Story of a Destroyed Jewish Community
(Ratno, Ukraine)

51°40' / 24°31'

Translation of
Ratne; sipura shel kehila yehudit she-hushmeda

Editor: Nachman Tamir

Published in Tel Aviv, 1983, Ratno Society in Israel



Project Coordinator

Lynne Siegel


This is a translation from: Ratne; sipura shel kehila yehudit she-hushmeda (Ratno; Story of a Destroyed Jewish Community),
Editor: Nachman Tamir, Tel Aviv, 1983, Ratno Society in Israel (H 331 pages)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Ratno

Purchase details for a printed copy of this translation can be found at http://www.jewishgen.org/yizkor/ybip/YBIP_Ratno.html

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The Story of a Destroyed Jewish Community

Publisher: Nachman Tamir
Edition editor: Moshe Droog
Publishing committee: Moshe Gutman z”l, Shmuel Goldman, Zeev Grabov,
Ya'ako Grabov, Simcha Lavie, Shlomo Perlmutter, Pearl Vernik Karsh

Published by the Organization of Ratno Descendants in Israel
Tel Aviv 1983.


Translated by Jenni Buch

Edited by Jerrold Landau


Title Author Page No.
Preface to the Book Moshe Droog 7
Origins and History of the Jewish Community
Early Ratno in Historical Sources   12
Jews in Ratno Fishel Held 16
The Jews of Ratno in the Last 70 Years Yudel Konishter 19
Hebrew Schools on the Eve of the First World War Leibel Wahl 43
Between the Two World Wars
Between the Two World Wars   59
In the Days of Bulak Balachowicz   61
In the Eyes of a Child Shmuel Goldman 63
The Balachowiczes Come to the Town L. Baion 65
The Days of Bulak Balachowicz Binyamin Fuchs 67
I Hate you, Ukraine Sh. Goldman 69
The First Zionists Yudel Malkus 72
Political Parties and Organizations in our Shtetl Moshe Honik 75
The First Scouts Yaakov Rog 84
The First Buds L. Baion 86
Letter to a Friend A.Y. Ginzburg 86
The New Era Simcha Lavie 91
On the Borders Aryeh Avrech 91
The Era of Ideological Excitement L. Baion 94
Hechalutz Hatzair [The Young Pioneer] Shmuel Goldman 94
To Escape from the Valley of the Shadow of Death Batya Chayat 97
Six that were Designated Avraham Grabov 98
My Path to the Movement Shmulik Goldman 98
Mornings in my Town Avraham Grabov 100
Moments Avraham Grabov 100
  Shmulik Goldman 101
I Will Not Allow! Shmulik Goldman 101
Spring on the Roads Shaul Greenstein 102
In the Workshops of the Early Pioneers Shmuel Goldman 103
The Chapter of “Hashomer Hatzair” Zeev Grabov 105
The Uniqueness of our Chapter Devora and Yehudit 105
The Pact of Trumpeldor and the Revisionists Dov Marin 113
The Workers Union Chaim Grabov 116
The Tradesmen and the Unions A. Berg 120
Chapters of Memories and Experiences
Memories of the Distant Past Isser Kamintzky 125
My First Attempt at Agriculture Simcha Lavie 125
The Terror of Fires Chaya Frusman 127
How do you Teach? Berel Kahan 132
With the Stain of Poverty Berel Kahan 132
Articles from “Hamelitz” Newspaper David Finkelstein 134
Teachers and Educators at “Tarbut” Zeev Grabov 137
Noach Kotzker - Teacher and Educator Noah Cohen 141
The Battle over the Library Yisrael Honik 141
Thou Shalt not Make Graven Images Leib Olitzky 147
Tidbits Zeev Grabov 149
About the Town Chaim Hazaz 151
Impressions from a Visit to Ratno in 1937 Mordechai Gefen 152
The Mission Zeev Grabov 155
The Holocaust Era
In the Days of Soviet Rule   161
Embers of a Broomwood Fire Shlomo Perlmutter 161
A Chapter from my Diary Avraham Berg 166
These I Remember Shlomo Vernik 166
Sorrowful Memories Ben Zion Kamintzky 170
Roads and Dreams Yisrael Chayat 170
How were the Sparks of Revenge Ignited? Yaakov Grabov 173
There Were Also Such as Those Yaakov Grabov 176
I was Saved by a Polish Woman Hershel Mustiscer 178
From the Diary of a Brand Plucked from the Fire Yehuda Kagan 180
Yehuda Kagan   180
My Revenge Eli Zisik 182
The Way of the Partisan Yaakov Grabov 187
One day in Ratno Shlomo Perlmutter 187
With the Covering of the Grave (a poem) Simcha Lavie 199
Memories of the Holocaust Pearl Vernik Karsh 202
The First Days of the Nazi Regime Shlomo Perlmutter 202
Pages from a Diary Yisrael Chayat 210
My Way in the Land Pearl Vernik-Karsh 214
In Honor of the Ratno Survivors Tova Gandelsman (Bokser) 215
The Tribulations of Freedom Yisrael Chayat 215
The Fateful Escape Shlomo Vernik 221
From the Stories of the Fighters - Two Brothers with the Partisans Elchanan Steingarten 221
With a Song on Their Lips Shlomo Perlmutter 226
A Survivor's Story Eliyahu Liberman 226
The Story of Her Survival Dvora Dorner (Teitelbaum) 229
Revenge and Recompense Shlomo Perlmutter 231
The Traitor Michael Glider 231
Next to the Open Album Yisrael Honik 236
At the End of the Story Shlomo Perlmutter 236
On Martyrdom and The Violin Shlomo Perlmutter 239
How the Jews of Ratno were Murdered Shlomo Perlmutter 242
How the Jews of Ratno were Murdered Shlomo Perlmutter 242
Ratno (A Poem) Zeev Grabov 243
Two out of 130 Shlomo Perlmutter 244
After Forty Years – A Public Dialogue Among Holocaust Survivors   249
After Forty Years – A Public Dialogue Among Holocaust Survivors   249
We Shall Remember – A list of the Ratno Martyrs   262
Ratno Descendants in Israel and Abroad
The Story of Mordechai Gefen   271
The Story of Moshe Droog   276
The Story of Shmuel Goldman   281
The Story of Simcha Lavie (Leker)   287
Childhood Landscapes Simcha Lavie 287
The Story of Eliahu Feintuch   290
The Story of Charna Givoni (Geenstein)   292
The Organization of Ratno Natives in Israel Simcha Lavie 293
I Thank You, Father and Mother! Aviva 293
A meeting of the Ratno natives in Kfar Sirkin Shmuel Goldman 296
Ratners will Always be Ratners Zeev Grabov 300
On the Communal Activities of Ratno Natives in Argentina Zeev Grabov 305
Ratno Natives in Argentina Isser Kamintzky 305
Ratno Descendants in the United States   310
The Ratno Heritage in Cuba L. Shapira 311
Ratners in Israel   313
Ratners who Died in Israel   317
Avraham Grabov Moshe Kliger 318
Our Brother Avraham Chaya 319
Avrech Aryeh Pialkov 321
My Native Land (poem) A. Avrech 321
Pnina Brustin (nee Droog) of blessed memory Mordechai Gefen 323
The Image of Pnina   323
Moshe Greenstein of blessed memory Shmuel Goldman 324
Yisrael (Srulik) Steingarten   325
Mordechai Yanover of blessed memory Shmuel Goldman 327
Arnon–David Grabov Writes to his Mother   328
Arnon–David Grabov   328
Moshe Gutman of blessed memory S. Lavie and M. Gefen 330
Pnina Drezner of blessed memory Nechama Meril 331
Miriam Shoshani of blessed memory M. Gefen 331
Afterward – In Memory Shmuel Goldman  
Ratno Yizkor Book Photo Captions


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Updated 30 May 2020 by LA