49°49' / 24°31'
Translation of
Ba-golah uva-moledet
Written by: Asher Korech (Buchbinder)
Published in Jerusalem: Hotsa'at Gazit, 1941
Project Coordinator
Our sincere appreciation to Noam Gavriely, grandson of Asher Korech,
for permission to put this material on the JewishGen web site.
This is a translation of Ba-golah uva-moledet (In the Diaspora and in the Homeland),
Written by Asher Korech (Buchbinder), Published in Jerusalem: Hotsa'at Gazit, 1941
JewishGen, Inc. makes no representations regarding the accuracy of
the translation. The reader may wish to refer to the original material
for verification.
JewishGen is not responsible for inaccuracies or omissions in the original work and cannot rewrite or edit the text to correct inaccuracies and/or omissions.
Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.
1 | My family | 9 |
2 | Dad and Mom | 13 |
3 | Child in the Cheder | 17 |
4 | Bar Mitzva | 22 |
5 | Windows were opened in the house of study | 25 |
6 | R' Yehoshua Baseches and R' Hillel Finelish | 28 |
7 | The big fire | 34 |
8 | R' Mordecai ben Yehezkiel Halperin | 36 |
9 | The beginning of the Enlightenment in our town: R' Moshe Leib Lanos, R' Leib Wolf, R' Moshe Stam, R' Yankele Chaya Ester's, R' Yosef Hurwitz, R' Aharon Rubintzhal | 44 |
10 | Memorial stones: 1. The river Wislanka, 2. T' Baruch the Tall, R' Manis Lieberman, For the sake of Mitzva we turn to the Land of Israel, The Land of Israel in Galina before Zionism | 55 |
11 | My Dear Fellow Efraim the beginning of the evolution of Zionism in our town, Dr. Avraham Korkis, the Day of the Hebrews | 81 |
12 | R' Shlomo Unger | 90 |
13 | In the age of military duty and marriage | 96 |
14 | On the field of the Zionist labor: a new spirit – the skies are higher , Aaron's sacrifice, You shall not preach, National home on foreign soil, Remember this to Jacob, Our Hebrew school | 105 |
15 | Rabbi Meir Shapira zl: His appointment as our town's chief rabbi, His educational and communal activities | 119 |
16 | In the field of books and writers: Trade and publishers, Y.H. Brenner, Prof. Dr. L. Kellner, R' Eliezer Meir Lifshitz | 129 |
17 | Chaos comes to the world: The start of the world war, The Russian military invasion | 134 |
18 | Under Russian occupation: Mom and Dad zl pass away, The Russian military runs away | 140 |
19 | Following the Austrian redemption: The arrival of the Austrian military, Public work, The plague | 147 |
20 | Orphanage work: Founding the orphanage, the military draft and the passing of my brother Tzvi zl | 150 |
21 | Public works during the war: Internal improvements in the orphanage Huftman von Kepnik in Galina, Help for the refugees, Jewish soldiers and the poor, The orphanage moves to Bilitz, Seder for the soldiers | 155 |
22 | In the Italian frontier: I was drafted to military service, to the Italian front | 171 |
23 | I leave the military: I was released from military service | 175 |
24 | Under Ukrainian burden: End of the world war, The Ukrainian government, The Polish-Ukrainian war | 182 |
25 | The Polish redemption and its troubles: The pleasures of commerce, The persecutions of the Zionists | 187 |
26 | My path to the Land of Israel has opened: Dr. Yaakov Ton in Lvov, The committee for land sales in the Land of Israel, I was invited to come to Eretz Israel | 194 |
27 | To the Land of the Patriarchs: Preparations for the trip, From Lvov to Glatz, on the ship, I am up on the soil of Eretz Israel | 197 |
28 | I will settle here : In the quarantine, In Tel-Aviv, Arranging a store for the laboratory in Jerusalem | 202 |
29 | In Jerusalem: I work, an old friend, I buy an old house, I renovate the old house | 206 |
The photographs in the book |
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