Memorial Book of Kobylnik
(Narach, Belarus)

54°56' / 26°41'

Translation of
Sefer Kobylnik

Edited by Yitzhak Siegelman

Published in Haifa, 1967 (H, Y)
Committee of former residents of Kobylnik in Israel



Project Coordinator

Anita Frishman Gabbay


Our sincere appreciation to Meir Swirsky for the Committee of former residents of Kobylnik in Israel,
for permission to put this material on the JewishGen web site.

This is a translation from: Sefer Kobylnik Memorial Book of Kobylnik.
Editor: Yitzhak Siegelman, Haifa, Va'ad Yozei Kobylnik b'Israel,
Committee of former residents of Kolylnik in Israel, 1967 (H, Y).

Purchase details for a printed copy of this translation can be found at

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Translated by Sara Mages and Yocheved Klausner


Remembrance and Grief
A monument to our town Editorial board 7
Instead of the Orphan's Kaddish Baruch Axelrod 10
Eulogy Yitzhak Gordon 11
The synagogue of the town and around it Meyer Swirsky 15
Remember Dr. M. Dvorzhesky 20
Life and Folklore
The Grandfather from Kobylnik (poem) (Y) Moshe Kulbak 23
History of our Town Kobylnik Yitzchak Gordon 25
Holidays and Festivals in Town Meir Yavnai (Yavnovich) 30
A Wedding in Town Dvora Bachman (Gordon) 51
Hechalutz in Kobylnik Yitzchak Gordon 57
With the Actualizers in the hachsharah Movement[1] Aharon Chadash 66
The Education in Our Town, Kobylnik Meir Yavnai (Yavnovich) 70
The economic life of the Jews of Kobylnik Chaim Yavnai 78
Memories From the Old Home [Y] Pinchas Krvitzki 82
Kobylnik's Landscape and Characters [Y] Yehoshua Svidler 89
Blood Libel Meir Yavnai (Yavnovich) 97
The Great Fire in Kobylnik 1930 [Y] Yehoshua Svidler 101
Yeshayahu–Yosef the Beadle Meir Yavnai (Yavnovich) 103
Daily Life in the Town Yafa Pertzov (Sheinka Janowski) 107
With the Sense of Farewell Y. Gordon 109
From the Minutes of YIVO in New York   112
The Destruction of Kobylnik Yitzchak Gordon, Chuna Dimentsztajn, Asher Krukoff, Yosef Blinder 119
Kobylnik, the Destruction [Y] Yehoshua Swidler 151
Murderers – Murderers of Children [Y] Eng. Meir Swirsky 183
The Day of the Slaughter [Y] Khaya-Lube Svintelsky (Tchernatzky) 187
How did we burn Kobylnik? [Y] Meir Khadash 191
We Survived in the Forest [Y] Yosef Blinder 195
My Time with the Partisans [Y] Hertzka Gordon 199
We Lived to See the Liberation [Y] Tzvi Dimenshtein 205
A Hiding Place in the Pig and Chicken Pen Efraim Krobchinsky 208
We Joined the Partisans Meir Chadash 210
Episodes from Hell [Y] Zila Charmetz 213
Wandering During the War [Y] Chaim Gantovnik 218
The Hell that was Ghetto Vilna [Y] Yehosua Swidler 221
The Pain and Grief After the Liberation [Y] Yitzchak Tchernatsky 240
Memorable Days of Kobylnik's Liberation [Y] Meyer Swirsky 244
Memories of By-Gone Days [Y] (poem) Yitzhak Gordon 252
Yosef Tunkievich [Y] Asher Krukoff 257
With the People of Kobylnik in Sorrow and Pain [Y] Leon (Leybl) Solomon 260
Kobylnik to Bergen–Belsen [Y] Shoshana Pszechodnik (nee Raizel Narotski) 267
Reflections of Memory Yitzchak Gordon 271
Remember That Which the Nazi Amalek Perpetrated Against You   273
List of the martyrs from Kobylnik   274
Addresses of Kobylnikites in Israel   287
Picture of Kobylnik natives in Israel, 1967   288
Pages to note family events   292
Table of Contents   293
A memorial to our home-town [English]   296

  1. Hakhshara – training in Hebrew – agricultural institutes similar to kibbutzim where Zionist youth would learn their technical skills necessary for their emigration to Israel. Return

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Contact person for this translation Anita Frishman Gabbay
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