Memorial Book of the Community of Olyka
(Olyka, Ukraine)

50°43' / 25°49'

Translation of
Pinkas ha-kehilah Olyka; sefer yizkor

Edited by: Natan Livneh

Published in Tel Aviv, 1972, Olyka Society (H,Y)


Project Coordinator

Toby Brief


This is a translation from: Pinkas ha-kehilah Olyka; sefer yizkor (Memorial book of the community of Olyka),
Editors: Natan Livneh, Tel Aviv, Olyka Society, 1972 (H. Y, 397 pages)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Olyka

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TOC translated by Michael Stein

Page  Title  Author 
3 Monument Nathan Livneh
5 With Great Awe Authors
7 The Area of Volyn and Its Inhabitants, Jews of Volyn Prof. Y. Nataneli-Rothman
19 A Section of a Jewish Town Simcha Glickman
45 A Look Back At My Town Olyka Meir Ben Yishai (Greenspan)
64 The TAZ in Olyka Mordechai Boneh
69 Reb Noach Joyfully Tells Ansky H. Kramer
73 Links in the Chain of Generations Natan Rosenfeld
84 A Poem: Far Away in the Shtetl Zalman Chaim Bernstein
89 Sleepiness and Awakening in Olyka Yosef Krupnick
93 Oh, My Town Sender Dekel (Dekelboim)
98 Strings of Memories Nehemiah Trest
101 Childhood in Olyka Elka Vynd (Breyer)
103 Shabbat in Town Natan Rosenfeld
110 A Poem: Many Hundreds of Years Ago Yisrael son of R. Yitzchak Halevi Cutler
115 The Wedding in the Cemetery Natan Rosenfeld
117 Little Lowly Houses Meir Ben Yishai (Greenspan)
121 In the Tailor's Synagogue Joshua Erga
125 Among the Gentiles Shmuel Gal
137 Village Memories Beryl Gal
141 Rabbi Itzah Bahtincher Beryl Gal
145 Rebbes and Their Hassidim Natan Rosenfeld
155 Velvel Natan Rosenfeld
156 The Rabbinical Dynasty of Olyka Menasha Unger
163 The Tarbut School in Olyka Kalman Burstein
167 Youth in Olyka Henia Beroza-Lokov
173 In the Merit of Going to an Unknown Land Yosef Karmal (Kemelman)
175 The Library “Ivriyah” Malka Erga-Tzuk
176 School and Youth Movements Elka Vynd (Breyer)
179 We Are Going to Israel Sara Erga-Deckel
182 The Poor People of My City Malka Arkadir-Golvytz
184 A Foundry for Zionism Sara Kafri-Kolner
189 The Jews of Olyka Join the Polish Air Force Shimon Katz
195 People and Images Simcha Glickman
198 Reizel and Shlomo Teitel
211 My Uncle and My Aunt Frank Tzipporah (Feyge) Greenberg
213 The Chain Has Not Been Broken Yitzchak Zeilengold
217 Personalities in Town Sara Dekel-Erga
219 Jews in the Shtetl Shimon Katz
219 Moshe Spotshook
219 Leml the Vassertreger (water peddler)
219 Yechizel Vassertreger
220 Shiyeh Stepener
220 Yosi Bazigon
221 Aryeh Nakonetshnik
221 Benjamin Aryeh
221 Shimon der Schreiber (the writer)
222 Motel der Schreiber
222 Moshe Chalamoresh
222 Chaim-Leib der Shadkan (marriage broker)
222 R. Itzer Melamed
223 Nisi Kolton
223 R. Beryl Yochevdas
227 An Ideal Life in Ashes Yosef Krupnick
233 My Father's House Simcha Glickman
238 Reflections On My Father's House Shlomo Tzam
240 In Remembrance of Ishi Boiman Shlomo Tzam
242 And These Are The Names Henia Gingberg-Kanievsky
247 A Bitter Eulogy Zisel Gorbaty-Burstein
251 A Lament for My Father's House Manya Glickman
254 My Father Simon Tzipehss: Of Blessed Memory Meir Greenspan (Ben Yishai)
256 Abraham Chaim Goldberg Meir Greenspan (Ben Yishai)
257 My Parent's House Eliezer Stepener
260 My Mother Leah Bakuvitzki-Melamed
262 Images In The Night Rachel Schaefer
267 My Town and My Home Papa Finklestein-Cohn
269 Poem Levyot M. Ben Yosi Greenstein
271 Two Fateful Years in Olyka Dr. Elisheva Cohen
279 The Philanthropist Shlomo Nudler Shlomo Tzam
286 Wanderings Tuvia Zeckster
287 I Saw Them Alive and Dead Ruven Kalpach
288 And It Was In The Time of the Russians Yitzchak Lapid (Lopata)
297 The Death March of the Jews of Olyka Beryl Gal
311 The German Conquest Michol Greenstein
323 A Boy in the Holocaust Chaim Chayat
331 The Last Date: 15 Av 5702 (1942) Shlomo Tzam
335 A Hiding Place In Hell, The Story of Mr. Fishel Berger
341 A Girl From Under the Earth Dvorah Nakanetschnik
349 The Martyrs of Olyka: May God Avenge Their Blood
367 On The Life of Uri Keidar-Krupnick Lt. Colonel Yacov Agasi-mother-brother
Tsvika-Uncle Josef- Officers and Friends
374 About the Sergeant Eliezer Shapiro Lt. Colonel Amnon Resher - His Friends in
Reconnaissance- Mother-Father-David-Moshe Dayan
383 Asa Yaguri-First in the Minefield Heroism Book, 1967
386 Beryl Gal: Of Blessed Memory Simcha Glickman
388 Shlomo Telesnick: Of Blessed Memory Sender Dekel
390 Shlomo Telesnich: Of Blessed Memory Mendel Honig
391 Abraham Hucherman: Of Blessed Memory Shimon Katz
393 Mendel Glickberg: Of Blessed Memory Y.D.
395 For Long Years: Shlomoke Kvittel Shimon Katz


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