Memorial Book Sokolow-Podlask
(Sokołów Podlaski, Poland)

52°24' / 22°15'

Translation of
Sefer ha-zikaron; Sokolow-Podlask

Editor: M. Gelbert

Published in Tel Aviv 1962



Project Coordinator

Ken Opengart

Alfred Opengart z”l (emeritus)
Bea Opengart (emerita)


This is a translation of: Sefer ha-zikaron; Sokolow-Podlask (Memorial book Sokolow-Podlask),
Editor: M. Gelbert, Residents of Sokolow-Podlask in Israel and in the USA, Published: Tel Aviv 1962 (H,Y 813 pages)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Sokolow Podlaski (1962)

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Translated by Yocheved Klausner


Editorial Board for the Sokolov yizker-bukh   7
Sokolov Podlaski City Map Meyshe Zaints 8
Introduction   10
Let us Tell   12
The Old Home
Sokolow Podalski Ithak Raizman 17
The AMDOR of Sokolow-Podlask Gad Zaklikovski 29
Rabbi Moshe Zvi Vingerten Yitzhak Caspi 37
The Sokolov Melody Khayim Meyshe Mayzlish 39
The Sokolov Rebi's Yeshive Mordkhe Khayne 45
Our House in the Shul–heyf Hershl Madanski 51
From the Shtetl Meyshe Mandlboym 56
Sokolov Between the Two World Wars Meyshe Zayants 72
The Street of My Childhood Years Sore Bar–Sholem 91
“Koze” Street Perets Granatshteyn 96
Our shtetl Nakhum Zilberman 104
Sokolov Until the Destruction Avrom Beialilev 109
The Great Conflagration Hershl Y. Koyfman 117
The Dawn Prayer-group Yitskhak Rayzman 123
In the Shtetl Borekh Rozenboym 128
My Shtetl Sokolov Yisroel Kasher 132
My Grandfather Writes a Seyfer Torah Mordkhe Reznik 142
The Night Tells Meyshe Shteyngart 144
I Accompany My Father Meyshe Shteyngart 145
Of Old-time Sokolov Gad Zaklikowski 147
Jewish Economic Life in Sokolov Neta Koyfman (Ekhu) 155
The Jewish Community in Sokolov Avrom Bialilev, Pinkhas Rafalovitsh 170
The Burial and Psalm Society Eliezer Rubinshteyn 179
The Jewish Loan Fund Pinkhas Rafalovitsh 181
Sokolov Craftsmen Nosn Fademberg 186
The TOZ in Sokolov A. Rubenshteyn, Kh. Rotshteyn 190
From the Sokolov Hell Khanina Rotshteyn 197
The Yavne School in Sokolov Pinkhas Rafelovitsh 200
Hashomer Hadati movement in Sokolow A. Rubinstein 206
The Russian and the German Yekhiel Ornshteyn 209
Sokolov Youth I. Nahari–Mendzshitski 211
The “Frayhayt” Movement in Sokolov Tsvi Tshekhanovitski 218
The Zionist Organization in Sokolov Y. Grinberg 223
The Joys of Youth in the Nest of The Young Guard [H] Adina Yelin-Landoy 227
The Bund in Sokolov from 1900 to 1911 Nosn Fodemberg 229
The Bund Movement in Sokolov Borekh Roznboym 233
The Bund in Sokolov Khenina Rotshteyn 236
My Environs Note Koyfman 241
Houses of Prayer in Sokolov Pinkhas Rafelovitsh 255
On the Roads to the Familiar Shtetl Y. Rozenberg 284
Social Struggles in the City-The Pioneers are Coming [H] Haim Bar-Shalom 287
The First Zionists of Sokolov [H] Haim Bar Shalom 288
The Last Remembrance Leah Morgnshtern 289
Sokolov at the Beginning of the Century Khayim Bar-Sholem (Fridluv) 293
Between hammer and anvil I. Grinberg 304
The Day of Giving of the Balfour Declaration in Our Town [H] Mattel Freider-Kaplan 307
Agudat Israel in Sokolow A Sokolower 310
Sokolov-Podlask - A Stroll over the Jewish Streets Avrom Shpadl 312
Sokolov Ghetto Simkhe Poliakevitsh 323
The Annihilation of Sokolov [H] Pinkhas Rafalovitsh 397
On the Aryan side and in the Forest Tsipore Rozen-Makhron 431
From the German Hell Khane Shtutman-Vishny 442
The Bedeviled Circle of Danger Gedalye Vishny 451
On the Aryan Side Pola Shvarts 458
Escape from Treblinka Shimon Greenshpan 465
From Those Days Shmuel Kohen 469
My Experiences in the German Concentration Camps Elye Shteynberg 478
In the French Resistance Hershl Y. Koyfman 518
In a Partisan Soviet Printery Avrom Farbiarzsh 523
My Wanderings Between Life and Death Khanetshe Grinberg 530
Return to Sokolov … Khave Shpadl 536
Sokolov … Without Jews Shleyme Rotshteyn 540
Sokolov … After the End M. Tzanin 544
A memorial list of victims 548
Sokolov Landsmanshaft in Chicago Meyshe Mandlboym 575
Sokolov Landsmanshaft in New York M. Chayne 588
The Sokolov Aid Committee in Los Angeles Khanina Rotshteyn 599
The Sokolov Landsmanshaft in Paris Ayzik Goptarnik 602
Sokolov in Israel Khayim Bar-Sholem (Fridlub) 614
Saved from the Fire
Shmuel Avrom Bernshteyn 629
Pinkhas Subul Y. Nakhri 630
Dov Guldshteyn H. Bar-Sholem 632
Mordkhe Grinberg Itskhok Ben-Aron 635
Mordkhe Halbershtat 637
Khaym Zilberman, Yankev Tikulski, Avrom and Kheytsa Ziunts, Mendl Lushitski, Yankev Lustigman Khaym Ber-Sholem (Fridluv) 639
Rov Meyshe Dovid Morgenshtern of blessed memory Rov B. M. 646
Sender Rubinshteyn Pinkhas Raplovits 649
Yehuda Hirsh Sakez-Yudluber Pinkhas Rafelovits 650
Rebi Mendl Morgnshteyn May God Avenge His Blood A Sokolover 652
Henokh Zayants A Sokolover 653
Dr. Yosef Zilberman Khayim Bar-Sholem (Fridlub) 655
Dr. Yosef Zilberman Leyvi 657
Dr. Yosef Zilberman Dr. M. Dvorzshetski 658
A Key Dr. Yosef Zilberman 660
Borukh Vinogura Y. Manitsh 664
Social and Folkish Poetry in the Yiddish Verse Borukh Vinogura 667
Khane Kovalska Lili Berger 672
Ayzik Platner [Flatner?] “Folks-shtime” Lili Berger 675
Poems [“City”, “Snow”, “Dawn”, “Thus am I Happy”] Ayzik Platner 676
Shimen Vays and Yisroel Morgnshtern H. Rotshteyn 680
Two People Who Fooled One Another Shimen Vays 685
Poems [“Late Summer”, “Tamuz Evening”, “I Will Have to Become a Stone”] Y.Y. Morgenshtern 690
Gad Zaklikovski of blessed memory, Reb Yankev Fridlub of blessed memory, Reb Alter – The Sokolov Village Walker, The Paramedic Aron Vans may God avenge his blood, Yisroel Bram, The Bundle of Hair Simkha Poliakevitsh 692
Butshe Rubinshteyn's Estate Perets Granatshteyn 708
Arye Tsibule Peretz Granatstein 713
Hershl Grinberg Gad Zaklukovski 718
Alter Ben-Tsion Shuster Gad Zaklikowski 720
Berl Meter-Boyman Gad Zaklukovski 722
R'Yitzhak'l Soifer, Alter Chaim Kapawi, Yakov Leib Blumberg, Hershl Lapata, Golde the laundry-woman, Chaim Baruch Wassertreger [water carrier], Shmuel Pasmanter Avraham Byalilew 726
Chaim Shmuel Rosenbliem, Mordechai Zalmans (Winagora), Israel Yankele, Avraham Yoel Melamed (Hochberg), Chane Sheine Chave's Yakov Grinberg 733
Der Alter Yakel [old Yakel], Shiye Dvoshes, Yankel Chacham, Mordechai Zalmans, Mordechai Lokaver Hershel I. Koifman 737
R'Pinye Ashers Beltche Hendel-Reisman 741
Kalman Yechiel Friedman, Avraham Steinwaks, Chanoch Dagan, Zvi Betzali, Chana di bekerin [Chana the baker woman] Yechiel Orenstein 744
R'Pintche, R'Moshe Aharon, R'Zelikel Leibush Rubinstein 749
Chaim Moshe Spielman Dr. Avraham Spielman 752
Avraham Vierzhbe Ch. Bar-Shalom 755
Yidele Grinberg K. Giesser 757
Necrology 759


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