Transliterated Names from Necrology in Lezajsk Yiskor Book
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - R - S - T - V - W - Y - Z
Aberlander | Itzy |
Ackner | Hersh, his wife Rifka and daughter Sluva |
Ackner | Leah and family |
Ackner | Moshe and his daughter Bina |
Ader | Hersh |
Ader | Mania |
Adler | Yaacov and children |
Adler | Zelka |
Adolph | Mendel, his wife Frieda and four children |
Adolph | Shmuel, his wife Henye and children |
Adolph | Zacharehu |
Affentier | Milech and his family |
Aharmon | Elyahu, his wife Rosa |
Aharmon | Feiga |
Aharmon | Henoch, his wife Sara-Elka and children Esther and Yehudit |
Alter | Adele |
Alter | Chaim, his wife Odale |
Alter | Milech, his wife Gittel |
Altman | Leib, his wife Sara and family |
Altshuler | Yenta |
Altshuler-Shechter | Fifi, wife of Aryeh children Miriam and Koppel |
Anfang | Alter and his wife Temmeh |
Anfang | Bluma |
Anfang | Yoel |
Anhang | Avraham, his wife Hudas and children |
Apteker | Yosef, his wife Sushe, children Hinnia, Avraham and Tova |
Arom | Asher and his wife Devora |
Atlas | Hersh and his wife |
Atlas | Itzy, his wife Rochel |
Ausabel | Hersh, his wife Malka |
Ausabel ka | Yosef, his wife Malka |
Auster | Abish, his wife Rochel |
Bach | Moshe-Chaim, his wife Mindel |
Bach | Sara-Chana |
Baer | Shimon, his wife Tova-Yocheved Miash-Lisk and their daughters Miriam and Maltsha |
Baer | Wolf, his wife Chaitsa and children |
Bakon | Baruch, his wife and children |
Bakon | Chaim |
Bakon | Hertz, his wife Gittel |
Bakon | Simcha |
Bakon | Yisrael, his wife Feiga-Ettel and children |
Bakon-Weissman | Shifra, her husband and children |
Bardach | Dr. and his wife |
Baumbertzel | Koppel |
Baumbertzel | Mindel |
Bean | Lazer and his family |
Becker | Dr. Wilhelm and his wife Paula |
Berger | Leib, his wife Rochel |
Bergstein | Yaacov, his wife Keila-Tova |
Beumel | Wolf, his wife Kaila, children Moshe and Tilla |
Birnbach | Billa and daughters |
Birnbach | Moshe |
Birnbaum | Muttel and his family |
Blumenfeld | Altsa, children Moshe, Ettel and Pinchus |
Blumenfeld | Binyamin |
Blumenfeld | Itta |
Blumenfeld | Mendel |
Blumenfeld | Moshe |
Blumenfeld | Yonah, his wife Mirel and children |
Blumenfeld | Zissa, his wife Feiga, children Minna and Binyamin |
Bohat | Yisrael, his wife Chana Esther |
Bohrer | Chaya |
Bohrer | Frieda |
Bohrer | Gittel |
Bohrer | Hella |
Bohrer | Mattas, his wife Billa |
Bohrer | Mina |
Bohrer | Shia, his wife Golda |
Bohrer | Shimon, his wife Golda and daughter |
Bohrer | Zilka, his wife Esther and children |
Brod | Bluma |
Brod | Hersh, his wife Sara |
Brod | Zalman |
Bruhl | Raizel |
Bruhl | Rony |
Buss | Mordechai |
Charrack | Dr. Avraham and his sisters |
Cohen | Avraham and his family |
Cohen | Berel |
Cohen | Frieda and her husband |
Cohen | Yisroel, his wife Sheva |
Dienstig | Yechiel-Meir, his wife Zissel and son Hersh |
Dominitz | Fradel-Rochel |
Drillman | Beila |
Drillman | Chanina, his wife Sara |
Drillman | Pinchas |
Drillman | Rochel |
Drillman | Yaacov |
Drucker | |
Drucker | Itzy, his wife Sima and children |
Drucker | Wolf and his wife |
Eberfurer | Shmuel |
Eisen | Chaim, his wife Tzippa |
Eisen | Perel |
Eisenberg | Goldzie |
Eisenberg | Itzy and his wife |
Ellenbogen | Yitzchak |
Engelberg | Eliezer and his family |
Engelberg | Leibish |
Engelberg | Meir Moshe |
Engelberg | Pinchas |
Engelberg | Rivla |
Engelberg | Shia |
Engelberg | Shimon and his family |
Engelberg | Shmuel and his family |
Engelberg | Tovele |
Engelberg | Yechezkel |
Engelberg | Yehuda, his wife Billa and children |
Ettner | Meltzie and children |
Ettner | Yaacov and his family |
Faust | Billa |
Faust | Eliezer |
Faust | Feiga |
Faust | Hertz |
Faust | Leibish-David, his wife Leah and children |
Faust | Perel |
Faust | Tzippa |
Faust | Yeckel |
Feigenbaum | Bracha |
Feigenbaum | Rechel |
Feigenbaum | Yechezkel, his wife Shindel |
Feit | Moshe |
Feit | Sara |
Feit | Sholom, his wife Leah |
Feit | Yeckel |
Feldman | David and his family |
Feldman | Leibish |
Feldman | Mini and her family |
Feldman | Shimon |
Feldman | Yaacol, his wife Hinni-Riva |
Feldmaus | Yechiel, his wife Zelda |
Feldstein | Avraham-Yaacov, his wife Chana-Perel |
Felzenfeld | Itzy and his family |
Fenenberg | Berish, his wife Devora |
Fenenberg | Ettel |
Fenenberg | Golda |
Fenenberg | Yosef and his family |
Ferber | Frevele |
Ferber | Itzy |
Ferber | Leitza |
Fichtenbaum | Sima and her daughter Fofi |
Fledell | Hersh and his family |
Fledell | Itzy, his wife Pessel and children |
Fledell | Pinchas and his family |
Fliegelman | Meir, his wife Chaya-Golda |
Fliegelman | Yisroel-Hersh |
Freifeld | David |
Freifeld | Hersh |
Freifeld | Lessie |
Freifeld | Sheva |
Freifeld | Yoel, his wife Chaya-Riva |
Fromm | Chava |
Fromm | Feiga |
Fromm | Miriam |
Fromm | Yosef |
Fuss | Chana |
Fuss | Chaya |
Fuss | Meir |
Fussman | Muttel |
Fussman | Sara |
Garber | Emalia |
Garber | Kova |
Garber | Leibish, his wife Raizel |
Garber | Moshe-Leib |
Geitzhals | Baruch, his wife Chaya and son Meir |
Geitzhals | Brendel |
Geitzhals | Feiga |
Geitzhals | Hersh |
Geitzhals | Isaac |
Geitzhals | Keila |
Geitzhals | Menashe, his wife Feiga, children Hersh and Moshe-Yoel |
Geitzhals | Shimon, his wife Zivia |
Geitzhals | Tova |
Geitzhals | Tzippa |
Geitzhals | Yechezkel, his wife Altza |
Geitzhals | Yisrael |
Geitzhals | Yosef |
Geller | Pini, his wife Malish and son Avraham |
Geller | Shmuel, his wife Devora Waller |
Geller | Sprintza |
Geller | Yosef |
Glanz | Tova and her daughter Ziva |
Glazer | Moshe |
Glicksman | Chanina and his family |
Glicksman | Yechezkel and his family |
Goldberg | Sprintza, children Fifi, Esther, Chana and Avraham |
Goldman | Aharon |
Goldman | Binyamin, his wife Rivela |
Goldman | Leitza |
Goldman | Shaul |
Goldman | Shmuel, his wife Esther |
Goldman | Yaacov, his wife Hinda |
Goldsmith | Eliezer |
Goldsmith | Feiga |
Goldsmith | Leah |
Goldsmith | Rifka |
Goldsmith | Shimshon |
Goldstein | Reuven, his wife Lieba, daughters Leah and Rosa |
Gottlieb | Brendel |
Gottlieb | Chaim |
Gottlieb | Frieda |
Gottlieb | Malka and children |
Greenbaum | Avraham |
Greenbaum | Chaim-Lozer, his wife Sara |
Greenbaum | Chaim, his wife Feiga and children |
Greenbaum | Kalman |
Greenberg | Anshel |
Greenberg | Basha |
Greenberg | David |
Greenberg | Fishel |
Greenberg | Frieda |
Greenberg | Itele |
Greenberg | Lahle |
Greenberg | Mina |
Greenberg | Sara |
Griesman | Friva |
Griesman | Moshe |
Griesman | Sara and her family |
Griesman | Yehuda |
Griesman | Yoel, his wife Shartza |
Groman | Avraham, his wife Keila |
Grosskopf | Shmuel, his wife Meltzie |
Grosskopf | Yisrael |
Gurfein | Akiva, his wife Rifka |
Gurfein | Hindele |
Gurfein | Nissan and his family |
Gutterman | Hillel, his wife Memi, children Nachman, Natan, Simcha and Esther |
Guzik | Hersh and his family |
Guzik | Yosef, his wife Perel |
Haftel | Aharon-Moshe, his wife Chana |
Haftel | Avraham |
Haftel | Leibish, his wife Rosa and children |
Haftel | Ozer, his wife Sara |
Haftel | Shimon, his wife Basha, children Chaim, Leibish and Rosa |
Haftel | Shlomo |
Hammer | Chaya |
Hammer | Rivtza |
Hammer | Shmuel and his family |
Hammer | Sprintza |
Hammer | Yehuda and his wife |
Hammer-Glicher | Mollie and her family |
Hammer-Wellitzger | Golda and her family |
Handfling | Chantza and her daughter |
Hartzfeld | Etush and her family |
Hartzfeld | Leib, his wife Meme |
Hartzfeld | Raizel |
Hartzfeld | Simele |
Hauloshutz | Chana-Henkie |
Hauloshutz | Mordecai, his wife Serril |
Hauloshutz | Rochel-Otzie and her family |
Hausenfeld | Buny and her family |
Hausenfeld | Hersh |
Hausenfeld | Moshe, his wife Gittel |
Hausenfeld | Yussel |
Hauser | Kalman |
Hauser | Refael-Itzy |
Hauser | Shmuel, his wife Sheva and daughter Frieda |
Heller | Ephraim and his family |
Hellman | Shlomo, his wife Bluma and children |
Herrold | Avraham, his wife Mirele and children |
Hirschfeld | Gittel |
Hirschfeld | Leibel, his wife Meltza |
Hirschfeld | Lunkie and her family |
Hirschfeld | Michel |
Hirschfeld | Shlomo |
Hoff | Hershel |
Hoff | Nechemia |
Hofstetter | Vaveck, his wife Lola and children |
Hofstetter-Kehill | Mini |
Hollander | Avraham |
Hollander | Chaya |
Hollander | Ephraim and his family |
Hollander | Lemale, his wifr Milli and sons |
Hollander | Moshe, his wife Sara and daughter |
Hollander | Raizel and her family |
Hollander | Rochel and her family |
Hollander-Evert | Sara and her family |
Hollander-Freedlander | Pessel and her family |
Hollander | Halpern Friva and her family |
Hollander-Horowitz | Sheindel and her family |
Holloshutzer | Avraham, his wife Krindel, children Tilla and Yosha |
Holloshutzer | Sara |
Holloshutzer | Wolf |
Horn | Avraham, his wife Meltza |
Horn | Ettel |
Horn | Fishel, his wife Gittel |
Horn | Golda |
Horn | Kalman |
Horn | Leibtza |
Horn | Sander |
Horn | Sinni, his wife Sara |
Horoshowski | Shmulka, his wife Chana-Sheindel |
Horowitz | Golda |
Horowitz | Harav Menashe, the rebbitzin and children |
Horowitz | Hindele and her son Elyahu |
Horowitz | Peretz |
Horowitz | Shmulka, his wife Tova |
Israel | Isidore, his wife Hinnia |
Jam | Golda, children Sara, Shimon and Naftali |
Kael | Aryeh |
Kael | Binyamin, his wife Rifka |
Kael | David and his daughter Frieda |
Kael | Geula |
Kael | Mordechai-Hersh |
Kael | Rifka |
Kael | Rifka and her family |
Kael | Yitzchak |
Kael | Yosef |
Kael | Zisha, his wife Itta |
Kael | Zlata |
Kael-Spargell | Riftza and children |
Kafier | Ephraim |
Kafier | Laitzele |
Kafier | Malka and her daughter |
Kalter | Gittel, daughters Miriam and Etka |
Kandel | Yechezkel, his wife Tzippa, son Shimon |
Kandel | Yisrael, his wife Chaya, children Patche and Rifka |
Kanner | Ettel |
Kanner | Yosel, his wife Golda and children |
Kanner-Reich | Hinnia |
Karber | Yeckel |
Karpf | Moshe |
Karpf | Muttel, his wife Devora |
Karpf | Natanel, his wife Rishel and son |
Kastker | Leibish and his family |
Kastker | Yosef |
Katz | Beila |
Katz | Beila-Ethel |
Katz | Ephraim, his wife Feiga |
Katz | Ettel |
Katz | Leib, his wife Henne and children |
Katz | Nachman |
Katz | Sara-Rifka |
Katz | Shimon and his family Morzcov |
Kauffman | Moshe, his wife Golda |
Kauffman | Rifka, wife of Menachem Mendel Loeb and daughter Miriam |
Kauffman | Sara, wife of Yaacov Shein, children Chana, Aryeh and Mina |
Kauffman | Yishayahu-Hersh and his family |
Kauffman | Yitzchak |
Keller | Moshe |
Kesten | Feivel, his wife Tovla and children |
Kesten | Yisrael and his family |
Kestenbaum | Yosef, his wife Raizel-Gittel and children |
Kirschbaum | Aharon |
Kirschbaum | Bracha |
Kirschbaum | Golda |
Kirschbaum | Hersh |
Kirschbaum | Malka |
Kirschbaum | Meir |
Kirschbaum | Munie |
Kirschbaum | Rifka |
Kirschbaum | Sara Rechel |
Kirschbaum | Shimshon |
Kirschbaum | Tzvi, his wife Batya, son Yishayahu |
Kirschbaum | Yaacov |
Kirschbaum | Yaacov-Sholom, his wife Dovra |
Kirschbaum | Yehuda |
Kirschbaum | Zissel |
Kirschbaum-Ausabel | Malka and her family |
Kirschbaum-Auster | Rochel and her family |
Kirschenbluth | Chaya |
Kirschenbluth | Itka |
Kirschenbluth | Pinchas, his wife and children |
Klagsfeld | Aber his wife Rifka and children |
Kleinkaufman | Chaya |
Kleinkaufman | Ezriel |
Kleinkaufman | Yechezkel, his wife Pessel |
Kleinman | Mordechai and his family |
Konigstein | Shia and his family |
Krampf | Yaacov, his wife Meltzie and children |
Kraut | Bluma |
Kraut | Brendel |
Kraut | Chana |
Kraut | Chana |
Kraut | Chaya |
Kraut | Devora |
Kraut | Itzy |
Kraut | Malka |
Kraut | Mordecai, his wife Hennia |
Kraut | Rochel |
Kraut | Wolf |
Kraut | Wolf-David, his wife Chaya |
Kraut | Yisrael, his wife Feiga |
Kraut | Yitzchak |
Kraut | Yitzchak, his wife Sheva |
Kraut | Yoel |
Kraut | Yossel |
Kraut | Yossel, his wife Mindele |
Kuhl | Aryeh-Yosef and daughter |
Kuhl | Freidel |
Kuhl | Gitza and her family |
Kuhl | Itzy |
Kuhl | Leitza |
Kuhl | Rifka |
Lachs | Berel |
Lachs | Ezriel, his wife Shindel, children Hersh and Moshe |
Lachs | Gittel |
Lachs | Mendel |
Landau | Nachum the son of h'rav Yoel Moshe z"l |
Landau | the rebbitzin Hinda |
Langsam | Shmuel, his wife Mindel and children |
Laub | Bunim |
Laub | Hersh and his wife |
Laub | Shmuel |
Laub | Yosef, his wife Billa and daughter Rifka |
Laufer | Gittel |
Laufer | Manek |
Laufer | Perel |
Laufer | Yosef, his wife and son Moshe |
Lembig | Lippa, his wife Malka, children Yisrael, Hersh and Elimelech |
Lesser | Leibish, his wife Sima |
Lesser | Stene |
Lev | Manas, his wife Shertza |
Lev | Milech, his wife Rozel son Moshe |
Lewandel(Lundell) | Berish |
Lewandel(Lundell) | Hersh |
Lewandel(Lundell) | Moshe, his wife Zelda |
Lewandel(Lundell) | Shmuel, his wife Hudel and son |
Lewandel(Lundell) | Yechezkel, his wife Lola and children |
Lieberman | Mechel |
Lieberman-Laufer | Ettel and her family |
Lindbaum | Adele |
Lindbaum | Esther and children |
Lindbaum | Mindel |
Lisker | Eliezer |
Lisker-Gottlieb | Brendel |
Lorberbaum | Milech |
Lorberbaum | Moshe |
Lorberbaum | Yeshia-Leib, his wife Mirtza |
Mandel | Berish, his wife Riftza and children |
Mandel | Leitza |
Mandel | Milech |
Mandel | Reggie and her family |
Mandel | Yossel |
Metzger | Mechla |
Metzger | Mina |
Metzger | Moshe-Chaim, his wife Chatza |
Metzger | Sara |
Metzger | Tilla |
Metzger | Tzvi-Aryeh, his wife Frummet and children |
Metzger | Yitzchak-Meir, his wife Adele and children |
Miller | Chaim, his wife Chana |
Miller | David |
Miller | Lippa |
Miller | Mechel |
Mosler | Devora |
Mosler | Liebtza |
Mosler-Altman | Esther and her family |
Nadel | Leibish |
Nadel | Meir, his wife Hennia |
Nadel | Shlomo |
Naise | Muttel, his wife Sara children Yitzchak, Minnie and Elimelech |
Narzisfeld | Bluma |
Narzisfeld | Milech, his wife Chatza |
Narzisfeld | Shindel |
Narzisfeld | Shlomo-Zalman |
Neubert | Chaim and his wife |
Neubert | Leah |
Neubert | Moshe-Leib, his wife Chana |
Neubert | Sholom |
Neubert | Wolf |
Neuman | Moshe, his wife Shifra |
Nussbaum | Avraham |
Nussbaum | Keila and her family |
Nussbaum | Leibish and his family |
Nussbaum | Perel |
Nussbaum | Zelka |
Ohar | Itzy, his wife Chana, children Nisan, Bluma, Billa |
Peter | Chaim and his family |
Peter | Elimelech, his wife Sara children Asher, Pinchas and Leibish |
Peter | Hudas |
Peter | Rifka, her husband and children |
Peter | Rochel, her husband and children |
Peter | Yoel, his wife Gitla |
Porter | Leibish |
Potascher | Leibish |
Potascher | Yechezkel |
Potascher | Yehoshua and his family |
Potascher-Gartner | Chaya and her family |
Pressberg | Koppel, his wife Golda children Esther, Devora, Sima, Meir,Pesha and Avraham-Leib |
Puterbeitel | Raizel and her family |
Puterbeitel | Sara and her family |
Rabhan | Berel |
Rabhan | Mirtza |
Rabhan | Yitzchak-Yaacov, his wife Perel |
Redner | Tzippa |
Reich | Eliyahu, his wife Rifka and son Yosef |
Reich | Eliyahu, his wife Sprinza |
Reich | Esther |
Reich | Hersh-Milech, his wife Hendel |
Reich | Leibish |
Reich | Wolf, children Yosef, Aharon, Avraham, Leibish, Leah and Rifka |
Reichenthal | Adele |
Reichenthal | Aharon-Moshe, his wife Yichid |
Reichenthal | Avraham |
Reichenthal | Avraham-Shlomo |
Reichenthal | Berel, his wife Chaya and child |
Reichenthal | Blima |
Reichenthal | David |
Reichenthal | Esther |
Reichenthal | Feivel, his wife Rifka and daughter |
Reichenthal | Friedla |
Reichenthal | Getzel and his family |
Reichenthal | Leibish, his wife Hennie and child |
Reichenthal | Lozer |
Reichenthal | Moshe and his wife |
Reichenthal | Moshe, his wife Shindel |
Reichenthal | Rafal, his wife Seltzie and daughter Yanka |
Reichenthal | Rosie and her son Avraham-Sholom |
Reichenthal | Sara |
Reichenthal | Shlomo |
Reichenthal | Sprintza, children Moshe and Perel |
Reichenthal-Haar | Frieda and her family |
Reiss | Chaim, his wife Billa and son Shmuel |
Reiss | Chana |
Reiss | Fishel, his wife Rochel, children Ozer and Chaya |
Reiss | Hinda |
Reiss | Yosef, his wife Chaya, child Moshe-Yehoshua |
Remmer | Wolf, his wife Rifka and children |
Reuter | Kalman and his family |
Ringel | Avrumzi |
Ringel | Balke |
Ringel | Billa |
Ringel | Chaim |
Ringel | Chaya |
Ringel | Hersh, his wife Rochel |
Ringel | Itka and her family |
Ringel | Pini, his wife Leah and children |
Rispler | Moshe |
Rosenbach | Moshe-Zvi, his wife Tzippa-Shindel and children |
Rosenbluth | Bertzie |
Rosenbluth | Chaya |
Rosenbluth | Esther |
Rosenbluth | Esther |
Rosenbluth | Golda |
Rosenbluth | Itzy |
Rosenbluth | Moshe, his wife Freda |
Rosenbluth | Moshe, his wife Rifka and their daughters |
Rosenbluth | Nachman, his wife Rifka children Yechezkel, Emil and Yosef |
Rosenbluth | Natan, his wife Dovale |
Rosenbluth | Ozer, his wife Peshe |
Rosenbluth | Temma and her son Yaacal |
Rosenbluth | Yeckel, his wife Malka and children |
Rosenbluth | Yehuda, his wife Golda |
Rosenbluth | Yitzchak |
Rosenbluth | Yosef, his wife Hennia |
Rosenbluth | Zelka and his family |
Rosenbluth-Freeheuter | Rifka and her family |
Rosenbluth-Krzeszower | Itta and her family |
Rosenbluth-Shechter | Chana and her family |
Rosenbluth-Shechter | Rifka wife of Muttel, children Leah, Shmuel and Zilla |
Roth | Chaim |
Roth | Hersh, his wife Adele |
Roth | Libby and her family |
Roth | Michal |
Roth | Rifka |
Roth | Rifka-Shindel Yettel son Naftali |
Rothman | Baltze |
Rothman | Betty |
Rothman | Bracha |
Rothman | David |
Rothman | Frivele |
Rothman | Leibish, his wife Fifi and children |
Rothman | Mendel, his wife Sheindel |
Rothman | Moshe, his wife Ethel, children Chaya, David, Tuvia and Meir |
Rothman | Nutzie, his wife Faidze |
Rothman | Rifka |
Rothman | Rochel-Kutzie |
Rothman | Sheindele |
Rothman-Baskess | Gittel, wife of Isaac daughters Sprintza and Chana |
Rothman-Schlissel | Chaya, wife of Asher and children |
Rothman-Spilka | Safra, wife of Yisrael children Yoel-Moshe, Baruchand Berish |
Rubenfeld | and daughter Gittel |
Sabel | Jenny |
Sabel | Pini |
Sabel | Rosa |
Sabel | Shimon, his wife Sima |
Sabel | Yoshe |
Safier | Pinchas |
Sandbank | Adele, children Pessel and Leibish |
Sandbank | Avraham, his wife Ettel-Malka |
Sandbank | Munik |
Sandbank | Pinchas, his wife Chantzie and children |
Sandbank | Zilla |
Sattler | Mordechai and his family |
Schechtel | Berish and his family |
Schechtel | Ezriel |
Schechtel | Mendel, his wife Mirele and children |
Scheftetz | Ephraim and his family |
Scheftetz | Esther |
Scheftetz | Feiga |
Scheftetz | Frimmet |
Scheftetz | Itzik |
Scheftetz | Leibele, his wife Sonny |
Scheftetz | Mendel |
Scheftetz | Mollie |
Scheftetz | Ozer |
Scheftetz | Yaacov, his wife Sheva |
Scheftetz | Yisrael |
Scheftetz | Yitzchak, his wife Rifka |
Scheftetz | Yosef and his family Movshcovitz |
Scheftetz | Yosef, his wife Hinnia and son Yaacov |
Scheftetz-Rosenbluth | Mindel and her family |
Scheinbach | Dr. Carl |
Schemletz | Sirka and her family |
Schemletz | Zisha |
Schemletz | Zissel |
Schenk | Hersh |
Schenk | Moshe, his wife Feiga |
Schenk | Muttel |
Schenk | Rifka, wife of Yankel and daughter |
Schenk | Sender |
Schenk | Yaacov |
Schenk | Zelka, his wife Hinda |
Scher | Pini |
Scher | Yeckel |
Scher | Yoel, his wife Ruchza |
Schiff | Asher, his wife Leah |
Schiff | Getzel, his wife Yenta |
Schiff | Hertz Naftali Dov, his wife Brendel |
Schiff | Itzy, his wife Rochel |
Schiff | Lozer, his wife Rifka |
Schiff | Meir, his wife Itte, child Shaul |
Schiff | Naftali |
Schiff | Runzie |
Schiff | Shlomo and his wife |
Schiffer | Aryeh, his wife Zelta and children |
Schlusselberg | Yaacov and his family |
Schtossfogel | Chaya and her family |
Schtossfogel | Hennie |
Schtossfogel | Leizer and his wife |
Schtossfogel | Muttek |
Schtuzel | Mendel |
Schtuzel | Muttele |
Schtuzel | Zelda and children |
Schurtz | David, his wife Riva |
Schurtz | Rochel |
Schurtz | Shammai |
Schwammenfeld | Leibish |
Schwammenfeld | Mendel, his wife Keila |
Schwammenfeld | Shlomo |
Schwammenfeld | Yissachar, his wife Rochel, daughter Hennie |
Schwartz | Ettele |
Schwartz | Shmuel Nachum |
See | Esther |
Segal | Frieda |
Segal | Shlomo |
Seles | Yeckel |
Shapira | Zalman, his wife Malkala, children Yoel, Moshe, Yossi, Zviele, Minza |
Silber | David, his wife Rifka-Devora |
Silber | Shlomo-Zalman |
Silber | Wolftzie |
Silberberg | Leibel |
Silberman | Gershon |
Silberman | Lazer |
Sitz | Aharon, his wife Sima-Rosa |
Sobel | Avraham, his wife Leah |
Sobel | Yosef, his wife Sprintza |
Sonnenblick | Bunim, his wife Roska |
Spiegel | Avigdor |
Spiegel | Bluma |
Spiegel | Mordechai-Yonah, his wife Sara, children Serrel and Milech |
Spiegel | Tova and children |
Spiegler | Shindel |
Spring | Riftza |
Springer | Eli |
Springer | Mordechai and his family |
Springer | Sara |
Spurgel | Avraham |
Spurgel | Avrumzi and his family |
Spurgel | Basha |
Spurgel | Fishel and the son Itzik |
Spurgel | Hennie and her family |
Spurgel | Meltzie |
Spurgel | Mendel |
Spurgel | Shia |
Spurgel-Taback | Itka and her family |
Stein | Aharon |
Stein | Chaya |
Stein | Sholom |
Steinbach | Binyamin, his wife Ava |
Steinbach | Frieda |
Steinbach | Gadol, his wife Feiga |
Steinbach | Gronim |
Steinbach | Leah |
Steinbach | Yehoshua and his family |
Steinmoher | Shmuel |
Steller | Mordechai and his family |
Steller | Wolf, his wife Perel, children Neshe and Minnie |
Stellzer | Alter, his wife Tova and children |
Stellzer | Devora and children |
Stellzer | Feivel, his wife Sara and children |
Stellzer | Itzy |
Stellzer | Mehitsisk |
Stellzer | Muttek |
Stellzer | Muttel |
Stellzer | Shmuel |
Stellzer | Yehoshua-Leib, his wife Litza, son Itzy |
Stellzer | Yossel |
Stendig | Prof. Shimon , his wife Mushe son Yosef |
Stern | Chaya |
Sternlich | Chaya and daughter Itta |
Stohlbach | Bezalel, his wife Leah |
Stohlbach | Feivel, his wife Hella and son Yaacov |
Stohlbach | Friva-Hennie and her family |
Stohlbach | Kalman-Wolf |
Stohlbach | Yitzchak-Avraham, his wife Hinda and daughter Sara |
Strauch | A. Baer, his wife Feiga and children |
Strauch | Baer, his wife Sima |
Strauch | Brendel and children |
Strauch | Meir, his wife Sara |
Strauch | Meir, his wife Zissel and son Chaim |
Strauch | Mordechai |
Strauch | Psachie, his wife Ettel |
Strauch | Shimon, his wife Feiga and children |
Strauch | Shmuel-Reuven and his family |
Strauch | Tzipporah and child |
Strauch | Yaacov |
Tannenbaum | Shneur, his wife Feiga, children Fifi, and Zelig |
Tanzman | Golda-Rochel |
Tanzman | Pinchas |
Teicher | Bella |
Teicher | Chaya |
Teicher | Eliezer and his wife |
Teicher | Hennia |
Teshner | Avraham |
Teshner | Melzie and her family |
Teshner | Minna and her family |
Teshner | Nachum-Moshe, his wife Sprintza |
Teshner | Raizel and her family |
Teurnkopf | Hersh, his wife Rifka |
Teurnkopf | Itzy |
Teurnkopf | Leibish, his wife Mirel, children Yaacal and Rosa |
Teurnkopf | Yisrael |
Teurnkopf | Zelig, his wife Bluma |
Tugendhaft | Asher, his wife Tzippa and children |
Tugendhaft | Krindel |
Turm | Yitzchak, his wife Chaya-Rifka |
Volker | Moshe |
Volker | Wolf and his wife |
Wachs | Abish, his wife Leiza and children |
Wachs | Avraham |
Wachs | Chana |
Wachs | Faivel, his wife Tzeshe and children |
Wachs | Hudas |
Wachs | Leah |
Wachs | Mechel |
Wachs | Miriam-Gittel |
Wachs | Muttel and his family |
Wachs | Pinchas |
Wachs | Shmuel-Aharon |
Wachs | Wolf |
Wachs | Yehudit |
Wachs | Yerachmiel, his wife Chana and children |
Wachs | Yishayahu |
Wachs | Yisrael-Wolf |
Wachs | Yosef, his wife Feiga, children Rifka, Shindel and Berish |
Wachs | Yosef, his wife Frieda |
Wachtel | Bluma |
Wachtel | Hersh |
Wachtel | Itzy |
Wachtel | Pasche his wife Bracha and children |
Wachtel | Shlomo |
Wachtelkonig | Beila-Golda |
Wachtelkonig | David, his wife Esther, children Yitzchak and Rifka |
Wachtelkonig | Golda |
Wachtelkonig-Wachs | Rochel and her family |
Wagner | Faivel, his wife Feiga and children |
Waldholz | Baruch, his wife Leah, children Miriam and Yehudit |
Waldholz | Ephraim |
Waldholz | Nechama and her family |
Waldholz | Yaacov-Yosef |
Waldholz | Yechiel-Menachem |
Wallach | David |
Wallach-Hess | Esther and her husband Julius |
Waller | Leitza |
Waller | Yaacov |
Waltzer | Chaya and children |
Wasserman | Getzel and his wife |
Wasserman | Moshe and his wife |
Wasserman | Shmuel and his family |
Wasserman | Yehoshua |
Wehrhaftig | Aharon |
Weinman | Anshel, his wife Hanzi |
Weinman | Avraham, his wife Hudas, daughter Jennie |
Weinman | Paula |
Weinman | Zelda |
Weinman | Zvi, his wife Perele, daughter Sara |
Weinrich | Meir-Moshe, his wife Golda |
Weinstein | Avraham, his wife Leitze |
Weinstein | Shlomo, his wife Sprintza, daughter Hinda |
Weissblum | Chanza |
Weissblum | Rochele |
Weissblum | Yosef-Alter, his wife Gittel |
Welch | Chaim-Hertz, his wife Feiga and children |
Welch | Moshe |
Welch | Naftali |
Welch | Sima |
Weng | Mendel, the son Aryeh |
Wettrich | Yaacov, his wife Sara and children |
Wickman | Adele |
Wickman | Avraham Leib |
Wickman | Esther |
Wickman | Shia, his wife Rochel-Leah |
Wickman | Yehoshua, his wife Sirka and children |
Wiedenbaum | Moshe-Milech, his wife Elka |
Wolf | D"R Avraham |
Wolk | Chuni and children |
Wunderer | Yehoshua, his wife Rochel |
Wurzel | Moshe, his wife Brendel, children Leibel and Zilla |
Yahry | Moshe and his family |
Zaisel | Chaya |
Zaisel | Mendel |
Zaisel | Milech |
Zaisel | Shabbtai, his wife Tzippa |
Zimmerman | Avraham, his wife Rifka and children |
Zimmerman | Chantzia |
Zimmerman | Perel |
Zimmerman-Adler | Malkala |
Zinn | Avraham |
Zinn | Esther |
Zinn | Ettel and her family |
Zinn | Hillel, his wife Shindel and children |
Zinn | Pessel and children |
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Updated 21 Feb 2002 by LA