The City of Yesterday:
Memorial Book of the Jews of Nagyvarad
(Oradea, Romania)

47°04' / 21°56'

A tegnap varosa; a nagyvaradi zsidosag emlekkonyve
[Ir ve-etmol; sefer zikaron le-yehudei Grosswardein]

(also Salonta, - 46°48' / 21°39' and Borod, - 46°59' / 22°38')

Edited by: Dezso Schon et al.

Published in Tel-Aviv, 1981



Translator and Project Coordinator

Susan Geroe


This is a translation of the: A tegnap varosa; a nagyvaradi zsidosag emlekkonyve
[Ir ve-etmol; sefer zikaron le-yehudei Grosswardein]

(A city and yesterday; memorial book to the Jews of Grosswardein),
Editors: Dezso Schon et al., Tel Aviv, Grosswardein Society in Israel, 1981 (Hu, 446 pages).

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Oradea (1981)

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Memorial Book of the Jews of Nagyvarad


Yiskor - Kadish - Preface 5-9
View of Nagyvarad - map 11-16
Dezso Schon: The Path of the Jews of Nagyvarad
        The First Jewish Cemetery of Oradea
        Student Congress in Oradea
        The three Great Rabbis of Oradea
        What was Missing in Oradea
Odon Groszmann: The Orthodox Jewish Community 148-192
Tibor Lax: The Neolog Jewish Community 193-202
The Life and Activities of Dr. Lipot Kecskemeti 200
Dr. Lipot Kecskemeti: Sermon 202-205
Nandor Hegedus: Remembrance of Dr. Kecskemeti 205-207
Tibor Lax: Post Holocaust Neology 207-209
Dezso Schon: Centennial of the Zion Synagogue 210-211
Odon Groszmann: Forced Labor Camp 211-217
Odon Groszmann: Agudath Israel in Nagyvarad 217-222
Slomo Zimroni: Zionist Movement in Nagyvarad 222-230
Mose Heller: Jews in Nagyvarad Sports Life 230-234
Bela Jakabovits: Obituary to Miklos Heller 234-234
Anonymous: Nagyvarad Jews in the World at Large 234-238
Jozsef Greda: Endre Ady and the Jewry of Nagyvarad 238-241
Otto Rappaport: The Shout of Silence 241-243
Otto Rappaport: Belated Grieving 243-246
Anonymous: The Jewish Population of Nagyvarad 246-246
Dr. Imre Kirsch: Panorama of Oradea 246-248
Dr. Gergely: This Is How the Germans Occupied the Jewish Hospital of Nagyvarad 248-249
Istvan Marton: The Birkenau Platform 249-253
Miklos Heller: Nagyvarad Jews in the French Resistance 253-255
Zoltan Leitner: What should the Jew Do to Be Liked? 255-257
Salom Sarona: The vicissitudes of a Prayer Book 257-258
Camp Orders Within the Ghetto 258-261
Sandor Leitner: The Tragedy of the Nagyvarad Jewry (Journal) 261-319
Anonymous: Lieutenant-Colonel Imre Revicky 320-320
Jozsef Mero-Marmonstein: Poem  320-320
Anonymous: Adolf Eichmann 321-321
Anonymous: Schedule of Deportations 322-322
Anonymous: Environs of Oradea 323-325
Anonymous: The Journal of Eva Heymann--Introduction 326
Extracts from the Diary of Eva Heyman 328
Odon Groszmann: Little Mosaics from the life of the Nagyvarad Jewry 330-332
Miklos Danos: Bearing Witness 333-341
Odon Groszmann: Auschwitz 341-345
Dr. Miklos Nyiszli: I was a Physician in Auschwitz 345
Dezso Schon: The “V-1” Secret 350-356
Otto Honig: Poems  356-356
Dr. Jozsef Katz: Pilgrimage to Auschwitz 357-362
Akos Dutka: Arrival of Leda 360-361
Endre Ady: The Branded Lot (poem) 362-362
Tamas Emod: Why Are You Spiteful? (poem) 363-363
Andras Arato: Who Can Answer Me? (poem) 364
Anonymous: The End 364-365
Sandor Benamy: Chores of a Housewife in April 1944 366-367
Magda Simon: Churchbells of Nagyvarad  368-370
Zimra Harsanyi: Madness 371-375
Peter Ruffy: Nagyvarad 376-377
Imre Horvath: The Yellow Star 378-378
Gyorgy Gera: Path of the Driven 379-381
Aliz W. Rosen: Identifying the Murderers 382-382
Andor Bajor: Authenticity of a Journal 383-384
Agnes Rozsa: Nurnberg 385-387
List of Names of the Deceased in Deportation 388-429
List of Names of the Deceased in Deportation (Szalonta) 430-432
List of Names of the Deceased in Deportation (Nagybarod) 433-434
List of Names of the Deceased in Deportation (in Hebrew, on Mt. Zion) 435-440
Anonymous: Our Israeli War Heroes 441-444
Odon Groszmann: Epilogue 445-446
Table of Contents 447

Additional names This list contains names that have not been included in the printed version and are presumed to have lived in Oradea.

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Contact person for this translation Susan Geroe
This web page created by Elsa Drezner

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Updated 28 Jun 2012 by JH

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