Memorial book: the Ritavas Community;
A Tribute to the Memory of our Town

(Rietavas, Lithuania)

55°44' / 21°56'

Capetown, South Africa 2000




Our sincere appreciation to Prof. Milton Shain and Romi Kaplan of the Kaplan-Kushlick Foundation
for permission to place this material on the JewishGen web site.

Our sincere thanks to Seth Morgulas who scanned and edited the text,
and to Helen Rosenstein Wolf for editing a considerable proportion of the scans,
this enabling us to facilitate the addition of all the text to this project.

This is the: Memorial book: the Ritavas Community; A Tribute to the Memory of our Town,
Edited by Dr Dina Porat and Ronib Stauber,
and published in 2000 in Cape Town, South Africa, by The Kaplan-Kushlick Foundation.

Purchase details for a printed copy of this translation can be found at

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Chapter Title Author Page
Foreword (Riteve - A Jewish Shtetl In Lithuania) Dina Porat 8
1 A Background to the Story of Riteve Mendel Kaplan 12
      Part One: Lithuania and its Jewish Community 12
      Part Two: Riteve and Its Jewish Community 19
      Part Three: What Makes a Litvak a Litvak 22
2 The Jewish Shtetl in Lithuania Dina Porat 26
3 The Jews of Lithuania in the Inter–War Period Roni Stauber 29
4 History of Riteve Townsfolk 35
5 Memoirs From Riteve Townsfolk 57
6 Personalities in Riteve Townsfolk 90
7 Public and Zionist Institutions Townsfolk 115
8 The Jewish Sabbath and Holidays Townsfolk 128
9 The Holocaust in Riteve Dina Porat 143
The Holocaust of Lithuanian Jewry Roni Stauber 143
The destruction of the Riteve community Roni Stauber 149
Testimonies 154
Yizkor: List of Victims 165
10 A South African Returns to the Lithuanian Shtetl Mendel Kaplan 168
Appendix 1 184
Ha–Melitz, No. 128, June 24, 1900.
(A list of names of about 100 donors from Riteve,
who collected 26.20 roubles for a fund for the hungry in Bessarabia.)
Appendlx 2
They Died For Israel – Some Obituaries
Glossary of Jewish Terms 189
Footnotes on the Chapters 192
Index 200


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