Memorial Book of Hrubieshov
(Hrubieszów, Poland)

50°48' / 23°55'

Translation of
Pinkas Hrubieszow

Edited by: B. Kaplinsky

Published in Tel Aviv 1962




Project Coordinator

Susan and Shawn Dilles


Our sincere appreciation to Noomi Fraizer and Genia Hollander for typing up the
English section of the book to facilitate its addition to this project.


This is a translation from: Pinkas Hrubieszow (Memorial book of Hrubieshov),
Editor: B. Kaplinsky, Hrubieshov Associations in Israel and the USA, Tel Aviv 1962 (H, Y, E, P 829 cols)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Hrubieszow

Purchase details for a printed copy of this translation can be found at

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TOC translated by Yocheved Klausner

Introduction 3
Map of Hrubieszow 19
History 21-156
Preliminary pages, Pictures   21
Notes on the History of the Jews of Hrubieszow Dr. N. M. Gelber 25
A Few Dates in the History of Hrubieszow   49
The Town of Hrubieszow and its Rabbis Tzvi Ha–Levi Ish–Hurvitz 51
Notes on the History of Hrubieszow Chaim Feifer 55
The Hebrew Printing Press in Hrubieszow Avraham Ya'ari 57
Two Jews of Hrubieszow in the 16th and 17th centuries   65
Index of Book Titles Printed in Hrubieszow   66
Hrubieszow in the Hebrew Press Selected by Baruch Yanover 67
Regulations of Four Societies Selected by Eliyahu Gertel 75
Hrubieszow in the Geographical Dictionary of the Kingdom of Poland   79
Hrubieszow in the Great Illustrated General Encyclopedia, Warsaw 1902   89
Jewish Hrubieszow, 1939–1945 Nachmen Blumental 91
“El Male Rachamim”   115
The Martyrs of Hrubieszow, may their memory be for a blessing   117
Martyred Children from the Hrubieszow Orphanage   154
Hrubieszow Fights for the Land of Israel   155
Parties 157-268
Preliminary pages, Pictures   157
Zionist Beginnings Yankev Kahan 161
The Tseyre Tsiyon Fraction Excerpt from “Liberation” (Bafrayung) 163
A Holiday in the Week Meir Hofman 165
Storms and Assaults Yosef Almogi 173
About HeChalutz Yehuda Hofman 177
Frayhayt – HeChalutz HaTzair Yehuda Tsimerman 179
Sparks Yosef Epshteyn 181
Poalei Tsiyon in Hrubieszow Celebrates May 1st, 1927 Press excerpts and pictures 185
The Group HaOved Halman Vekerman 189
I Was at a Training Camp in Hrubieszow Sh. Shayntukh 190
The Youth Movement Frayhayt Skhora Ben-Moshe 191
The Training Camp in the Village Skryhiczyn Moshe Frimer 191
My Pioneer Training Natan Hadas 193
Protest Meeting against the Immigration Decrees of 1930   201
We Provide for the Kibbutz Hersh Pachter 203
Socialist Zionist Youth Pictures 207
Po'aley Tziyon – S. Z. David Tsimerman 211
Ha-Shomer Ha-Tza'ir in Hrubieszow Matityahu Ayzenkrants and Shemaryahu Mints, Tel Aviv, Israel 216
The Young People of Hrubieszow Bruria Zilberg 219
Ha-Shomer Ha-Tza'ir in Hrubieszow Pictures 221
The General Zionists in Hrubieszow Pictures 225
From the Hrubieszower Lebn   227
Ha-Po'el Ha-Mizrachi Shloyme-Ber Amper 229
Betar and Revisionist Zionism Yosef Khrost 231
To the Jewish Population of Hrubieszow Appeal 235
We Emigrate to the Land of Israel! Pictures 237
Activities of Agudas-Yisro'el Borekh Dovid Tsimerman 241
An Episode from Long Ago Mordekhai Luxenburg 245
I Stand Here, Grinding my Teeth… Poem 246
The Socialist Artisans' Association Y. Saler 247
The Life of Artisans in Hrubieszow   248
The General Jewish Labor Bund Yitskhok Ayzen 249
The Bund in Our Town Yankev Rays 257
The Communist Party Leybish Frost 259
Institutions 269-340
Preliminary pages, Pictures   269
The Last Community Elections Eliezer-Arn Zomer 273
Lists of Candidates for the Council of the Jewish Community of Hrubieszow and its Members   275
Posters of the Parties Standing for the Community Elections of 1936   277
Press Notices of 1927-1930 Concerning Community Activities   281
A Stormy Meeting of the Community   283
We Elect a Town Council Meir Hofman 287
Commerce Between the World Wars Yekhezkel Oder 289
The Association of Merchants Yoysef Shvarts 299
The Jews of Hrubieszow Are Being Ruined By the Tax Burden   303
Concerning Institutions in Hrubieszow   305
Hrubieszow Youths in the Military and in Sports   307
The Jewish Hospital Yekhezkel Oder 309
The Orphanage Yekhiel Fayer 313
The Orphanage Arn Glezer 313
Recollections of the Orphanage Klara Shoshani 317
A General Meeting in the Orphanage   321
A Few Words About the Food Pantry Eliezer Arn Zamer 323
The Fund to Support the Fallen[1] Yankl Saler 325
The Y. H. Brenner Library Eliyahu Gertl 327
Activities to Benefit YIVO Eliyohu Gertl 329
Notes on Cultural Activity Yekhezkel Oder 331
Notes on the History of the Drama Clubs Natan Hadas 337
Some Reminiscences Malke Krongold-Spektor 339
Schools 341-372
Preliminary pages, Pictures   341
Two Years in the “Hatikvah” School Yitzchak Blumshtein 349
The Tel–Chai School Was a Corner of Light for Us Eliezer Poloshko 355
The Tel–Chai School Conquered Our Hearts A. Richman 357
A Fresh Breeze Yehuda Tsimerman 359
What a School that was! Bluma Kirshenfeld–Wasser 361
The Joys and Oys of our Tel–Chai School Hersh Pachter 363
A School like that is hard to find! Klara Shoshani 364
An Appeal from the Trustees of the Tel Chai School   365
The End–of–the–Year Party of the Hrubieszow Tel–Chai School   365
Kopl Wertman of the Tel–Chai School Speaks   365
The Jewish Youth of the Gymnasium Shoshana Gertner–Widerman 367
The Women's Professional School Golda Ader–Lerer 371
Personalities and Folksy Characters 373-464
Preliminary pages, Pictures   373
Avrom Yakov Stern Yakov Shatzki 377
History of Avraham Ya'akov Shtern Shmuel Yosef Fin 387
Rabbi Yisra'el Isser Ya'avetz S. Z. Ya'avetz 389
The Home of Rabbi Yosef Verthaym Yosef Chrost 393
The Great Rabbi, Rabbi Yosef Verthaym Dov Aharoni (Fayngloz) 397
A Memorial Candle for Khayim Verthaym Dov Aharoni (Fayngloz) 401
Rabbi Aharon Fayngloz Dov Aharoni (Fayngloz) 403
The Great Rabbi Yochanan Twersky, may he rest in peace Baruch Dovid Zimerman 407
In Memoriam: My Father, Moyshe Vanderboym David Vanderboym 409
Ben-Tziyon Aksamit (known as Bentshi) Eliyahu Gertel 409
Avraham Ber Viner Tuviya Viner 411
Avraham She-day-li Natan Hadas 411
Young University Graduates in Our Town Efrayim Shtikh, Advocate 413
Dr. Shlomo Rapoport Moshe Rapoport 415
Community Activist David Tenenbaum Shemaryahu Mintz 417
The Tsertl and David Zinger Family Yosef Chrost 419
Shlomo Aharon Royter Shmaryahu Mintz 420
Moshe Yehuda Mernshteyn Me'ir Holtzer 421
Ya'akov Royter D. Aharoni 421
My Brother Meir Ader Golda Ader–Lerer 421
Mechel Gertel Eliyahu Gertl 423
Avrom Eisen Anonomous 423
Kopel Vartman Eliezer Pulushko 424
Noteworthy People of Skryhiczyn Simkha Dantsiger 425
My Brother, Yitzkhak Fayngloz Dov Aharoni 426
Zisha and Sorele Roitman Pearl Lerer–Cohen 427
The Entrepreneur, Yosele Hecht Yosef Schwartz 427
Characters and Personalities Shimshon Cohen 429
Hrubieszow's Folksy Characters Natan Hadas 435
Our Teacher, Traytl   435
Avrom the Long   441
Ephraim Leib, the Shamash   443
Hersh Leib Treger   445
Shiya Kugel the Tailor   446
Dovid Valkavnik   447
Moshe the Jew   447
Noah Zelner   448
Yidele the Dibbuk   448
Azriel Finkelstein Mendel Korn 449
Moshe Aleinik (the Lonely) David Bar-Noor 450
Chaya Reizel Shneider Yekhezkel Korn 451
Reyzele Nekhoma Goldberg 451
Moshe Kaminyar Dvoyra Gertl 453
Motte Meir Hoffman 453
They Didn't Make It to Israel Moshe Moskal 455
Friday Among the Shops Meir Hoffman 457
Memories 465-564
Preliminary pages, Pictures   465
People and Town Borekh Yanover 469
Hrubieszow During World War I Natan Hadas 483
The Chvorniak (Four-Plex) Meyer Hoffman 503
A Walk Down Shul (Synagogue) Street Leybish Frost 513
Fifty Years Ago Max Fire 522
The River Natan Hadas 523
Shabbat Events Yidl Zimerman 527
The Warehouses are Burning Natan Hadas 529
Who Caused the Fire?   531
They Did Not Steal from Jews   535
Greenery for Shavuot   537
Oh, How Nice and Good It Is To Be A Jew!   539
Odds and Ends from Here and There Yehoshu'a Zomer 541
Engraved in My Memory Yankev Mayl 547
Conscription in Our Town Natan Hadas 549
The Criminal World Shalom Vayner 551
The Fate of a Poster Natan Hadas 555
The Home of Reb Hirshele Mints Shemaryahu Mints 557
Hrubieszow at Work and At Play (Pictures)   559
A Visit to Our Town Yehuda Hofman 563
Hassidism, Stories, and Poems 565-596
Preliminary pages, Pictures   565
How the sheketz t'shoktzeu Drove Away the Demons Natan Hadas 569
The sheketz t'shoktzeu and the Bal-Shem-Tov Natan Hadas 571
The Grandfather of Trisk Yokhanan Tebriski 572
In the Shtiebel of Trisk Eliyahu Gertl 573
The Third Shabbat Meal (Shalosh-Seudos) in the Trisk Shtiebel Natan Hadas 577
The Passing of the Trisk Rebbe Natan Hadas 579
The Katzker Hasidim Yechiel Gertner 581
The Haunting of Shloyme Regel Natan Hadas 583
The Story of a Bagel Avrom Fox 587
The Ostil Rebbe Natan Hadas 589
He Gives to Whomever He Wants Poem 589
You ask me, my Friend Poem 591
Let's Buy a Revolutionary Newspaper Poem 591
Rukhele was Lying on her Deathbed Poem 591
True Love Poem 593
The Angel of Death Poem 593
A Poem for Purim Poem 593
I Feel like Something Joyful! Poem 595
The Father bought for Yosele Poem 595
Names and Nicknames Natan Hadas 595
Hrubieszow is Dying 597-707
Preliminary pages, Pictures   597
Chronology of the Destruction of Hrubieszow Avraham Eizen z”l 601
In the First Weeks of the War Leibish Prost 607
What we Saw and Lived Through Moshe Moskol and Avraham Tzimmerman 613
My Father's Last Letter Eliezer Aharon Zommer 617
I Will Never Forget It Eliyahu Zilberblech 619
Not to be Written! Reuven Katz 623
A Bath has already been Prepared Yaakov Tchechovitch 627
Instead of a Tombstone Yechiel Feier z”l 627
The Testimony of Tzvi Pachter From Protocols of the Court 629
The Testimony of Yaakov Biskowitz From Protocols of the Court 633
I do not Know where the Bones of my Children are Roza Zilbermintz 641
Of Those Days and Nights Henia Zilbermintz-Huberman 645
Something from those Days of Destruction Avraham and Sheindel Goldfarb 649
And I have Remained Alone Yaakov Tchechovitch 657
What there was and No Longer is A. A. Zommer 679
How I Saved Myself? Naftali Myal 681
Life and Death in the Hand of Fate Natan Gvirtz 683
The Destruction of My Family Manya Lerech 687
“Let us be Brave like Lions” The Australian Jewish News 689
A Poem from Treblinka Sheindel and Avraham Goldfarb 689
The Last Days Yaakov Rozenblat, Avraham and Leib Lerer 691
We Were Left Two Hundred Yitzchak Landsberg 691
The Information from Hrubieszow – They didn't Believe it in Warsaw Chava Folman 693
In the Days of Holocaust and Vengeance Israel Vis 695
Hrubieszow Townspeople in the Tuchyn Forests Leibish Prost 697
Captain Leon Poretski Tells Leon Poretsk 701
Who is “Gittele” of Hrubieszow? Chaya Dorembus 701
Farewell Letter from Mottel a Member of Freiheit Yediot 703
A Light in the Night Bluma Kirshenfeld-Wasser 705
After the Holocaust 709-724
Preliminary Pages, Pictures   709
Thus Began the Liquidation of the Community of Hrubieszow   713
Each Stone Calls and Screams! Mordecai Hurwitz 715
Ten Jews Remained in Hrubieszow Eliyahu Shanl 717
The Same Signs But Different Families Avrom Kvasovitser 717
The Seven Thousand Jews of Hrubieszow Are No More M. Tsanin 719
My Home, Hrubieszow, is Destroyed Dr. Shmuel Ayl 719
The Survivors Organize Themselves Avrom Tsimerman 721
Natives of Hrubieszow in Israel and Worldwide 725-804
Preliminary pages   725
After the war, the survivors from Hrubieszow organize and seek a way to reach the Land of Israel Images 729
The Life and Achievements of Shlomo Gartl Adina Kahana 731
From Hrubieszow to Gymnasiya Herzliya Dr. Matityahu Shtich 733
I Saw the Cream of the Crop, and They Are Few 737
Our Father, Yehoshua Shifman The Shifman family 747
Notes on Shimshon Cohen David Tzimerman 749
In Memory of Shimshon Cohen Yosef Efraimi 751
Notes on Yekhiel Fayer   753
A Faithful Soldier, Ready for Battle Dr. Matityahu Shtikh 755
Notes on Meir Holtzer   755
In Memory of Ya'akov Bukhtreger His Wife 755
Menashe Kahana Shimshon Cohen 757
In Memoriam, Thirty Days After His Death A Friend 757
Shmuel Tsigl Moshe Tsigl 759
In Memory of Shmuel Shulamit Tsigl 760
In Memory of Shoshana Hofman Eliyahu Gartl 761
Sarah Frumer – My Sister Her brother, Moshe 762
The Association of Natives of Hrubieszow, Israel Avraham Tzimerman 763
From the Steppes of Siberia to the Land of Israel Adina Lahav 765
Features of the New Immigrants Leybish Frost 767
Years of Wandering Yosef Shvarts 769
Our Townspeople in the United States Beni Kuper 775
The Hrubieszow Ladies' Society Yekhezkel Korn 777
Grabowice-Hrubieszow Branch 400 of the Jewish National Worker's Union Yehoshua Pachter, Khayim Pinkhas Blats 779
Regulations of the First Hrubieszow Benevolent Society to Aid the Sick in New York   781
Arn Yoel Family Circle Motl Shayber 785
The Activity of the Pachter Family Tzvi Tzvilik 787
Hrubieszow Natives in Australia   789
Hrubieszow Natives in Mexico   789
Letter from Peru Shmuel Shaffer 791
Hrubieszow Natives in Israel   793
Only the Hrubieszow Memorial Book Remains Baruch Kaplinski 805
English Section
Only the ”Pinkas Hrubieshov” Remained Baruch Kaplinsky III
Sparks Light the Way Joseph Epstein V
Tel Hai School – Ray of Light Kliezker Polushko VI
The J.H. Brenner Memorial Library Eliahu Gertel VII
How the “Minyan” Drove out Evil Spirits Natan Hadass VIII
In the Trisker Shtiebel Eliahu Gertel IX
Trade between the two World Wars Yeheskel Ader X
The Merchants' Association Joseph Schwartz XI
Disaster and Heroism Israel Weiss XIII
The Liquidation of Hrubieshov Jewry Hava Follman XIV
I Shall Never Forget those Days Eliahu Silverblech XV
Who is “Gitele” of Hrubieshov? Chaia Dorembus XV
….. And I Remained Alive… Yankel Tschechowitz XVI
How I Saved Myself Naphtali Meil XVI
The Last Days Jacob Rosenblatt, Abraham and Leib Lehrer XVII


Translator's Footnote:
  1. A Somekh-Noflim fund supported the poor. Return


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