zaglembie

Edited by: Me'ir Shymon Gashury (Brukner)

Published in Tel-Aviv, 1974


Project Coordinator

Osnat Ramaty

Our sincere appreciation to Avraham Green, Chairman, World Zaglembie Organization
for permission to put this material on the JewishGen web site.

This is a translation from:
Sefer Sosnowiec v'hasviva b'Zaglembie (Book of Sosnowiec and the Surrounding Region in Zaglembie),
Editors: Me'ir Shymon Gashory (Brukner), Sosnowiec Societies in Israel and the United States,
France and other countries, Tel Aviv, 1974, (Vol. II / H, Y, 512 pages).

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fulfilling our mission of disseminating information about the Holocaust and destroyed Jewish communities.
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[Click here to enlarge the pictures]

Translated by Lance Ackerfeld

([H] indicates that the article appears in Hebrew and [Y] indicates that it is in Yiddish)

  The committees and organizations of the Sosnowiec and region émigrés 3
[H] Preface 10
[H] From Sosnowiec to Tel Aviv (recollections) 12
  Benjamin Dagieli (Fiszel) [picture] 57
[H] The Zionist Labor Party "Hitachdut" in Zaglembie 58
B. People and Businessmen
[Y] Rabbi Szmul Abramowicz 65
[H] Concerning three Jewish families in Sosnowiec 65
[Y] Szlomke Hamburgier 65
[Y] Berisz Warszawski 69
[Y] Mrs. Warszawski 70
[Y] Matusz Wajner 71
[Y] Painting and sculptures in Sosnowiec 71
[Y] Szlomo Fejwel Zyskind 72
[H] Abraham Zendel 73
[Y] Michael Treger 73
[Y] Lewi Jungster 74
[H] Baruch Lancman and Ester Szprynca 74
[H] Josef Lancman, may the Lord avenge his blood 75
[Y] Yermiya Igra 75
[Y] Fejwel Ostry 76
[Y] Mosze Miadownik 78
[H] Jecheskel Lezinger 78
[Y] Dr. Hersz Liberman 79
[Y] Jona Manele, the bath attendant 79
[Y] Alter Markowicz 79
[Y] Michael Milechir 80
[Y] Szmul Krystal 81
[Y] Berman (Bernard) Roman 81
[H] Zalman Wolfenson 82
[H] Israel Michael Berkowicz 82
[H] Lajbisz Federman 82
[H] Chanoch Jungster, the publisher 82
[H] Hersz Lipszyc 82
[H] Szaul Majtlis 82
[H] Mrs. Malka Makower 82
[H] Juda Cukierman 82
[H] Maurycy Rajcher 82
[H] Abraham Frydrych, may the Lord avenge his blood 84
[H] Szmu Rodower, the chief orderly 85
[Y] Sara Rotsztajn (Gorzlani) 85
[H] Natan Szliwinski 85
[Y] Jehoszua Szliwinski 86
[Y] Dawid Szwarcbaum (Big bear) 86
[H] Adina Szwajcer 88
[Y] Aron Szenicki 88
C. A List of People and Businessmen who passed away in Sosnowiec (1920-1939)
[Y] Szmul Parszenczewski 89
[Y] Chanoch Milsztajn 90
[Y] Simcha Kalman Najer 90
[Y] Josef Majer Roter, tombstone engraver 90
[H] Dawid Priwer 91
[H] Israel Zylberszac 91
[H] Isidor Firstenberg 91
[H] Iszajahu Rotner 91
[H] Edwar (Izak) Nachner 91
[H] Berisz Hercygier 91
[H] Towje Bajtner 92
[H] Ester Frymeta Englard from Strzemieszyce 92
[H] Jakób Lajb Abramczyk 92
[H] Hinda Englard from Strzemieszyce 92
[H] Zalman Enrst from Bedzin 92
[H] The Admor [our master and teacher] from Eretz Israel [Land of Israel], Rabbi Alter Biderman 92
[H] Chaim Binkowski 92
[H] Szabtaj Goldfajn 92
[H] Chaim Hamburgier 92
[H] Aron Weizman, may the Lord avenge his blood 93
  Picture gallery - pictures of people from various statuses and various settlements 106
D. The Holocaust and the Rebellion, Destruction and Annihilation
  Memorial shrine in the Holocaust cellar on Mt. Zion, Jerusalem (photograph) 109
  Memorial shrine of Zaglembie Émigrés in France 109
  Memorial shrine of Zaglembie Émigrés in Toronto, Canada 110
[H] So that they will know (fot the consecration day) by Jechiel Grantsztajn 113
[H] These pages 114
[Y] These pages 115
[H] And I carried out my revenge in red – a dirge – from the archives of Rabbi Izak Jedidia Frenkel 117
[H] First alarm in Sosnowiec 119
[H] The destruction of the Czeladz community 121
[H] The destruction of the Dabrowa community 122
[H] The destruction of the Jewish Strzemieszyce 123
[H] About the Modrzejów society 124
[H] Katowice (from the "Atrocity Book" edited by Bemjamin Minc) 125
[H] The destruction of Jewish Niwka 126
[H] In the Slawków and Dabrowa ghettoes 128
[H] The messiah complex of the despot; Moniek Meryn from Sosnowiec, in the Nazi ghetto 131
[H] Niwka 137
[H] The wanderings of one group 147
[H] "Yom Kippur" in the Paszow camp 150
[Y] Amongst the Nazis and their accomplices 151
[Y] A prisionor of the Nazis 153
[H] In the tempest of destruction and resurrection 167
[H] Heroic chapters in the Holocaust period (a "Kol Israel" broadcast) 173
[H] Wandering and Rebellion 174
[H] Sosnowiec chapters 196
[Y] My father's will 206
[Y] In the valley of pain and sorrow 210
[Y] Slavery and agony 216
[Y] The Zaglembian deportations 222
[Y] Concerning a monument in Auschwitz 225
[Y] Murderers of Jews from the Zaglembian region get their just deserts 226
[H] "And you had a sign on your arm" 227
[Y] Bibliographies from Jewish books and articles on the destruction and heroism in Zaglembie 228
[H] In the arms of annihilation 236
[H] By candlelight 246
[H] A fight for life in the shadow of death 250
[H] From the paths of terror and atrocity to my parent's home in Jerusalem 254
[H] The situation begins 259
[H] The life and death of Lajzer Szikman 263
[Y] In the valley of torture and agony 264
[Y] A humiliating return 272
[Y] In hell 285
[Y] Vivid experiences I encountered 294
[H] From the Holocaust 296
[Y] The beginning of the end 296
[H] From the brinks of annihilation to the pinnacles of liberation 297
[Y] About countries 310
[Y] The overwhelming Yizkor 312
[Y] From the beginning to the end 314
[Y] On the first day in Strzemieszyce 327
[Y] Back home… 333
[H] A desolate Sosnowiec 333
[Y] Lost years 339
[Y] Hard labor 342
[Y] The last [Jews] in Bedzin 345
[Y] The annihilation begins 346
[Y] Once there was a life 347
[H] Reb Lajbl Bajtner 349
[Y] About Bergen-Belsen 349
[Y] In the struggle for life 351
[Y] Long memories 354
[Y] The beginning and the end of the torture 356
[Y] Thoughts 359
[Y] The annihilation of the Zaglembian Jewish settlement as described during the Eichmann trial 363
[H] The universe closed in on me 364
[H] Czeladz – a memorial to her martyrs 365
E. Yizkor
[H] Yizkor 375
  A memorial candle to the martyrs – commemorated by their relatives in the USA and Canada 377
[H] A memorial candle to the martyrs – commemorated by their relatives in France 396
[H] A memorial candle to the martyrs – commemorated by their relatives in Israel 398
[H] The memorial over the ashes in the Nachlat Yitzhak cemetery 405
  Martyrs in photographs 406
[H] From that inferno 412
F. In memory of the fallen - Sons of Zaglembie émigrés who fell in Israel's wars
[H] Josef Ben Hadar 415
[H] Amit Ben Horin 416
[H] Michael Harel (Frajberg) 417
[H] Shmuel Wigdor 418
[H] Josef Yitzhak Verona 419
[H] Alexander Zoskowicz 420
[H] Shalom Yitzhak Judkewicz 421
[H] Joel David Cohen 422
[H] Elijahu Salomon 423
[H] Avraham Josef Friedrich 424
[H] Szmul Szwajcer 425
[H] Yari Shahak 426
[H] Jakob Shahar 427
[H] Josef Liberman 428
[H] Joel Ze'ev Lustiger 429
[H] Avraham Borowski 429
[H] Avigdor Izak Dreksler 430
[H] Arie Kas 430
[H] Meir Yarom 431
[H] Zvi Paz (Pomeranc) 431
[H] Menashe Bugajski 432
[H] Gad (Gadi) Manele 433
[H] Cabinet minister Rabbi Michael Hazani, of blessed memory 434
[H] The Zaglembie Émigrés Organization commitee 435
[H] Some final words 436
[Y] Some final words 437
  The Holy Ark in the synagogue of Sosnowiec 465
  Workers from the KKL in Sosnowiece 466
  Inauguration of the Jewish hospital in Sosnowiec 466
[H] On the main road to the State of Israel 467
[H] From Sosnowiec to Tel Aviv 468
  A document belonging to the "Mizrachi" Organization in Sosnowiec 508
  Trade bank in Tel Aviv 509
  Permission granted to Mr. Dagieli in 1944 510
[H] Invitation to the inaugral ceremony of the trade bank branch office in Beer-Sheba 512
  Book of Sosnowiec and the Surrounding Region in Zaglembie, Volume I  

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
Emerita Yizkor Book Project Manager, Joyce Field z”l
Contact person for this translation Osnat Ramaty
This web page created by Osnat Ramaty

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Updated 28 Jun 2020 by LA