Story of Ger
(Góra Kalwaria, Poland)

51°59' / 21°14'

Translation of Megiles Ger

Edited by: Gregorio Sapoznikow

Published in Buenos Aires, 1975


This is a translation from: Megiles Ger, Story of Ger, Ed. Gregorio Sapoznikow, Buenos Aires,
Ger Societies in Argentina, Israel, and the U. S., 1975 (Y).

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Gora Kalwaria

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Translated by Gloria Berkenstat Freund

A City of Hasidus and Sanctity 7
From the Book Committee in Argentina   9
Megilus Ger [Scroll of Ger] - A Register of Jewish Tragedy and Eternal Israel Gershon Sapocznikow 11
A Headstone on the Horrible Ruin of Our Birthplace, Ger Mordekhai Chelmicz 13
Fulfilling a Sacred Duty   20
The Light of Exile of the Gerer Hasidus 23
The First Gerer Rebbe; the Chiddushei HaRim   23
The Sfas Emes   32
Our Master, Our Teacher, and Our Rabbi, Rebber Mordekhai Alter, may the memory of a righteous man be blessed   37
In the Court of the Gerer Rebbes Chaim-Borukh Szterenszus 49
Rosh Hashanah in the Hasidic Metropolis Pinkhas ben [son of] Eliezar 63
Shavous in Ger The Rabbi Avraham Zemba 73
Gora Kalwaria - The Shtetele [small town] Ger Y. LN 85
Not to Forget Menakhem ben [son of] Uri 90
Memories of Ger Menakhem Gilduni (Goldhecht) of blessed memory 102
How the Gerer Rebbe Survived the Hitleristic Hell Moshe Yehezkiel 110
The Cultural, Social and Worldly Life 123
Parties in Ger Moshe Rabski 125
The Progressive Movement in Ger Menashe Orzech 136
Ger and Gora Kalwaria, One City and Two Worlds Yakov Jurkewicz 152
Ger in My Childhood and Youth Yakov Poloniecki 169
The Sports Club at the Peretz Library Markos Gutsztat 177
The Drama Circle at the Peretz Library Bayle Garfinkel De Helman 182
Ger, Seen by a Gritser [Gorlec] Woman Henye Koper-Jurkewicz 188
Memories of the First Halutz [Pioneers] from Ger Avraham Mardyks 195
Jews Staged a Resistance Leyzer Mesing 202
A Headstone That Will Live Forever Avraham Mardyks 205
Ways, Types and Personalities 211
Types and Personalities from Former Jewish Ger Perl Orzech 213
Royzele the Seamstress Lipe Helman 217
The Shtetele [small town] Ger and its Communal Workers Yakov Jurkewicz 222
Nostalgia for the Home in the 91st Year Yitzhak Grajfman 235
Horror and Destruction 241
Ger Before the Destruction and After the Destruction Yitzhak Wajntraub 243
Gora Kalwaria (Ger) during the First Two Years of the Nazi Occupation From Ringelblum's Archive 255
The First Day of the War Leah Szrajbaum-Guberman 265
The Bloody Beginning and the Tragic End of the War Lipe Helman 272
My Seven Circles of Hell in the Time of the War Yisroel Rozenblum 279
Righteous Among the Nations Rywka Helfgot-Mojszewski 288
The Liquidation of the Ghetto in Otwock Josef Helfgot 294
The Death March to the Gas Chamber Rywka Kenigsztajn-Hubel 300
The Beginning and the End of a Jewish Shtetl [town] Henrik Prajs 312
A Jewish Child in Nazi Hell Rywka Helfgot 320
The Destruction of Ger Ezra Cwilich 328
Three Jews Remained in Ger Henrik Prajs 363
There Once Was a Jewish City Menashe Orzech 372
The Survivors Lipe Helman 379
A Cemetery without Graves Leibl Szrajbaum 389
The Last Notes from Jakub Prajs   394
The Spirit of the Ger Lives 401
Continuation of Gerer Hasidim in the Land of Israel   403
The Activities of the Association of Former Residents of Ger in Israel Menakhem ben [son of] Uri 417
The Activities of the Gerer Landsleit [people from the same town] in Buenos Aires A Landsman [person from the same town] 428
Eli, the son, rabbi and soldier Goldhecht 440
Eli, the son, rabbi and soldier   443
Historical meditations about Ger Menakhem Golduni, of blessed memory 447
Ger Lives in the Jewish World Menakhem ben [son of] Uri 460
Remembrance and Necrology 463
Necrology   470

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