(Błędów, Poland) | ||
51°42' / 20°44' | 51°42' / 20°44' |
Translation of
Sefer yizkor Mogielnica-Bledow
Editor: Yisreal Zonder
Published in Tel Aviv 1972
JewishGen, Inc. makes no representations regarding the accuracy of
the translation. The reader may wish to refer to the original material
for verification.
JewishGen is not responsible for inaccuracies or omissions in the original work and cannot rewrite or edit the text to correct inaccuracies and/or omissions.
Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.
[Y] = Yiddish | ||
Historical Sources | ||
An Order from Vladislaw IV [Y] | 17 | |
Ha'erev [Tonight] from Mogielnica [Y] | ||
Jews in Mogielnica in the years 1856-1886 [Y] | Jewish encyclopedia, biographical dictionary | 18 |
Professor of medicine, one of the first Jewish doctors in Poland, born in Mogielnica [Y] | E. Ringelblum | 18 |
A chapter of history, until the end of WWI [Y] | Moshe Chaimowitz | 19 |
The expulsion from Mogielnica in 1915 [Y] | Elimelech Sonder | 24 |
The Jewish community in Mogielnica, the residence of surrounding towns and villages [Y] | Israel Sonder | 31 |
Przibishew is Judenrein | I. Sonder | 33 |
The Jews of Mogielnica [Y] | Leon Gudjimerski | 34 |
The Mogielnica rabbi R'Chaim Meir Yechiel, the Seraph [Y] | Menashe Ungar zl | 37 |
The Seraph from Mogielnica | Rav A. I. Bromberg | 39 |
Hasidic stories about the Seraph | Mordechai Buber zl | 52 |
The fountain of Hasidism, the ADMORs of Poland | A. Steinman zl | 53 |
The Branches of the Seraph Dynasty | ||
R'Chaim Meir Yechiel zl | 55 | |
The Kidush Hashem [martyr's death] of the Grodjisker rabbi, R'Israel Shapira, may God avenge his blood [Y] |
Elimelech Shapira zl | 55 |
Rav Klonimus-Kalmish, may God avenge his blood | 56 | |
Rav Yeshayahu (Shayele) Shapira zl | Ben Yechiel | 57 |
The Yahrzeit [memorial day] of R'Chaim Meir Yechiel zl [Y] | Israel Ben-Tzviya | 58 |
Rebuilding the Seraph's Tent [Y] | Elimelech Sonder | 59 |
The last rabbi of Mogielnica | Yitzhak Shapira | 61 |
The tombstone of R'Chaim Meir Shapira | Sefer Plock [Plock Yizkor Book] | 64 |
Messiah's Shofar [ram's horn] (poem) | Peretz Markish, may God avenge his blood | 65 |
Losses - about rabbi Elimelech Shapira zl | 66 | |
The rabbis of Mogielnica | Y. Avidov | 67 |
My father Rav R'Gavriel Zev Osalka zl | Sara Osalka-Chetz | 69 |
In memory of Rav Pinchas Osalka, may God avenge his blood | Shmuel Fuchs | 70 |
My brothers the rabbis [Y] | Sara Chetz-Osalka | 72 |
The community officers until WWI | Yosef Rochfeld zl | 73 |
The Bet Hamidrash [house of learning] and the synagogue [Y] | M. Ben Yechiel | 74 |
Chanuka Lights (poem) [Y] | M. Chaimowitz | 75 |
The Bet Hamidrash in Mogielnica [Y] | Avraham Merker zl | 76 |
From childhood years [Y] | 80 | |
Religious occupations | ||
Slaughterers, cantors, scribes, melamdim, rebbetzins [rabbi's wife], synagogue attendants |
Israel Sonder | 85 |
The mikve [ritual bath] and the bathhouse | Israel Sonder | 91 |
Institutions | ||
Chevra Kadisha [burial society] | Israel Sonder | 95 |
An Eternal Light | Yosef Rochfeld zl | 98 |
The love for Eretz Israel in Mogielnica | Yosef Rochfeld zl | 99 |
Charity accomodations for the night Linat Tzedek | Ben Yitzhak | 100 |
Hibat Zion movement - new version | Yosef Rochfeld zl | 102 |
Visiting the sick | Elimelech Liebster | 104 |
Book repair | M. Margalit zl | 105 |
Hospitality | M. Margalit zl | 106 |
Tiferet Bahurim | Yitzhak Rochfeld | 107 |
Mogielnica as a shelter [Y] | Yosef Rochfeld zl | 108 |
The Little Bund in Mogielnica in 1905 [Y] | Avraham Klein | 111 |
How the Mogielnica Jews gave the hooligans a lesson [Y] | Hersch Moshe | 113 |
The year 1905 in Mogielnica [Y] | Itche Lehrman | 115 |
The first Jewish library [Y] | Itche Lehrman | 116 |
Founding the Loan Fund [Y] | Hersch Moshe | 119 |
The Jewish craftsmen's Loan Fund [Y] | Y. Achi-Yosef | 119 |
Education: in the Heder, Yeshiva, Schools and private teachers | ||
In the Heder: | ||
R'Itzhak Meir Noah's heder [Y] | Yechiel Provisor | 124 |
A characteristic of R'Yitzhak Meir Noah [Y] | Moshe Chaimowitz | 130 |
Neta'le melamed [Y] | Tova Anelewitz-Silberberg | 130 |
Talmud Tora in Mogielnica | Yitzhak Rochfeld | 131 |
My melamdim [teachers] [Y] | Elimelech Sonder | 132 |
My rabbi R'Yankel [Y] | Ben-Zion Brucker | 133 |
Pinie Melamed's pupils go on strike [Y] | M. Margalit zl, Y. Sonder, may he long live | 137 |
R'Avraham Yosef Melamed zl | M. Margalit zl | 139 |
My Chumash [Torah] party | Y. Ben-Tzviya | 142 |
Refugees from Pinsk and Mogielnica | Sara Bergman-Alexandrowitz zl | 144 |
In the Yeshivas: | ||
A General Heder - an unsuccessful experiment [Y] | Avraham Merker zl | 149 |
Mogielnica young students in the Piasetchner Yeshiva [Y] | Avraham Merker zl | 149 |
Schools: | ||
Government schools for Jews | Y. Zuta | 150 |
The Tarbut Hebrew School | Yitzhak Rochfeld | 152 |
The Bet Yakov School [Y] | Avraham Merker zl | 153 |
Bet Yakov religious school for girls | Y. Ben Eliezer | 154 |
The national-religious school for boys Yavne | Eliezer Toren & Shmuel Hoffman | 156 |
Education | ||
Elimelech Merker and his family | Moshe Margalit zl | 158 |
My Hebrew teacher | Ben-Yechiel | 160 |
Words of thanks to Elimelech Merker zl | Y. Ben-Tzvia | 161 |
Personalities, Way of Life | ||
The first emigrant from Mogielnica to Eretz Israel | Israel Sonder | 165 |
My Father and Teacher the rav R'Yechiel ben R' Menachem Halevi | Zvi Moshe | 168 |
My Father and Teacher R'Avraham Avush zl | M. Margalit zl | 169 |
Our parents R'Eliezer Yitzhak and Yette Zviya zl | Israel Sonder | 172 |
The Weingart family | Mordechai Karmi | 178 |
My grandfather R'Avraham zl [Y] | Shmuel Belzberg | 180 |
My grandfather R'Leibele Reiseles zl [Y] | Binyamin Guttman | 182 |
R'Yehoshua Feldin, may God avenge his blood | Zvi Moshe | 184 |
R'Yehoshua Feldsher, may God avenge his blood [Y] | Sara Bregman-Alexandrowitz | 187 |
R'Eliezer Abramowitz, may God avenge his blood [Y] | M. Margalit zl | 188 |
Ahre'le Goldsohn zl [Y] | Moshe Matgalit zl | 192 |
A poem | Uri Zvi Grinberg | 195 |
Old customs are not kept any more | Serl Chaimowitz | 196 |
How my father Israel Eliezer came to America [Y] | Binyamin Guttman | 197 |
A Mogielnica Hasid makes Teshuva [repentance] [Y] | Reuven Zucker | 201 |
The rabbi R'Moishele brings back a lost Hasid [Y] | Tova Anilevitch-Silberberg | 204 |
What my grandmother Beile taught me [Y] | A grandson of Folberte | 206 |
Aharon from Baku [Y] | Binyamin Guttman | 208 |
Types of Mogielnica Jews [Y] | Rivka Siegel-Levin | 212 |
Types in town [Y] | Moshe Chaimowitz | 215 |
Israel Goldberg Iron Head | M. Chaimowitz | 222 |
Clowns and nicknames in Mogielnica [Y] | Y. Avi Binyamin | 223 |
More about clowns [Y] | Avraham Merker zl | 224 |
My town Mogielnica [Y] | Binyamin Guttman | 225 |
The First of May [Y] | Zvi Tufman, may God avenge his blood | 226 |
Memories from the old home [Y] | Israel Sonder | 227 |
Yeshayahu Nissels zl and his right to recite Kol Nidrei | Binyamin Guttman | 230 |
The rebbetzin [rabbi's wife] Rechele Shapira [Y] | Keile Rechtscheid | 231 |
R'Hirsch-Aharon Provisor zl | M. Avi-Miriam zl | 233 |
My parents Lea and Bendet Siegel | Rivka Siegel- Levin | 235 |
Avraham Bretmesser, may God avenge his blood | Ben-Yechiel | 237 |
A memorial candle for my mother Lea'ke zl [Y] | Yechiel Provisor | 238 |
My parents R'Nuske and Yentel Stern, may God avenge their blood | Bendet (Beni) Stern | 240 |
Memories from my town [Y] | Bunem Lehrman | 241 |
Memories | Keile Rechtscheid | 245 |
The commotion on Passover eve [Y] | Itche (Yitzhak) Guttman zl | 247 |
Memories | Rivka Siegel-Levin | 248 |
Bunem Merker, may God avenge his blood - the weaver-philosofer | Y. Ben-Eliezer | 252 |
The community activist Naftali Yosef Sonder, may God avenge his blood | 252 | |
Yosef Peltz, may God avenge his blood | Moshe Margalit | 255 |
Another bundle of memories [Y] | Rivka Siegel-Levin | 256 |
My dear parents [Y] | Sarah'ke Sheps-Rochfeld | 258 |
My dear parents Neche and Herschel Ostrovietzki [Y] | Rachel Ostrovietzki-Borenstein | 261 |
My father R'Israel Rechtscheid [Y] | Bunem Rechtscheid | 262 |
R'Bendet Siegel zl | M. Avi-Miriam zl | 263 |
An intersting story [Y] | Avraham Merker zl | 267 |
A trip to Mogielnica [Y] | Avraham Merker zl | 275 |
In memory of my friend Chana Chaimowitz, may God avenge her blood [Y] | Rivka Siegel Levin | 302 |
The Economic Life | ||
[Yiddish] | ||
The economic life of the Jews in Mogielnica | 305 | |
The day-by-day occupations of the Mogielnica Jews | Avraham Merker zl | 307 |
The Jewish craftsmen | Israel Sonder | 308 |
A new trade brings prosperity | Yosef Rochfeld zl | 339 |
Our factory of soda-water and other drinks | Yechiel Provisor | 346 |
My grandfather's soda-water factory | Moshe Margalit zl | 349 |
R'Moshe Welvele Blumenkranz's socks factory | M. Margalit | 350 |
My father's oil factory | A. Liebster | 352 |
R'Shlomo Yastshomber | I. Sonder | 355 |
Binyamin Latutnik | Louis Markowitz zl | 356 |
At the home of Nathan Schuster Winter | A. Sonder | 357 |
An unsuccessful attempt | Yechiel Provisor | 358 |
Parties | ||
Founding the Hashahar [Y] | M. Chaimowitz | 363 |
The beginning of the organized Zionism in Mogielnica | M. Margalit zl | 366 |
The Association in Mogielnica | Yitzhak Rochfeld | 369 |
The Freiheit [freedom] movement in Mogielnica [Y] | Sarah'ke Rochfeld-Scheps | 370 |
Freiheit brings meaning to the Jewish youth [Y] | Yakov Feifer | 372 |
History of the Jewish labor party, Poalei-Zion Left [Y] | Rivka Siegel-Levin | 373 |
Hashomer Hadati [religious youth movement] in Mogielnica | Shmuel Hoffman | 377 |
Hechalutz movement in Mogielnica | Shmuel Hoffman | 378 |
A training kibbutz near Mogielnica | Chaim Chetz | 379 |
Chana Truks and Leizer Grossman | A. Margalit | 380 |
The Revisionist Zionists [Brit Hazhar] | Yechiel Provisor | 381 |
The Bund in Mogielnica [Y] | Rivka Siegel-Levin | 382 |
Zukunft [future], the youth Movement of the Bund [Y] | Fruma Grossman | 383 |
The Jewish communist party in Mogielnica [Y] | Tobe Friedman Wolpowitz | 384 |
The foundation of Agudat Israel [Y] | Archives | 386 |
Elections: | ||
Elections to the first Town Council, community and Zionist Congress [Y] | Moshe Chaimowitz | 387 |
Israel Sonder, the first Mogielnica pioneer [Y] | Rivka Siegel-Levin | 395 |
After Israel Sonder left for Eretz Israel [Y] | M. Chaimowitz | 396 |
Moshe Margalit zl is leaving for Eretz Israel [Y] | M. Chaimowitz | 402 |
An Antisemite changes, becoming a brave fighter against Anti-Semitism | Moshe Avi-Yechiel | 403 |
From the early 1930s to 1939 | Zvi Achi-Yaakov | 405 |
A brave commander in the War of Independence | I. Sonder | 409 |
We were six | Chaim Goldenberg | 411 |
Holocaust and Resistance | ||
Introduction to Holocaust and struggle of the Mogielnica Jews [Y] | I. Sonder | 415 |
Documents that tell a story [Y] | (Photostats) | 416 |
The order to assemble the Jews from the villages to the towns | I. A. Maurer | 418 |
The Mogielnica Jews under German rule [Y] [Y] | Yakov Rothbart | 418 |
Fleeing from Warsaw ghetto and wandering from camp to camp [Y] | Israel Zerach Bartmesser | 421 |
Fragment of a report by the Mogielnica Mayor | L. Godzhimerski | 424 |
The Jews in Mogielnica during the German occupation [Y] | Chaim Bitner | 425 |
What I went through [Y] | A. Anelewitz zl | 429 |
With the Germans in Mogielnica [Y] | Yechezkel Goldscheider | 436 |
What I went through [Y] | Hene Waldstein-Gelbart | 439 |
Warsaw during the first months of the German occupation [Y] | Zvi Gelbart | 444 |
The life of the Mogielnica Jews in the Warsaw ghetto [Y] | Zvi Gelbart | 452 |
The stones in the walls are weeping [Y] | Tzipora Troks-Wasserman | 455 |
With Love [Y] | Rivka Siegel-Levin | 460 |
Testimony of Mogielnica Christians about the murder of Jews | Pola Schewatz-Anelewitz | 461 |
In the attic of a house [Y] | Gute Guterman | 463 |
An interview with Mrs. Charita Herpstein [Y] | Yechezkel Krasovski | 464 |
From Ghetto Lodz to the death camps [Y] | Aharon Rothman | 465 |
The destruction of the small Jewish community in Gastzin [Y] | Account of two brothers | 465 |
Mogielnica Jews under German occupation | I. Sonder | 468 |
Why didn't the young Jewish men try to save their lives? | Pola Schewatz-Anelewitz | 480 |
The route of a young pioneer from Mogielnica | Yosef Wosowitz | 482 |
The Struggle | ||
Anonimous soldiers | M. Chaimowitz | 486 |
The story of Avraham Yitzhak Gelbert zl | Yehudit Gelbert-Cohen | 487 |
A memorial to the souls of our heroes | Zvi-Moshe Chaimowitz | 489 |
Feivel Reibenbach, may God avenge his soul | Rivka Siegel-Levin | 490 |
My part in the struggle [Y] | Yosef Goldberg-Golan | 493 |
Mogielnica young Jews in the ranks of the partisans | I. Ben-Eliezer | 496 |
Fighters in the Warsaw ghetto: Bretmesser Neta; Truks Leib; Katz Yakov | From Lochamei Haghetaot [the ghetto fighters] | 499 |
Fighters in the Warsaw Ghetto | ||
Bendet Ziegelman | Rivka Siegel-Levin | 500 |
Mogielnica Freiheit members who fell in battle in the ghetto uprising: Bartmesser Neta; Traks Leib; Yakov Katz [Y] |
From the book Destruction and resistance in the Warsaw Ghetto |
502 |
Rav Klonimus Kalmish Shapira zl | 504 | |
Yakov Aharon Chaimowitz, may God avenge his blood | Zvi Moshe | 505 |
In the Labor and Death Camps | ||
Bialobzhek a sanctuary town [Y] | Yechezkel Goldscheider | 507 |
In the Skarozhiska labor camp [Y] | Chaim Singer | 511 |
We run to Warsaw [Y] | Chana Chaimowitz- Leizerowitz | 518 |
He taught his trade to the Christian where he lived [Y] | Simcha Bartmesser | 521 |
The mourning train (poem) [Y] | Malka Goldenfahn | 526 |
What I went through and how I was saved in the death camps [Y] | Bendet (Beny) Stern | 527 |
In the open field | Gute Guterman | 529 |
A diary from the end of 1941 to 2 May 1945 | Itche Anelevitch | 530 |
How we survived [Y] | Meir Yechiel and Nechemia Rapaport; Bine Trelnik-Kuzminski; Chaia Rosen |
536 |
Grandchildren [Y] | I. Ben Eliezer | 538 |
A letter to my father Avraham Mordechai (poem) [Y] | Nute Guterman | 540 |
My liberation [Y] | Yechezkel Goldscheider | 542 |
Survivors in Mogielnica and Surroundings | ||
A rare episode [Y] | Mordechai Herbstein | 544 |
How Rachel-Lea Schewatz and her husband saved themselves [Y] | Paula Schewatz-Anelewitz | 551 |
In a bunker in the Mogielnica forest [Y] | Aizik Hirsch | 552 |
In the martyrs' forest [Y] | Gute Guterman | 556 |
A young Jewish boy from Warsaw - a sheigetz [Christian] in Mogielnica | Daniel Rupinski | 557 |
The story of a survivor in Russia [Y] | Frumet Winter | 559 |
Mogielnica Without Jews | ||
Three Jewish towns: Mogielnica, Blendow, Grice [Y] | Michael Silberberg | 565 |
Survivors in Mogielnica and surroundings | I. Sonder | 567 |
A home again [Y] | Dina Traks-Vogel | 586 |
What the Diamand brothers have seen and heard [Y] | Shmuel Hoffman | 588 |
There once was a town (poem) | Chaim Lanski | 590 |
Kadish (poem) | A prisoner in USSR | 590 |
A visit in Mogielnica in 1957 [Y] | Paula Schewatz | 591 |
Mogielnica Without Jews | Israel Ritov | 592 |
Landsmashaften (Organizations) | ||
Report on the activities of the Organization of former residents of Mogielnica in Israel 1943-1950 [Y] |
599 | |
Reorganization of the Organization - spring 1950 | 603 | |
Members of the Committee and the Council | 611 | |
In Memory of those who passed away in Israel | ||
Rechscheid Yosef zl | Zvi Rechscheid | 613 |
Mordechai my son | Yitzhak Dov Rochfeld | 614 |
In memory of Mordechai Rochfeld zl | Yitzhak Alexandroni | 616 |
Shoshana Grossman (Reizl Goldberg) zl | Zvi Chaimowitz | 617 |
Elimelech Koifman zl | Zvi Moshe | 617 |
In memory of the passed: Riva Borenstein | Ch. M. | 618 |
My sister Rive, may she rest in peace | Hinde Sheinfarber | 618 |
R'Meir Provisor zl | Z. M. Avi-Yechiel | 619 |
Chana Shmuel Yitzhak's Feifer zl | Rivka Siegel-Levin | 620 |
A tree was uprooted | Rivka Siegel-Levin | 621 |
Shlomo Blazberg zl | Zvi Moshe Chaimowitz | 622 |
Dov Sonder zl - memorial to a pure soul | Zvi Ben-Yechiel | 624 |
To Dov (poem) | Nechama Sonder | 624 |
Avraham and Rivke'le Zorek zl | I. Ben-Yitzhak | 625 |
Avraham Zelik Goldberg zl | I. Sonder | 626 |
List of Mogielnica Jews deceased in Israel | 627 | |
Members of the Hagana and IDF who fell in battle | ||
Amnon Michaeli | Avraham Merker zl | 630 |
In the War of Independence | ||
Yosef Grossman | Family and Friends | 631 |
Zvi Tufman - a memorial | Zvi Moshe | 633 |
The story of Zvi Tufman, may God avenge his blood | I. Sonder | 634 |
David Yehuda Liebster, may God avenge his blood | M. Nomberg | 636 |
Scheinfarber Mordechai | Bracha and Yakov Scheinfarber | 637 |
In the Six-Day-War | ||
Our son Gideon Menachem Shraga [Y] | Rachel (Lenga) Shraga | 639 |
In the wars after Six-Day-War | ||
Kuzminski Chaim; Sand Israel; Chetz Shmuel | DAVAR newspaper | 642 |
Our pilot fell (poem) | Diary of Kibbutz Kissufim | 643 |
In memory of my son the pilot (poem) | Father - Chaim Chetz | 643 |
Organizations Abroad | ||
Mogielnica Societies in America [Y] | Editor | 644 |
Memorial to the Deceased in USA | ||
Israel Leib (Louis) Markowitz zl | Max Friedlander | 647 |
Avram'tche Fleischer | Louis Markowitz zl | 649 |
Yosl Fleischer | Gavriel Weingart | 649 |
Shlomo'le Rechtscheid zl | Keile Rechtscheid | 650 |
Yakov Schissler zl | Getzl Guterman | 651 |
Deceased members of the Mogielnica Society in New-York and surroundings | 651 | |
List of members of the Mogielnica Society in New-York (English) | 653 | |
Blendow, Mogielnica. Biala, Grica in Kansas City | Peretz Lerner zl | 654 |
Mogielnica Landsleit in Argentina | ||
Interview with the Jewish pianist in Argentina; Chronology of the immigration and occupations of Mogielnica Jews in Argentina [Y] |
A. Merker zl | 656 |
My husband Avraham Herbstein zl [Y] | Sarita-Feigele Herbstein | 658 |
To Avraham (poem) [Y] | Sarita Herbstein | 660 |
Dishka Siegelman | I. Sonder | 660 |
Yakov Siegelman zl | Yerachmiel & Rivka Feller | 661 |
Avraham Merker - the perfect person | I. Sonder | 662 |
Heartfelt congratulations | 664 | |
Avraham Merker, the person that we have not knowm | Ben-Zion Aminadav | 665 |
List of deceased in Argentina, Brazil, England, France and Russia | 667 | |
Mogielnica Landsleit in Paris | ||
The Societies in Paris [Y] | Yitzhak Rochfeld | 668 |
Memories | Neche Bornstein | 670 |
Mogielnica Jews in France [Y] | Rivka Siegel-Levin | 671 |
With friends in Paris [Y] | Israel Sonder | 674 |
32 months in the death camps [Y] | Israel Avraham Klarfeld | 677 |
How we escaped frm the Hitler murderers [Y] | Moshe Ostrowietzki | 681 |
My fight for liberation [Y] | Yechiel Shraga | 683 |
Again with friends in Paris [Y] | I. Sonder | 684 |
Mogielnica Landsleit in Various Countries | ||
In Belgium [Y] | 687 | |
In Canada [Y] | 689 | |
In Australia [Y] | 689 | |
Mogielnica Jews in Russia between the two World Wars [Y] | Rivka Siegel Levin | 690 |
Moshe Margalit zl - in his memory | I. Sonder | 691 |
His personality | Zvi Moshe | 694 |
How Moshe Margalit became silent [Y] | Rivka Siegel Levin | 694 |
My friend [Y] | Getzl Guterman | 695 |
Mogielnica Landsleit in Argentina honoring the memory of Moshe Margalit zl [Y] | 696 | |
I remember them [Eile ezkera] | 696 | |
My mother from Mogielnica (poem) [Y] | Yeshayahu Spiegel | 697 |
List of Mogielnica martyrs | 701 | |
Blendow our Town | ||
Blendow our Town [Y] | I. Davidowitz zl, Yehudit Kaspi-Scherman, Fishel Vilner, Mordechai Gleimer | 733 |
The Jews in Blendow [Y] | 736 | |
Memories from our home [Y] | Rachel Davidowitz-Lehrman | 739 |
Happy Memories (poem) [Y] | Max Freilech | 742 |
Blendow my town | Meir Schatz | 749 |
Blendow relief in Chicago [Y] | Eichel Tekler | 753 |
756 | ||
Holocaust and Struggle | ||
My experiences [Y] | Mania Schrager-Herzberg | 761 |
Holocaust of the Blendow Jews - testimony for Yad Vashem | Chaia Hammer | 768 |
The Story of my life | Wolf Albert | 775 |
IDF Soldiers who Fell in Battle | ||
In Memory of the Deceased in Israel | ||
How our son Yechiel David Vilner fell in battle [Y] | Fishel Vilner | 787 |
Yechiel David Vilner, may God avenge his blood | Fragments from a booklet | 789 |
Zev Bombard | I. Sonder | 789 |
Zev Zacharin Bombard - one of the 86 [Y] | I. Sonder | 790 |
Yosef Beker is not with us any more | Yehudit Kaspi | 791 |
Yechiel Davidowitz zl | Zvi Moshe | 798 |
Blendow Jews who died in Israel | 798 | |
List of Blendow (Błędów) Martyrs | 799 |
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