Transliterated Names from Necrology in Lezajsk Yiskor Book

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - R - S - T - V - W - Y - Z



Aberlander Itzy
Ackner Hersh, his wife Rifka and daughter Sluva
Ackner Leah and family
Ackner Moshe and his daughter Bina
Ader Hersh
Ader Mania
Adler Yaacov and children
Adler Zelka
Adolph Mendel, his wife Frieda and four children
Adolph Shmuel, his wife Henye and children
Adolph Zacharehu
Affentier Milech and his family
Aharmon Elyahu, his wife Rosa
Aharmon Feiga
Aharmon Henoch, his wife Sara-Elka and children  Esther and Yehudit
Alter Adele
Alter Chaim, his wife Odale
Alter Milech, his wife Gittel
Altman Leib, his wife Sara and family
Altshuler Yenta
Altshuler-Shechter Fifi, wife of Aryeh children Miriam and Koppel
Anfang Alter and his wife Temmeh
Anfang Bluma
Anfang Yoel
Anhang Avraham, his wife Hudas and children
Apteker Yosef, his wife Sushe, children Hinnia, Avraham and Tova
Arom Asher and his wife Devora
Atlas Hersh and his wife
Atlas Itzy, his wife Rochel
Ausabel Hersh, his wife Malka
Ausabel ka Yosef, his wife Malka
Auster Abish, his wife Rochel


Bach Moshe-Chaim, his wife Mindel
Bach Sara-Chana
Baer Shimon, his wife Tova-Yocheved Miash-Lisk
and their daughters Miriam and Maltsha
Baer Wolf, his wife Chaitsa and children
Bakon Baruch, his wife and children
Bakon Chaim
Bakon Hertz, his wife Gittel
Bakon Simcha
Bakon Yisrael, his wife Feiga-Ettel and children
Bakon-Weissman Shifra, her husband and children
Bardach Dr. and his wife
Baumbertzel Koppel
Baumbertzel Mindel
Bean Lazer and his family
Becker Dr. Wilhelm and his wife Paula
Berger Leib, his wife Rochel
Bergstein Yaacov, his wife Keila-Tova
Beumel Wolf, his wife Kaila, children Moshe and Tilla
Birnbach Billa and daughters
Birnbach Moshe
Birnbaum Muttel and his family
Blumenfeld Altsa, children Moshe, Ettel and Pinchus
Blumenfeld Binyamin
Blumenfeld Itta
Blumenfeld Mendel
Blumenfeld Moshe
Blumenfeld Yonah, his wife Mirel and children
Blumenfeld Zissa, his wife Feiga, children Minna and Binyamin
Bohat Yisrael, his wife Chana Esther
Bohrer Chaya
Bohrer Frieda
Bohrer Gittel
Bohrer Hella
Bohrer Mattas, his wife Billa
Bohrer Mina
Bohrer Shia, his wife Golda
Bohrer Shimon, his wife Golda and daughter
Bohrer Zilka, his wife Esther and children
Brod Bluma
Brod Hersh, his wife Sara
Brod Zalman
Bruhl Raizel
Bruhl Rony
Buss Mordechai


Charrack Dr. Avraham and his sisters
Cohen Avraham and his family
Cohen Berel
Cohen Frieda and her husband
Cohen Yisroel, his wife Sheva


Dienstig Yechiel-Meir, his wife Zissel and son Hersh
Dominitz Fradel-Rochel
Drillman Beila
Drillman Chanina, his wife Sara
Drillman Pinchas
Drillman Rochel
Drillman Yaacov
Drucker Itzy, his wife Sima and children
Drucker Wolf and his wife


Eberfurer Shmuel
Eisen Chaim, his wife Tzippa
Eisen Perel
Eisenberg Goldzie
Eisenberg Itzy and his wife
Ellenbogen Yitzchak
Engelberg Eliezer and his family
Engelberg Leibish
Engelberg Meir Moshe
Engelberg Pinchas
Engelberg Rivla
Engelberg Shia
Engelberg Shimon and his family
Engelberg Shmuel and his family
Engelberg Tovele
Engelberg Yechezkel
Engelberg Yehuda, his wife Billa and children
Ettner Meltzie and children
Ettner Yaacov and his family


Faust Billa
Faust Eliezer
Faust Feiga
Faust Hertz
Faust Leibish-David, his wife Leah and children
Faust Perel
Faust Tzippa
Faust Yeckel
Feigenbaum Bracha
Feigenbaum Rechel
Feigenbaum Yechezkel, his wife Shindel
Feit Moshe
Feit Sara
Feit Sholom, his wife Leah
Feit Yeckel
Feldman David and his family
Feldman Leibish
Feldman Mini and her family
Feldman Shimon
Feldman Yaacol, his wife Hinni-Riva
Feldmaus Yechiel, his wife Zelda
Feldstein Avraham-Yaacov, his wife Chana-Perel
Felzenfeld Itzy and his family
Fenenberg Berish, his wife Devora
Fenenberg Ettel
Fenenberg Golda
Fenenberg Yosef and his family
Ferber Frevele
Ferber Itzy
Ferber Leitza
Fichtenbaum Sima and her daughter Fofi
Fledell Hersh and his family
Fledell Itzy, his wife Pessel and children
Fledell Pinchas and his family
Fliegelman Meir, his wife Chaya-Golda
Fliegelman Yisroel-Hersh
Freifeld David
Freifeld Hersh
Freifeld Lessie
Freifeld Sheva
Freifeld Yoel, his wife Chaya-Riva
Fromm Chava
Fromm Feiga
Fromm Miriam
Fromm Yosef
Fuss Chana
Fuss Chaya
Fuss Meir
Fussman Muttel
Fussman Sara


Garber Emalia
Garber Kova
Garber Leibish, his wife Raizel
Garber Moshe-Leib
Geitzhals Baruch, his wife Chaya and son Meir
Geitzhals Brendel
Geitzhals Feiga
Geitzhals Hersh
Geitzhals Isaac
Geitzhals Keila
Geitzhals Menashe, his wife Feiga, children Hersh and Moshe-Yoel
Geitzhals Shimon, his wife Zivia
Geitzhals Tova
Geitzhals Tzippa
Geitzhals Yechezkel, his wife Altza
Geitzhals Yisrael
Geitzhals Yosef
Geller Pini, his wife Malish and son Avraham
Geller Shmuel, his wife Devora Waller
Geller Sprintza
Geller Yosef
Glanz Tova and her daughter Ziva
Glazer Moshe
Glicksman Chanina and his family
Glicksman Yechezkel and his family
Goldberg Sprintza, children Fifi, Esther, Chana and Avraham
Goldman Aharon
Goldman Binyamin, his wife Rivela
Goldman Leitza
Goldman Shaul
Goldman Shmuel, his wife Esther
Goldman Yaacov, his wife Hinda
Goldsmith Eliezer
Goldsmith Feiga
Goldsmith Leah
Goldsmith Rifka
Goldsmith Shimshon
Goldstein Reuven, his wife Lieba, daughters Leah and Rosa
Gottlieb Brendel
Gottlieb Chaim
Gottlieb Frieda
Gottlieb Malka and children
Greenbaum Avraham
Greenbaum Chaim-Lozer, his wife Sara
Greenbaum Chaim, his wife Feiga and children
Greenbaum Kalman
Greenberg Anshel
Greenberg Basha
Greenberg David
Greenberg Fishel
Greenberg Frieda
Greenberg Itele
Greenberg Lahle
Greenberg Mina
Greenberg Sara
Griesman Friva
Griesman Moshe
Griesman Sara and her family
Griesman Yehuda
Griesman Yoel, his wife Shartza
Groman Avraham, his wife Keila
Grosskopf Shmuel, his wife Meltzie
Grosskopf Yisrael
Gurfein Akiva, his wife Rifka
Gurfein Hindele
Gurfein Nissan and his family
Gutterman Hillel, his wife Memi, children Nachman, Natan, Simcha and Esther
Guzik Hersh and his family
Guzik Yosef, his wife Perel


Haftel Aharon-Moshe, his wife Chana
Haftel Avraham
Haftel Leibish, his wife Rosa and children
Haftel Ozer, his wife Sara
Haftel Shimon, his wife Basha, children Chaim, Leibish and Rosa
Haftel Shlomo
Hammer Chaya
Hammer Rivtza
Hammer Shmuel and his family
Hammer Sprintza
Hammer Yehuda and his wife
Hammer-Glicher Mollie and her family
Hammer-Wellitzger Golda and her family
Handfling Chantza and her daughter
Hartzfeld Etush and her family
Hartzfeld Leib, his wife Meme
Hartzfeld Raizel
Hartzfeld Simele
Hauloshutz Chana-Henkie
Hauloshutz Mordecai, his wife Serril
Hauloshutz Rochel-Otzie and her family
Hausenfeld Buny and her family
Hausenfeld Hersh
Hausenfeld Moshe, his wife Gittel
Hausenfeld Yussel
Hauser Kalman
Hauser Refael-Itzy
Hauser Shmuel, his wife Sheva and daughter Frieda
Heller Ephraim and his family
Hellman Shlomo, his wife Bluma and children
Herrold Avraham, his wife Mirele and children
Hirschfeld Gittel
Hirschfeld Leibel, his wife Meltza
Hirschfeld Lunkie and her family
Hirschfeld Michel
Hirschfeld Shlomo
Hoff Hershel
Hoff Nechemia
Hofstetter Vaveck, his wife Lola and children
Hofstetter-Kehill Mini
Hollander Avraham
Hollander Chaya
Hollander Ephraim and his family
Hollander Lemale, his wifr Milli and sons
Hollander Moshe, his wife Sara and daughter
Hollander Raizel and her family
Hollander Rochel and her family
Hollander-Evert Sara and her family
Hollander-Freedlander Pessel and her family
Hollander Halpern Friva and her family
Hollander-Horowitz Sheindel and her family
Holloshutzer Avraham, his wife Krindel, children Tilla and Yosha
Holloshutzer Sara
Holloshutzer Wolf
Horn Avraham, his wife Meltza
Horn Ettel
Horn Fishel, his wife Gittel
Horn Golda
Horn Kalman
Horn Leibtza
Horn Sander
Horn Sinni, his wife Sara
Horoshowski Shmulka, his wife Chana-Sheindel
Horowitz Golda
Horowitz Harav Menashe, the rebbitzin and children
Horowitz Hindele and her son Elyahu
Horowitz Peretz
Horowitz Shmulka, his wife Tova


Israel Isidore, his wife Hinnia


Jam Golda, children Sara, Shimon and Naftali


Kael Aryeh
Kael Binyamin, his wife Rifka
Kael David and his daughter Frieda
Kael Geula
Kael Mordechai-Hersh
Kael Rifka
Kael Rifka and her family
Kael Yitzchak
Kael Yosef
Kael Zisha, his wife Itta
Kael Zlata
Kael-Spargell Riftza and children
Kafier Ephraim
Kafier Laitzele
Kafier Malka and her daughter
Kalter Gittel, daughters Miriam and Etka
Kandel Yechezkel, his wife Tzippa, son Shimon
Kandel Yisrael, his wife Chaya, children Patche and Rifka
Kanner Ettel
Kanner Yosel, his wife Golda and children
Kanner-Reich Hinnia
Karber Yeckel
Karpf Moshe
Karpf Muttel, his wife Devora
Karpf Natanel, his wife Rishel and son
Kastker Leibish and his family
Kastker Yosef
Katz Beila
Katz Beila-Ethel
Katz Ephraim, his wife Feiga
Katz Ettel
Katz Leib, his wife Henne and children
Katz Nachman
Katz Sara-Rifka
Katz Shimon and his family Morzcov
Kauffman Moshe, his wife Golda
Kauffman Rifka, wife of Menachem Mendel Loeb and daughter Miriam
Kauffman Sara, wife of Yaacov Shein, children Chana, Aryeh and Mina
Kauffman Yishayahu-Hersh and his family
Kauffman Yitzchak
Keller Moshe
Kesten Feivel, his wife Tovla and children
Kesten Yisrael and his family
Kestenbaum Yosef, his wife Raizel-Gittel and children
Kirschbaum Aharon
Kirschbaum Bracha
Kirschbaum Golda
Kirschbaum Hersh
Kirschbaum Malka
Kirschbaum Meir
Kirschbaum Munie
Kirschbaum Rifka
Kirschbaum Sara Rechel
Kirschbaum Shimshon
Kirschbaum Tzvi, his wife Batya, son Yishayahu
Kirschbaum Yaacov
Kirschbaum Yaacov-Sholom, his wife Dovra
Kirschbaum Yehuda
Kirschbaum Zissel
Kirschbaum-Ausabel Malka and her family
Kirschbaum-Auster Rochel and her family
Kirschenbluth Chaya
Kirschenbluth Itka
Kirschenbluth Pinchas, his wife and children
Klagsfeld Aber his wife Rifka and children
Kleinkaufman Chaya
Kleinkaufman Ezriel
Kleinkaufman Yechezkel, his wife Pessel
Kleinman Mordechai and his family
Konigstein Shia and his family
Krampf Yaacov, his wife Meltzie and children
Kraut Bluma
Kraut Brendel
Kraut Chana
Kraut Chana
Kraut Chaya
Kraut Devora
Kraut Itzy
Kraut Malka
Kraut Mordecai, his wife Hennia
Kraut Rochel
Kraut Wolf
Kraut Wolf-David, his wife Chaya
Kraut Yisrael, his wife Feiga
Kraut Yitzchak
Kraut Yitzchak, his wife Sheva
Kraut Yoel
Kraut Yossel
Kraut Yossel, his wife Mindele
Kuhl Aryeh-Yosef and daughter
Kuhl Freidel
Kuhl Gitza and her family
Kuhl Itzy
Kuhl Leitza
Kuhl Rifka


Lachs Berel
Lachs Ezriel, his wife Shindel, children Hersh and Moshe
Lachs Gittel
Lachs Mendel
Landau Nachum the son of h'rav Yoel Moshe z"l
Landau the rebbitzin Hinda
Langsam Shmuel, his wife Mindel and children
Laub Bunim
Laub Hersh and his wife
Laub Shmuel
Laub Yosef, his wife Billa and daughter Rifka
Laufer Gittel
Laufer Manek
Laufer Perel
Laufer Yosef, his wife and son Moshe
Lembig Lippa, his wife Malka, children Yisrael, Hersh and Elimelech
Lesser Leibish, his wife Sima
Lesser Stene
Lev Manas, his wife Shertza
Lev Milech, his wife Rozel son Moshe
Lewandel(Lundell) Berish
Lewandel(Lundell) Hersh
Lewandel(Lundell) Moshe, his wife Zelda
Lewandel(Lundell) Shmuel, his wife Hudel and son
Lewandel(Lundell) Yechezkel, his wife Lola and children
Lieberman Mechel
Lieberman-Laufer Ettel and her family
Lindbaum Adele
Lindbaum Esther and children
Lindbaum Mindel
Lisker Eliezer
Lisker-Gottlieb Brendel
Lorberbaum Milech
Lorberbaum Moshe
Lorberbaum Yeshia-Leib, his wife Mirtza


Mandel Berish, his wife Riftza and children
Mandel Leitza
Mandel Milech
Mandel Reggie and her family
Mandel Yossel
Metzger Mechla
Metzger Mina
Metzger Moshe-Chaim, his wife Chatza
Metzger Sara
Metzger Tilla
Metzger Tzvi-Aryeh, his wife Frummet and children
Metzger Yitzchak-Meir, his wife Adele and children
Miller Chaim, his wife Chana
Miller David
Miller Lippa
Miller Mechel
Mosler Devora
Mosler Liebtza
Mosler-Altman Esther and her family


Nadel Leibish
Nadel Meir, his wife Hennia
Nadel Shlomo
Naise Muttel, his wife Sara children Yitzchak, Minnie and Elimelech
Narzisfeld Bluma
Narzisfeld Milech, his wife Chatza
Narzisfeld Shindel
Narzisfeld Shlomo-Zalman
Neubert Chaim and his wife
Neubert Leah
Neubert Moshe-Leib, his wife Chana
Neubert Sholom
Neubert Wolf
Neuman Moshe, his wife Shifra
Nussbaum Avraham
Nussbaum Keila and her family
Nussbaum Leibish and his family
Nussbaum Perel
Nussbaum Zelka


Ohar Itzy, his wife Chana, children Nisan, Bluma, Billa



Peter Chaim and his family
Peter Elimelech, his wife Sara children Asher, Pinchas and Leibish
Peter Hudas
Peter Rifka, her husband and children
Peter Rochel, her husband and children
Peter Yoel, his wife Gitla
Porter Leibish
Potascher Leibish
Potascher Yechezkel
Potascher Yehoshua and his family
Potascher-Gartner Chaya and her family
Pressberg Koppel, his wife Golda children Esther, Devora, Sima, Meir,Pesha and Avraham-Leib
Puterbeitel Raizel and her family
Puterbeitel Sara and her family


Rabhan Berel
Rabhan Mirtza
Rabhan Yitzchak-Yaacov, his wife Perel
Redner Tzippa
Reich Eliyahu, his wife Rifka and son Yosef
Reich Eliyahu, his wife Sprinza
Reich Esther
Reich Hersh-Milech, his wife Hendel
Reich Leibish
Reich Wolf, children Yosef, Aharon, Avraham, Leibish, Leah and Rifka
Reichenthal Adele
Reichenthal Aharon-Moshe, his wife Yichid
Reichenthal Avraham
Reichenthal Avraham-Shlomo
Reichenthal Berel, his wife Chaya and child
Reichenthal Blima
Reichenthal David
Reichenthal Esther
Reichenthal Feivel, his wife Rifka and daughter
Reichenthal Friedla
Reichenthal Getzel and his family
Reichenthal Leibish, his wife Hennie and child
Reichenthal Lozer
Reichenthal Moshe and his wife
Reichenthal Moshe, his wife Shindel
Reichenthal Rafal, his wife Seltzie and daughter Yanka
Reichenthal Rosie and her son Avraham-Sholom
Reichenthal Sara
Reichenthal Shlomo
Reichenthal Sprintza, children Moshe and Perel
Reichenthal-Haar Frieda and her family
Reiss Chaim, his wife Billa and son Shmuel
Reiss Chana
Reiss Fishel, his wife Rochel, children Ozer and Chaya
Reiss Hinda
Reiss Yosef, his wife Chaya, child Moshe-Yehoshua
Remmer Wolf, his wife Rifka and children
Reuter Kalman and his family
Ringel Avrumzi
Ringel Balke
Ringel Billa
Ringel Chaim
Ringel Chaya
Ringel Hersh, his wife Rochel
Ringel Itka and her family
Ringel Pini, his wife Leah and children
Rispler Moshe
Rosenbach Moshe-Zvi, his wife Tzippa-Shindel and children
Rosenbluth Bertzie
Rosenbluth Chaya
Rosenbluth Esther
Rosenbluth Esther
Rosenbluth Golda
Rosenbluth Itzy
Rosenbluth Moshe, his wife Freda
Rosenbluth Moshe, his wife Rifka and their daughters
Rosenbluth Nachman, his wife Rifka children Yechezkel, Emil and Yosef
Rosenbluth Natan, his wife Dovale
Rosenbluth Ozer, his wife Peshe
Rosenbluth Temma and her son Yaacal
Rosenbluth Yeckel, his wife Malka and children
Rosenbluth Yehuda, his wife Golda
Rosenbluth Yitzchak
Rosenbluth Yosef, his wife Hennia
Rosenbluth Zelka and his family
Rosenbluth-Freeheuter Rifka and her family
Rosenbluth-Krzeszower Itta and her family
Rosenbluth-Shechter Chana and her family
Rosenbluth-Shechter Rifka wife of Muttel, children Leah, Shmuel and Zilla
Roth Chaim
Roth Hersh, his wife Adele
Roth Libby and her family
Roth Michal
Roth Rifka
Roth Rifka-Shindel Yettel son Naftali
Rothman Baltze
Rothman Betty
Rothman Bracha
Rothman David
Rothman Frivele
Rothman Leibish, his wife Fifi and children
Rothman Mendel, his wife Sheindel
Rothman Moshe, his wife Ethel, children Chaya, David, Tuvia and Meir
Rothman Nutzie, his wife Faidze
Rothman Rifka
Rothman Rochel-Kutzie
Rothman Sheindele
Rothman-Baskess Gittel, wife of Isaac daughters Sprintza and Chana
Rothman-Schlissel Chaya, wife of Asher and children
Rothman-Spilka Safra, wife of Yisrael children Yoel-Moshe, 
Baruchand Berish
Rubenfeld and daughter Gittel


Sabel Jenny
Sabel Pini
Sabel Rosa
Sabel Shimon, his wife Sima
Sabel Yoshe
Safier Pinchas
Sandbank Adele, children Pessel and Leibish
Sandbank Avraham, his wife Ettel-Malka
Sandbank Munik
Sandbank Pinchas, his wife Chantzie and children
Sandbank Zilla
Sattler Mordechai and his family
Schechtel Berish and his family
Schechtel Ezriel
Schechtel Mendel, his wife Mirele and children
Scheftetz Ephraim and his family
Scheftetz Esther
Scheftetz Feiga
Scheftetz Frimmet
Scheftetz Itzik
Scheftetz Leibele, his wife Sonny
Scheftetz Mendel
Scheftetz Mollie
Scheftetz Ozer
Scheftetz Yaacov, his wife Sheva
Scheftetz Yisrael
Scheftetz Yitzchak, his wife Rifka
Scheftetz Yosef and his family Movshcovitz
Scheftetz Yosef, his wife Hinnia and son Yaacov
Scheftetz-Rosenbluth Mindel and her family
Scheinbach Dr. Carl
Schemletz Sirka and her family
Schemletz Zisha
Schemletz Zissel
Schenk Hersh
Schenk Moshe, his wife Feiga
Schenk Muttel
Schenk Rifka, wife of Yankel and daughter
Schenk Sender
Schenk Yaacov
Schenk Zelka, his wife Hinda
Scher Pini
Scher Yeckel
Scher Yoel, his wife Ruchza
Schiff Asher, his wife Leah
Schiff Getzel, his wife Yenta
Schiff Hertz Naftali Dov, his wife Brendel
Schiff Itzy, his wife Rochel
Schiff Lozer, his wife Rifka
Schiff Meir, his wife Itte, child Shaul
Schiff Naftali
Schiff Runzie
Schiff Shlomo and his wife
Schiffer Aryeh, his wife Zelta and children
Schlusselberg Yaacov and his family
Schtossfogel Chaya and her family
Schtossfogel Hennie
Schtossfogel Leizer and his wife
Schtossfogel Muttek
Schtuzel Mendel
Schtuzel Muttele
Schtuzel Zelda and children
Schurtz David, his wife Riva
Schurtz Rochel
Schurtz Shammai
Schwammenfeld Leibish
Schwammenfeld Mendel, his wife Keila
Schwammenfeld Shlomo
Schwammenfeld Yissachar, his wife Rochel, daughter Hennie
Schwartz Ettele
Schwartz Shmuel Nachum
See Esther
Segal Frieda
Segal Shlomo
Seles Yeckel
Shapira Zalman, his wife Malkala, children Yoel, Moshe, Yossi, Zviele, Minza
Silber David, his wife Rifka-Devora
Silber Shlomo-Zalman
Silber Wolftzie
Silberberg Leibel
Silberman Gershon
Silberman Lazer
Sitz Aharon, his wife Sima-Rosa
Sobel Avraham, his wife Leah
Sobel Yosef, his wife Sprintza
Sonnenblick Bunim, his wife Roska
Spiegel Avigdor
Spiegel Bluma
Spiegel Mordechai-Yonah, his wife Sara, children Serrel and Milech
Spiegel Tova and children
Spiegler Shindel
Spring Riftza
Springer Eli
Springer Mordechai and his family
Springer Sara
Spurgel Avraham
Spurgel Avrumzi and his family
Spurgel Basha
Spurgel Fishel and the son Itzik
Spurgel Hennie and her family
Spurgel Meltzie
Spurgel Mendel
Spurgel Shia
Spurgel-Taback Itka and her family
Stein Aharon
Stein Chaya
Stein Sholom
Steinbach Binyamin, his wife Ava
Steinbach Frieda
Steinbach Gadol, his wife Feiga
Steinbach Gronim
Steinbach Leah
Steinbach Yehoshua and his family
Steinmoher Shmuel
Steller Mordechai and his family
Steller Wolf, his wife Perel, children Neshe and Minnie
Stellzer Alter, his wife Tova and children
Stellzer Devora and children
Stellzer Feivel, his wife Sara and children
Stellzer Itzy
Stellzer Mehitsisk
Stellzer Muttek
Stellzer Muttel
Stellzer Shmuel
Stellzer Yehoshua-Leib, his wife Litza, son Itzy
Stellzer Yossel
Stendig Prof. Shimon , his wife Mushe son Yosef
Stern Chaya
Sternlich Chaya and daughter Itta
Stohlbach Bezalel, his wife Leah
Stohlbach Feivel, his wife Hella and son Yaacov
Stohlbach Friva-Hennie and her family
Stohlbach Kalman-Wolf
Stohlbach Yitzchak-Avraham, his wife Hinda and daughter Sara
Strauch A. Baer, his wife Feiga and children
Strauch Baer, his wife Sima
Strauch Brendel and children
Strauch Meir, his wife Sara
Strauch Meir, his wife Zissel and son Chaim
Strauch Mordechai
Strauch Psachie, his wife Ettel
Strauch Shimon, his wife Feiga and children
Strauch Shmuel-Reuven and his family
Strauch Tzipporah and child
Strauch Yaacov


Tannenbaum Shneur, his wife Feiga, children Fifi, and Zelig
Tanzman Golda-Rochel
Tanzman Pinchas
Teicher Bella
Teicher Chaya
Teicher Eliezer and his wife
Teicher Hennia
Teshner Avraham
Teshner Melzie and her family
Teshner Minna and her family
Teshner Nachum-Moshe, his wife Sprintza
Teshner Raizel and her family
Teurnkopf Hersh, his wife Rifka
Teurnkopf Itzy
Teurnkopf Leibish, his wife Mirel, children Yaacal and Rosa
Teurnkopf Yisrael
Teurnkopf Zelig, his wife Bluma
Tugendhaft Asher, his wife Tzippa and children
Tugendhaft Krindel
Turm Yitzchak, his wife Chaya-Rifka



Volker Moshe
Volker Wolf and his wife


Wachs Abish, his wife Leiza and children
Wachs Avraham
Wachs Chana
Wachs Faivel, his wife Tzeshe and children
Wachs Hudas
Wachs Leah
Wachs Mechel
Wachs Miriam-Gittel
Wachs Muttel and his family
Wachs Pinchas
Wachs Shmuel-Aharon
Wachs Wolf
Wachs Yehudit
Wachs Yerachmiel, his wife Chana and children
Wachs Yishayahu
Wachs Yisrael-Wolf
Wachs Yosef, his wife Feiga, children Rifka, Shindel and Berish
Wachs Yosef, his wife Frieda
Wachtel Bluma
Wachtel Hersh
Wachtel Itzy
Wachtel Pasche his wife Bracha and children
Wachtel Shlomo
Wachtelkonig Beila-Golda
Wachtelkonig David, his wife Esther, children Yitzchak and Rifka
Wachtelkonig Golda
Wachtelkonig-Wachs Rochel and her family
Wagner Faivel, his wife Feiga and children
Waldholz Baruch, his wife Leah, children Miriam and Yehudit
Waldholz Ephraim
Waldholz Nechama and her family
Waldholz Yaacov-Yosef
Waldholz Yechiel-Menachem
Wallach David
Wallach-Hess Esther and her husband Julius
Waller Leitza
Waller Yaacov
Waltzer Chaya and children
Wasserman Getzel and his wife
Wasserman Moshe and his wife
Wasserman Shmuel and his family
Wasserman Yehoshua
Wehrhaftig Aharon
Weinman Anshel, his wife Hanzi
Weinman Avraham, his wife Hudas, daughter Jennie
Weinman Paula
Weinman Zelda
Weinman Zvi, his wife Perele, daughter Sara
Weinrich Meir-Moshe, his wife Golda
Weinstein Avraham, his wife Leitze
Weinstein Shlomo, his wife Sprintza, daughter Hinda
Weissblum Chanza
Weissblum Rochele
Weissblum Yosef-Alter, his wife Gittel
Welch Chaim-Hertz, his wife Feiga and children
Welch Moshe
Welch Naftali
Welch Sima
Weng Mendel, the son Aryeh
Wettrich Yaacov, his wife Sara and children
Wickman Adele
Wickman Avraham Leib
Wickman Esther
Wickman Shia, his wife Rochel-Leah
Wickman Yehoshua, his wife Sirka and children
Wiedenbaum Moshe-Milech, his wife Elka
Wolf D"R Avraham
Wolk Chuni and children
Wunderer Yehoshua, his wife Rochel
Wurzel Moshe, his wife Brendel, children Leibel and Zilla


Yahry Moshe and his family


Zaisel Chaya
Zaisel Mendel
Zaisel Milech
Zaisel Shabbtai, his wife Tzippa
Zimmerman Avraham, his wife Rifka and children
Zimmerman Chantzia
Zimmerman Perel
Zimmerman-Adler Malkala
Zinn Avraham
Zinn Esther
Zinn Ettel and her family
Zinn Hillel, his wife Shindel and children
Zinn Pessel and children


Table of Contents

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This web page created by Carol Monosson Edan

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Updated 21 Feb 2002 by LA