Grizer Scroll
(Grójec, Poland)

51°52' / 20°52'

Translation of
Megilat Gritse

Editor: I.B.Alterman

Published in Tel Aviv 1955

Our sincere appreciation to Yad Vashem
for the submission of the necrology for placement on the JewishGen web site.

This is a translation of: Megilat Gritse (Grizer Scroll),
Editor: I.B.Alterman, Grizer Association in Israel, Published: Tel Aviv 1955 (H,Y 408 pages)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Grojec

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Translated by Yocheved Klausner


Preface [H] I. B. Alterman  
The destroyed Grojec community [H] S. M. Kettler 5
The destroyed Grojec community S. M. Kettler 18
The wooden synagogue [H] Eng. David Dubowitz 38
The old Grojec synagogue Eng. David Dubowitz 42
Jewish Social life in Grojec
The Zionist Movement I.B. Alterman & S.M. Kettler 51
The activity of Po'alei Zion A. Greenfarb 79
The Aguda and its institutions * * * 83
The Bet Yaakov School and the Agudat Israel Women * * * 86
The activity of the Bund in Grojec L. Kula 89
The Bund movement in Grojec and its leaders Leon Aller 101
The Professional Labor Union Refael Broyn 111
Foundation of the Craftsmen Organization Yakov Kristal 113
Aid for Jewish children * * * 115
The economic Anti-Semitic fight against Jews * * * 118
Types and Personalities
The town Grojec Yosef Heftman 125
Grojec of long ago I. Mastboim 129
The Grojec Rabbi [H] Rav Simcha Elberg 131
The Grojec Rabbi Rav Simcha Elberg 143
Grandchildren I. B. Alterman 159
Bendit Rinkyewitz Genia Rinkyewitz 165
The rabbi, my Torah teacher I. B. Alterman 169
Asher Zelig Leibel Kula 172
The Grojec mother A. Friedman 175
Israel Klepfisch S. M. Kettler 178
He was active in cultural matters A. Friedman 180
The tormented workers of the Jewish public library   185
Chanina Kramarske E. 187
Avraham Dreier * * * 190
Yosef Dreier I. B. A. 192
Episodes and Pictures
The first Jewish Labor Organization Avraham Bornstein 201
The first revolutionaries Meir Rubin 203
The “Little Bund” Yakov Rinkyewitz 205
Seven “spies” H. Goldberg 208
The Grojec jail David Dreier 212
Through the Grojec little streets Avraham Friedman 214
On the Eve of Yom Kippur] S. M. Kettler 217
My years in the Heder W. Kula 222
Childhood years Eliezer Bokser 225
Impossible to forget Refael Broyn 227
My home of long ago Chana Kaper - D. Yurkewitz 229
My world has disappeared I. B. Alterman 231
The Destruction of the Jewish Community
(Personal experiences, testimonies and recorded facts)
Before the downfall I. B. Alterman 239
War   243
Occupation of Grojec   247
The first hunt   248
Polish prisoners   252
We are chased to Germany   254
In Rzeszow   259
In Czenstochow Recorded and told by Avraham Hammer 262
Provocations   265
The members of the Judenrat   269
Establishment and activity of the Judenrat From the notes of S. M. Rosenthal 275
A contribution   279
Life in the Ghetto   281
The first deportation   282
The second deportation   283
In the Warsaw Ghetto   287
How I escaped from the ghetto   288
Grojec Jews in Byalabrzeg   290
Deportation of the Jews from Byalabrzeg   292
In Skarzhisk   292
The last deportation   294
Forced labor camp in Smolensk   295
* * *    
Grojec Jews, who perished in Smolensk Yosef & Avraham Yakov Hammer 299
Grojec Jews, who perished in France A. Goldfarb 300
200 Grojec Jews, who were buried alive Yitzhak Barenstein 301
Holy Shaul Maletz  
A lament for my town    
Grojec Jews in the World
(Activity of the Landsanshaft Committees)
Immigration of Grojec Jews to France A. Goldfarb 313
Accomplishments of the L.L. organization in Argentina, 1945-53 Leibel Kula 314
The Grojec Landsmanshaft Organization in America Shaul Maletz 318
Twelve years of the “Former Grojec Residents” organization in Israel * * * 323
Akiva Laufer Yafo Har-Zahav Burger 349
Moshe Nisel Teitelboim Yudel Pasternak 350
Esther-Beene Keiser-Rochfeld S. M. Kettler 351
Israel Diamant Z. Ben-David 354
Gershon Klein Yosef & Avraham Hammer 354
I remember them and I weep M. M. Kalmansohn 358
Simcha Yom-Tov Avraham Friedman 360
Feivel Artman S. M. Kettler 362
List of Martyrs from Grójec, Poland   366


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