There Once was a Shtetl


50°03' / 21°37'

Translation of Hayo hayta Ayara Ropczyce

Edited by Ita Rosenfeld

Published in Israel, 1985



Project Coordinator

Aryeh Wanderman

Our sincere appreciation to Ita Rosenfeld
for permission to put this material on the JewishGen web site.

Translated and submitted to the Yizkor Book Project by Aryeh Wanderman
for the Kolbuszowa Region Research Group (KRRG)

This is a translation from: Hayo hayta Ayara Ropczyce (There Once was a Shtetl Ropczyce),
ed. Ita Rosenfeld, privately published, Israel, 1985 (144 pp, H)

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Introduction   1
From the publisher   5
From the Carta Encyclopedia of the Nations of the World   7
Ropshitz Sarah Gold Avraham 8
My Shtetl Miriam Kurtz (Bar Haim) 11
Relationship with the Christian Population From the memoirs of Avraham Fessel 13
From the Memoirs of Shimon Hirsch   14
Jewish Life in the Shtetl Yaakov Reiss 17
Educational Institutions in Ropshitz Yehoshua Gold 20
More About Jewish Life in the Shtetl Avraham Fessel 23
The Community Institutions Yehoshua Gold 25
Ropshitz in the days of the Russian-Japanese War Yaakov Reiss 27
Ropshitz at the Outbreak of the Fist World War Mina Reich Shachar 28
The Lethargy of the Jews of Galicia Aharon Hirsch 32
The Rise of Zionism Among the Youth in Ropshitz   34
        Mina Shahar   34
        Itta Shahar   37
        Avraham Fessel   38
        Shimon Hirsch   38
        Mina Levy (Schechter)   39
        Malka Birnbaum Weitz (wife of Shlomo Birnbaum)   40
        A Letter fom the Golah Yissahar Hesnekopf 45
        Sarah Ganor (Bronheim)   47
Rabbi Naphtali of Ropshitz, based on “Sarei Hameah” by Rabbi Maimon Miriam Bar-Haim (Kurz) 49
Excerpts from “Tzidkat Hechacham” by Aviezer Berstein,
on the life and teachings of the saintly Rabbi Naphtali of Ropshitz
An Excerpt from the “Sefer Hachasidut” of David Alfasi   54
Other Articles Which Have Appeared in Recent Years in
Israeli Newspapers About the Wisdom and Deeds of Rabbi Naphtali
Typical Figures from the Shtetl as I Remember Them Yehoshua Gold 61
Wise Sayings, Tales and Jokes of the Jews of Ropshitz Yaakov Reiss 64
Recollections Sarah Avraham 68
The Second World War War: Men Who Fought in the War as Soldiers Yehoshua Gold 70
Ropshitz During the Occupation (1939 -- 1945) Yehoshua Gold 74
The Story of a Survivor of the Second World War Yehoshua Gold 81
Data obtained from Poland   86
The Attempts of the Priest Dr. Jan Zewiz to Save Jews Bogdan Novick 87
Description of the Last Days of Some of the Jews of Ropshitz Sarah Avraham (Gold) 89
Impressions from a Trip to Poland in 1967 Yehoshua Gold 92
The Home of the Rabbi Sarah Avraham (Gold) 98
Yehudah Leibush Kurz, of blessed memory Sheindel Shvebel, Bluma Mostovsky, Miriam Bar-Haim104
My Father's Home Sarah Ganor107
In Memory of Dr. David Eichenholz 108
In Memory of Avraham Yehudah Melamed Dardeki Mordechai Reiss110
My Father's Home Minah Reich-Shachar111
Memories David Femstein112
My Father's Home Leah Karpas (Rosen)113
Gedaliah Kol-Tov 114
My Father's Home Itta Shachar115
In Memory of my Mother and Sister Nechama (Sinai) Mazah117
About Eli Reivitz and his Family Nechama (Sinai) Mazah118
My Father's Home Haim Klein119
In Memory of My Father, Mother, Brothers and Sisters Mordechai Reiss120
The History of One Family Yehoshua Gold122
Shlomo Issler 128
A Monument Miriam Bar-Haim (Kurz)143
A Poem Ita Rosenfeld144
The Families from Ropczyce who were Exterminated in the Holocaust   132

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