Memorial Book of the Community of Maków-Mazowiecki
(Maków Mazowiecki, Poland)

52°52' / 21°06'

Translation of
Sefer zikaron le-kehilat Maków-Mazowiecki

Edited by: J. Brat

Published in Tel Aviv, 1969



Project Coordinator

Anita Frishman Gabbay


Our sincere appreciation to Yad Vashem
for the submission of this material for placement on the JewishGen web site
and to Sondra Ettlinger for extracting the pictures from the original book,
enabling their addition to the project.

This is a translation from: Sefer zikaron le-kehilat Maków-Mazowiecki (Memorial book of the community of Maków-Mazowiecki),
Editors: J. Bram, Tel Aviv, the former residents of Maków-Mazowiecki in Israel, 1969 (Hebrew, Yiddish, 505 pages).

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Makow-Mazowiecki

Purchase details for a printed copy of this translation can be found at http://www.jewishgen.org/yizkor/ybip/YBIP_Makow-Mazowiecki.html

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TOC translated by Gloria Berkenstat Freund (Yiddish) and by Sara Mages (Hebrew)

Title Author Language Page
Introduction Yakov M. Skornik H 7
Forward Yitzhak Brat Y 9
The Blood Chronicles Yekhezkel Itzcovitch Y 11
The History of the Memorial Book Mordkhai Ciechanower Y 13
Organization of Former Residents of Maków in Israel Yisroel Frankl H 19
Makow (A History of a Decimated Community) Yacov M. Skornik Y 29
Sing! Yitzhak Katznelson Y 99
Maków Before the First World War Rafael–Zvi Baharav H 105
Ways of Life
Once There Was a City Called Makow… Yakov – Khaim Sobel Y 115
The Market Avraham Shilah (Rybak) Y 148
Makow – A Town With Desires Nosn (Natan) Shachar (Montshkovsky) Y 150
My Town Makow Dobeh Gudes Kalina Y 154
From My Town Khone Stolnitz Y 158
A Day in Makow Dr. M. Gur (Kotsiak) Y 162
Memories of My Birthplace Makow Eliezer Shakhar (Montshkovsky) Y 170
The Mill Nechama Sela–Lewkowicz H 174
A Street In Makow Mordechai Cywiner Y 176
What Used to be Said About the Makow Synagogue Rabbi Shmuel Hilert Y 181
In the New World
The Jews of Makow in the New World Yakov Khaim Sobel Y 187
Help from Far Off Shanghai M. Z. Y 200
Cultural Activities, Schools, Parties
Schools in Makow – Mazowiecki Ida Beer – Garfinkel Y 205
“The Bund” in Makow Leybl Gogol Y 217
With the Current Ita Pashut (Rushinyak) Y 221
Memories Ester Chasad–Elion (Dumbak) H 225
Death and Heroism
The World's Conscience Was Not Awakened Yekhezkl Itzcovitch Y 229
Beatings, Torture, and Death Meir-Hirsch Ciechanower Y 237
Amongst Human Animals Meir Rubin Y 252
From Death and Destruction Moshe Aba Kamen Y 273
Red Flowers Yehezkiel Itskowicz Y 277
A Bundle of Sad Memories Shmuel Taub Y 283
The Makower Youth in Auschwitz Ida Kac-Beer-Garfinkle, Y 291
Red Flowers Yehezkiel Itskowicz H 305
Along Blood-Drenched Roads Mordechai Ciechanower Y 309
In the Terrifying Years Shloime Raytchik Y 338
Number 81434 A. Eisenberg Y 348
The Holocaust and its Lesson Rafael-Tzvi Baharav H 353
Makow in Ruins Yehezkiel Itskowicz Y 357
A Visit to My Town Moishe Katz Y 362
A Matzevah [Headstone] Tsirl Bejlem (Aczech) Y 365
At the Day of Mourning Rafael-Tzvi Baharav H 367
The Road of Agony From Poland, Russia – Until Israel Ruchl Pomeranec Y 369
I See You, Mother [Poem] Yehezkiel Itskowicz Y 374
A Tombstone for my Town [Poem] Moishe Katz Y 376
Who Has Not Swallowed Tears [Poem]   Y 377
At Dawn [Poem]   Y 378
Only your gaze remains [Poem] Shmuel Burstein Y 380
Personalities and Images
The Memorial Prayer Kaddish for my Friends Yakov Khaim Sobol Y 383
Makow in Heaven… Rabbi Ben – Zion Rozental Y 388
My Makover Grandfathers Yehuda Rosenthal Y 403
The Jews of Makow Yakov Khaim Sobol Y 408
Eulogy for the late R' Avraham Yosef Rosenthal Nahum Sokolow H 413
The activities of the Zionists in the city in the years 1917-1918 “Ha-Tsfira” weekly H 415
The History of the Rabbinate in Maków until 1881 Moshe Zinovitz H 419
Kahan (Yechiel) Michaeli Y.M.S. H 421
Ben–Zion Chilinovitch, May God Avenge his Death Y.M.S. Y 423
A Road full of obstacles and hardship Y.M.S. H 424
Words of Mourning and Condolences for the Passing of Rabbi R' Mordechai Finkel Of Blessed Memory Y.M.S. H 426
From the activities of “Keren Hayesod” in the City Y.M.S. H 426
The Writer Elazar [Leyzer]– Dovid Finkel of blessed memory Yacov M. Skornik H 427
The Late Rabbi Efraim Fishel Nyman – The rabbi of Maków People in New York   H 429
Khil [Chil] Aronson, of Blessed Memory Melekh Ravitch Y 431
The Kotzker Rabbi Asks a Klezmer from Makow to Play at Jewish Weddings Dr Yehuda Rosenthal Y 433
Dr. Yehuda Rosenthal I. M. Skornik H 434
Berko (Dov Hendel of Blessed Memory) Dr Menachem Gur–Kotziak Y 436
Yisroel Pomeranc, May his Memory be Blessed The Committee H 439
Second Lieutenant Rani Weisberg May his Memory Blessed The Committee H 441
The Late Rabbi Reb Pinkhas Ingergman Rabbi Moshe Halevi Shulman H 442
The late Mindl Frydman–Rajczyk Yehuda Erez H 444
The late Mindl Frydman–Rajczyk Yehuda Erez Y 446
Shoshanna, May Her Memory Be a Blessing Israel Frankel H 449
A Beloved Soul and an Enterprising Image David Buchner H 451
Reb Eliezer – Dov Son of Reb Pinkhas Yehuda Rozenman H 453
Lines to the image of our father Nekhama Sela–Lewkowicz
Yakov Lewkowicz
H 455
Our Home Nekhama Sela–Lewkowicz
Yakov Lewkowicz
H 458
Light in the Night A Student Y 459
Memories of My Father's House Chaya–Gitl Prezberg H 463
To Ben–Zion Hendel's Memory David Bukhner H 467
A visit to the hometown Makow Max Pianka. Ph.D. E 468
Remembrance   H 473
List of Martyrs   H 475
List of the Pictures and their Content   H 510
List of the Pictures and their Content   Y 513

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
Emerita Yizkor Book Project Manager, Joyce Field z”l
Contact person for this translation Anita Frishman Gabbay
This web page created by Osnat Ramaty

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Updated 5 Apr 2023 by LA