Memorial Book of Pabianice
(Pabianice, Poland)

51°40' / 19°22'

Translation of Sefer Pabianice

Edited by: A. W. Yassni

Published in Tel Aviv, 1956

Our sincere appreciation to Yad Vashem
for the submission of this material for placement on the JewishGen web site.

This is a translation from: Sefer Pabianice, (Memorial Book of Pabianice),
Edited by A. W. Yassni and the former residents of Pabianice in Israel, 1956 (Hebrew, Yiddish, 419 pages).

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Pabianice

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Translated by Gloria Berkenstat Freund (Yiddish) and by Sara Mages (Hebrew)

Title Author Page
Foreward   III
The Jewish Settlement Until the First World War
“Megilus” Pabiance [Scroll of Pabiance] M. W. Kochman 13
The Jewish Pabiance Engineer D. Dawidowicz 36
First Pabiance Public School for Jewish Children M. W. Kochman 58
Jewish Pabiance at the beginning of this century Josef Bialik 60
Old Wooden School in Pabiance Area Engineer D. Dawidowicz 64
Jewish Weavers Yehoshua Birnbaum 71
Memories of My Childhood Years Fishl Rozensztajn 78
The Religious Life: Hasidim, Rebbes and Charitable Societies
The Religious Life Moshe Jakubowicz 85
The Institution “Or Torah” [Light of Torah] of Pabiance Naftali Krul 93
Lask – the Neighboring “Kehile” [organized Jewish community] Engineer D. Dawidowicz 97
“Bikur Kholim” [Care for the Sick] and “Linas HaTzedek” [assistance for the sick] Dovid Papiernik 105
“Malbish Arumim” [clothing the naked] Society Moshe Kahan 107
Reb Avraham – the “Gemara Melamad” [Talmud teacher] Yitzhak Grynsztajn 109
Tales of Pabiance Avraham Wajz 117
Communal-Party Activity and the Struggle for Workers' Rights
The beginning of the Zionist activity in our town Josef Bialik 127
The Zionist revolution in the “Gerer Shtibel” Moshe Kahan 137
Poalei-Zionist Activity in the Struggle for Worker Rights Moshe Banet 145
In the Years after the First World War Chaim Papiernik 178
In the Last Period of the Second World War Shlomo Szmiali 182
“Hashomer HaTzair” [Socialist Zionist] Movement D. Ben Josef 185
The Revisionist Movement Gershon Rajchman 191
“Keren Hakayemet Le'Israel” [The Jewish National Fund] Battalion Gershon Rajchman 195
Military Liberation for Jews Gershon Rajchman 199
Maccabi [Jewish Sports Movement] Gershon Rajchman 200
The Jewish Cooperative Credit Bank M. Kochman 202
Culture and School Activities
Hebrew High School Engineer Yitzhak Gilin-Z'linski 209
Cultural Institutions and the Pabiancer Zeitung [newspaper] Dovid D. 217
The “HaZamir” [Choral Organization] in Pabiance Wolf Bresler 221
“HaZamir” [Choral Organization] During the Years 1933-1939 Yakov Grynsztajn 223
Personalities from Jewish Pabiance   227
Reb Moshe Adler, Reb Eliyahu Banet, Hersh Josef Giske, Nusan Golas, Shmuel Dovid Grynsztajn. Reb Josef Dawidowicz, Reb Yakov Wigacki, Asher Winter, Reb Yakov Jakubowicz, The Khazan [cantor] Reb Yeramayu Winderownik, Mordekhai Chamora, Gershon Leib Pakin, Reb Henikh Rajchman, Dr. Josef Ben Regn (Szurcuser), Dr. Shmuel Szenker, Dwoyra Szerodzka-Kiak. Followers of the Enlightenment, Artists and Writers H. L. Czitnicki  
A “Sefer” [book, usually a religious one]   282
Sons of the Pabiancer Jews and the War of Independence in the Land of Israel
Avraham Ben Henokh (Frajman), Shimon Ahron Grynberg, Ben-Tzion Ariyeh   289
In the “Gehenom” [hell] of Extermination and Death
The Song of Shlomo Czelichowski Yitzhak Katzenelson 301
R’ Mendali from Piabance is going to Treblinka M. Prager 305
The First Months Under the Nazi Occupation Dr. T. Sasna-Lipczic 309
We Survived the German Extermination A testimony 313
From Pabiance to the Zbąszyń Torture Camp Moshe Herszman and A. T. Kochman 328
How I Survived the War Yehoshua Birnbaum 331
People's Kitchen for Pabiancer in Occupied Warsaw Ruchl Abramczyk-Alawieski 343
Pabiance Partisan in the White Russian (Belarus) Forests Yakov Grynsztajn 345
News/Information in the Press of Eretz-Yisroel about the German Extermination of Jews in Pabiance D. Dawidowicz 384
Pabiance Jews in the Wide World (Landsmanschaftn [societies of people from the same town])   391
Final Remarks. Observations A. Wolf Jasni 414

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