The Jewish Community of Roman
(Roman, Romania)

46°55' / 26°55'

Translation of
Obstea evreiascaă din Roman

Published in Bucuresşti, 2001




Our sincere appreciation to Alexandru Singer, Director of Editura Hasefer,
for permission to put this material on the JewishGen web site.


Translations by Sorin Goldenberg, Avishalom (Avi) Klammer,
Emil Lax, Rony Shaham & Monica Talmor

Editing and additional translations by Yocheved Klausner


This is a translation from: Obstea evreiascaă din Roman (The Jewish Community of Roman),
by Pincu Pascal and published by Editura Hasefer, Bucuresşti, Romania, 2001

Purchase details for a printed copy of this translation can be found at

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A. The Demographic Development of the Jews of Roman and Surroundings
Their Participation in the Economic, Cultural and Political Life. Aspects of Their Relationship With the General Population.
  I. Jewish Presence in Roman and Surroundings Prior to 1938 7
  II. The Jews in Roman during the period of the Dictators 25
B. The Jewish Community of Roman throughout time
  I. Historical evolution of the community of Roman 41
  II: Community Institutions and Concerns 48
    a. Synagogues and the religious personnel 48
    b. Cemeteries 55
    c. The Bathhouse. Insuring the Kosher Food Supply 61
    d. Social welfare and health 62
    e. Jewish Schools in Roman 69
C. Charity and Mutual Aid Associations. Additional societies established by Jews
    a. Masonic Lodges 86
    b. Mutual Aid Societies 87
    c. Mutual Aid associations of the craftsmen 89
    d. Ladies Associations and Societies 91
    e. The “Maccabi” Association 92
    f. The Jewish students association in Roman 93
    g. The local sections of the U.E.P. 93
D. The Zionist Movement
The Zionist Movement 95
E. Aspects of the Spiritual Life of the Jews in Roman and Surroundings
(language, attire, folklore, Jewish publications, libraries, conferences, theater and music)
Aspects of the Spiritual Life of the Jews in Roman and Surroundings 108
F. The Jews of Roman and the Jewish Problem In the Local and National Press
The Jews of Roman and the Jewish Problem In the Local and National Press 121
Appendix: Supporting Documents 130
Notes 195


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