Memorial book of the community
of Margareten and the vicinity
(Marghita, Romania)

47°21' / 22°20'

Translation of
Sefer yizkor le-kehilat Margareten ve-ha-seviva

Edited by: Aharon Kleinmann

Published in Jerusalem, 1979



Project Coordinator

Susan Geroe


This is a translation from: Sefer yizkor le-kehilat Margareten ve-ha-seviva;
(Memorial book of the community of Margareten and the surrounding region).

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The Fate of the Jews of Margitta and its Vicinity

Edited by Aharon Kleinmann
Published by Chajjim Franck, Melbourne
Printed by Weiss Printing, Israel, 1979

The book incorporates both the Hungarian and Hebrew versions

Translated by Susan Geroe

History of the Marghita Jewish Community3
Our Great Rabbis47
 The Marariac z.c.l.47
 R. Smuel Zalman Weinberger z.c.l. 51
 R. Mordechaj Azriel Weinberger z.c.l. 58
Institutions of the Jewish Community (Jichak Bernat)62
 Synagogues, Houses of Worship, the Chevra Kadisha 62
 Talmud Tora, Elementary School, Sisterhood 66
 Matzoh Bakery 70
Petri street (Imre Wollner) 72
Sports and Cultural Life (Dezso Mandelbaum) 76
The Promenade (Imre Wollner) 78
Social and Political Movement80
 Zionism in Margitta (Eliezer Wollner) 80
 The Pollacks Make Allyah (Jozsef Gorni) 90
 Agudath Israel (Joszef Aharon Bernat)93
Colorful Figures112
Forced Labor117
 In Nagybanya/Baia Mare (Aharon Kleinmann) 117
 The Last Song (Dezso Mandelbaum) 120
 One Labor Battalion Among Many (Imre Wollner) 123
 The Journal of a Forced Labor Battalion Inmate (Jozsef Zobel) 127
 Prayer of the Forced Labor Battalion Inmate (Ferenc Klein) 132
 In Memoriam Jichak Eizik Weinberger (Aharon Kleinmann) 133
In the Shadow of Death134
 Our Black Days (Erzsebet Lorincz) 134
 Ordeal (Tibor Kleinmann) 141
 Chill (Aharon Kleinmann) 144
 What Will Happen to the Kitten? (Lea Jakov)147
 Birthday (Hadassza Klein) 148
 Tragic Meeting in Auschwitz (Rachel Wollner)151
 I Was Left Alone (Chajjim Franck) 153
Life Resurges155
 A Failed Mission (Joszef Marom) 155
 Was it Worth? (Aharon Kleinmann) 156
 Not Recommended for High School (Gyorgy Weisz) 158
 Margitta in 1968 (Avraham Gavriel) 160
 Fifty Year Reunion (Joszef Gorni) 161
 Once Again in Margitta (Eliezer Wollner) 162
Environs of Margitta 165
 The Jews of Balyok (Sandor Hirschler) 167
 My Memoirs (Mrs. Kalman Stern) 169
 Erbogyoszlo (Marton Weiszmann) 174
 Toti and Bozsaly (Erzsike Lorincz) 177
 Erszollos (Eliezer Kain) 182
 Hagymadfalva (Dr. Slomo Saroni) 185
Our War Dead - Fallen Heroes of Israel189
Map of Margitta192
The Name List of the Martyrs193 - 200

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Contact person for this translation Susan Geroe
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