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Translation of
Sefer Gniewaszow
Editor: David Shtokfish
Published in Tel Aviv 1971
Project Coordinator
Our sincere appreciation to Genia Hollander
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A. The town until the Second World War | |
We are creating a Matzevah [Memorial Stone] [H] Moshe Perlshtein | 5 |
We are creating a Matzevah [Memorial Stone] [Y] Moshe Perlshtein | 7 |
Gniewoszów and Granica Historical origins [H] | 11 |
Gniewoszów and Granica Historical origins [Y] | 16 |
Chaim Adelman GniewoszówGranica [H] | 26 |
Eliezer Weinberg Jewish social living in the shtetl [Y] | 39 |
Eliezer Weinberg Jewish life until the beginning of WWI [H] | 60 |
Mendel Lifshitz Everything was divided in two parts [Y] | 67 |
Yosef Diener Happenings and surviving [Y] | 70 |
AbrahamMordechai Liebhaber The expulsion in the year 1915 [Y] | 73 |
Hertzke Lieberman Remembrances from a time before [Y] | 79 |
David Perlshtein On the footsteps of days past [H] | 82 |
David Perlshtein On the footsteps of days past [Y] | 88 |
Yaakov Korman Remembrances [H] | 98 |
Yaakov Korman Remembrances [Y] | 102 |
Abraham Cohen Remembrances of the old home [Y] | 107 |
Moshe Feldman This is how we lived [Y] | 114 |
Aharon Bekerman Chederim [learning rooms] and teachers [Y] | 117 |
Yosef Shteinfeld Trying to make a living [H] | 120 |
Yosef Shteinfeld About making a living in the shtetl [Y] | 123 |
Yosef Tirngl Jewish businesses in our city [H] | 126 |
Hert Sackshneider Jewish stores in our Gniewoszów [Y] | 128 |
Motl Melach Parties, institutions and organizations [Y] | 131 |
Pinchas Perlshtein Memories from a former workeractivist [Y] | 135 |
IsraelYisser Zaltzman The professional union [Y] | 149 |
Moshe Perlshtein The life of the young people [H] | 153 |
Moshe Perlshtein Concerning the social life [Y] | 159 |
Zelig Untreger Needs to be remembered [Y] | 168 |
Moshe Wasserman A small shtetl with great aspirations [Y] | 171 |
David Perlshtein The city in my memories [H] | 174 |
B. People of Gniewoszów and the building of the place | |
Yehudit Simanhoyz (Shteinfeld family) First Hassidic founders of the town [H] | 185 |
The Rabbi from Kozienice, my town’s Hassidim | 189 |
Arye Mayerowich A Jew travels to Eretz Israel | 191 |
Moshe Shteinfeld In the Haganah [Jewish Army] and in the British Army [H] | 200 |
Tzvi Mayerowich A hard way through life [Y] | 205 |
Tzvi Mayerowich 75 healthy years [H] | 209 |
Moshe Birman In the Jewish brigade [Y] | 212 |
C. Memories | |
Learned men, Rabbis, Hassidim and freethinkers Eliezer Weinberg [Y] | 219 |
Memories of the town David Perlshtein [H] | 234 |
Memories of the town David Perlshtein [Y] | 237 |
Characters in the shtetl Yaakov Korman [Y] | 240 |
Moshe Novigorer, the giant David Eidelman [H] | 242 |
Moshe Novigorer, the giant David Eidelman [Y] | 244 |
My zeyde [grandfather] the hero Yosel Shteinfeld [Y] | 248 |
The simple minded and the genius Pinchas Perlman [Y] | 249 |
Jewish workerorganizers in Gniewoszów Moshe Perlshtein [Y] | 250 |
My parent Abraham and Yeta Shteinfeld z”l Ester Shteinfeld [Y] | 252 |
Perl Shteinfeld Yermiyahu and Penina Berkowitch [Y] | 253 |
Rev David Shteinfeld z”l Shalom Shapira [Y] | 255 |
My zeyde and other memories Yehudit Simenhoyz (born Shteinfeld) [Y] | 255 |
My father a”h Gimpl Handeltman [Y] | 258 |
Nissan Yudl student Moshe Feldman [Y] | 260 |
The Pontsch family Leah Weinshtok [Y] | 260 |
My zeyde Menashe Frydman Ryfka FrydmanRosenberg [Y] | 262 |
The Public figure from Gniewoszów Rev Mordechai Yakov Adelman z”l Ch. Adelman [H] | 264 |
My father David Frydman Ida Eizenman [Y] | 265 |
Mendel Lifshitz z”l the underground fighter Y. Alperowich [Y] | 267 |
D. The Holocaust | |
Yaakov Goldshtein My memories as a child [H] | 273 |
AbrahamMordechai Liebhober From hideout to hideout [Y] | 286 |
Sarah Gertner A life of suffering and murder [H] | 310 |
Sarah Gertner A life of suffering and murder [Y] | 312 |
Sarah OrnshteinSheier In the Demblin ghetto [Y] | 316 |
AharonHersh Sheier GniewoszówDemblinCzestochow [Y] | 318 |
Pinchas Tzweingenberg How we survived [Y] | 320 |
Abraham Lansman In the Gniewoszów ghetto [H] | 328 |
(Ezra Lieberman) The story from Peretz Shapiro [Y] | 331 |
Yankl Perlshtein Three years in Auschwitz [Y] | 334 |
Malka Tirangel On the roads of pain and extinction [Y] | 348 |
Motl Melach We did not forget [Y] | 359 |
Meir Fuks In the Nazi death camps [H] | 363 |
Meir Fuks In the Nazi death camps [Y] | 368 |
Rifka Rozenberg (Frydman) Saved myself and my daughter [Y] | 376 |
Leo Feygenboym My search was bitter [Y] | 380 |
Shaya Sherman A living hell [Y] | 384 |
Yaakov Korman Years of horror and pain [Y] | 404 |
Menachem Weinberg Escaping from several camps [H] | 422 |
Menachem Weinberg Escaping from several camps [Y] | 431 |
Lozer Weinberg The destruction of Gniewoszów [Y] | 444 |
Yosef Diener By the Germans, Russians and Poles [Y] | 463 |
Gimpel Handelsman In the USSR at the time of WWII [Y] | 466 |
Moshe Feldman Under Soviet captivity [Y] | 470 |
Abraham Cohen From German captivity to Eretz Israel [Y] | 475 |
Chaim FrimerGreenshpan I fought against the Nazis [H] | 482 |
David Perlshtein My last visit to the shtetl [Y] | 500 |
Moshe Perlshtein Activities of the Gniewoszów organization in Israel [Y] | 505 |
E. Names of the Kedoshim [those murdered] | 509 |
F. Necrology | 526 |
G. English Section | 555 |
We Have Erected a Monument | 3* |
History of Gniewashow and Granitz | 6* |
Memories Aaron Glassman | 10* |
Memories of my Birthplace Jacob Bernofsky | 12* |
From Hide-out to Hide-out Abraham Mordechai Liebhaber | 15* |
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