Memories and Recollections of Moson Jewry
Persecution and extermination 1938-1945
(Mosonmagyaróvár, Hungary)

47° 52' / 17° 16'

Translation of
Emlékek és emlékezések a Mosoni zsidóságról

Üldözésük és szenvedéseik az 1938-1945. években

Compiled by: Mrs. Irén Back Kovács & Sándor Kovács

Published on-line 2007

Our sincere appreciation to Irén and Sándor Kovács
for permission to put this material on the JewishGen web site.

This is a translation of: Emlékek és emlékezések a Mosoni zsidóságról
(Memories and Recollections of Moson Jewry: Persecution and extermination 1938-1945);
Compiled by: Mrs. Irén Back Kovács & Sándor Kovács, Published on-line 2007

Note: The original book can be seen online at: Emlékek és emlékezések a Mosoni zsidóságról

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Translated by András Hirschler

Foreword 1
Early history
        Excerpts from relevant books and studies: János Haller: Moson county Historical Geography
        Orbán Ferenc: Hungary's Jewish Records and Sights
        Elena Romero Castelló – Uriel Macías Kapón: Jews and Europe : 2000 years of history
        Chaim Potok: Wanderings: Chaim Potok's History of the Jews
        Arthur Koestler: The Thirteenth Tribe
        Attila Zsoldos: The Árpád Rulers and their Subjects: Hungary's History until 1301
        András Róna-Tas: The Landtaking of the Hungarians
        Bálint Hóman, Gyula Szekfü: Hungarian History: About the Jews
        György Száraz: Tracing a Prejudice
        Ferenc Mihályi: Jews in Moson County in Ancient Times
        Jewish stone monument dated 1549 in the local Museum
        Jews in Moson county - conscription 1727 (in Latin)
About the recent past
        References to:
        The World History of Jewish People
        Pál Major: Monography of Moson County
        Lajos Venetiáner: History of Hungarian Jewry
        Year Book of the College of Rabbinical Studies 1985-1991
        Hungarian Jewish Encyclopedia
        László Fogarassy: Ligetfalu and the Pozsony Bridge Head
        Zuzana Benuskova, Zuzana Zvarová : Rusovce Local History
        László Weisz Recollections
        Gyula Szeghalmy: Transdanubian Counties
        Dr. István Karácsony: Darnózseli Local History
        Ernő Békefi: Rajka Local History
        Zoltán Fazekas: Darnózseli Jewish Cemetery
        Recollections of the Berger-family
        Recollections to Soma Gálosi
        János Szécsy: A People Forgotten
        Lajos Venetiáner: History of Hungarian Jewry
        István Reményi-Gyenes: Do we know them?
        László Tuba –Albin Lukács –András Bacsó: Mosonmagyaróvár and Environs: Labour Movements, Antisemitism after 1919
        István Domán: History of the Győr Jewish Community
        Sándor Scheiber: Year Book 1981/82
The Shoa 106
References to and excerpts from the contemporary press and official documents including:
        Sámuel Kerekes - Barnabás Enyedi: A Monography and Detailed Directory of Győr-Moson-Pozsony County and Győr 1929-1930;
        Gyula Szeghalmy: TransDanubian Counties 1938
The Shoa in light of legal provisions including: 203
List of Jews
        Mosonmagyaróvár (381 + addendum of 23 records)
        Cikolasziget (4 records) 229
        Darnózseli (9 records) 230
        Lipót (4 records) 231
        Kisbodak (10 records) 231
        Magyarkimle (6 records) 231
        Horvátkimle (1 record) 232
        Dunakiliti (5 records) 232
        Halászi (6 records) 232
        Máriakálnok (5 records) 233
        Hegyeshalom (7 records) 233
        Levél (8 records) 234
        Lébény (24 records) 234
        Mecsér (2 records) 235
        Mosonszentjános (15 records) 236
        Mosonszentpéter (12 records) 237
        Mosonszentmiklós (10 records) 237
        Pusztasomorja (3 records) 238
        Oroszvár (4 records) 238
        Rajka (166 records) 239
        List of Jews of Rajka not transported to the Mosonmagyaróvár Ghetto (33 records) 256
        List of independent Jewish industrialists in Mosonmagyaróvár (24 records) 259
        List of disposable Jewish plants in Mosonmagyaróvár (29 records) 259
        List of confiscated Jewish shops (54 records) 260
The Shoa – Forced Labour 281
        List of Forced Labour Inmates serving on the Eastern Front declared legally dead (21 records) 282
        Recollections of survivors 283
        Consolidated list of Labour Force inmates (260 records) 292
        Further recollections 309
        List of Labour Force inmates serving in Kühne Farm Machinery Factory 321
        Further recollections, letters, etc. 323
        Recollections of Survivors 326
After the Shoa 435
        List of Holocaust victims from Rajka (150 records) 437
        List of Holocaust victims in villages belonging to the Rajka Community (14 records) 439
        Names on the Memorial Tablets erected in the Mosonmagyaróvár Jewish cemetery (474 records) 440
        List of Holocaust victims not engraved on the Tablets (61 records) 447
        List of non-local Holocaust victims buried in Mosonmagyaróvár mass graves (32 records) 454
        List of non-local Holocaust victims buried in Hegyeshalom mass graves (132 records) 450
        List of identified persons exhumed in Mosonszentmiklós (104 records) 455
Epilogue 471
Further recollections 473
Sources I


Mosoni6 – includes pages from 1 to 105
Mosoni7 – includes pages from 106 to 200
Mosoni8 – includes pages from 201 to 324
Mosoni9 – includes pages from 325 to 428
Mosoni10 – includes pages from 429 to 473
“Kiegészítések…” includes pages from 473 to 505

The “Mosonkép” files include photographs and other graphic illustrations.

Üldözésük és szenvedéseik az 1938-1945. években

Persecution and extermination 1938-1945

Copyright Kovács Sándorné Back Irén and Kovács Sándor
Copying or reproducing the text in any form is only by the authors' permission

Mosonmagyaróvár. 2007

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