52°25' / 21°27'
Translation of
Sefer Falenica
Editor: D. Shtokfish
Published in Tel Aviv 1967
Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Falenica (1967)
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Translated by Yocheved Klausner
Foreword [H] | 5 | |
Foreword [E] | 7 | |
Yiddish Section | ||
a. History, Way of Life, Images | ||
The history of Falenica | 11 | |
The beginnings of the town | Mordechai Ben-Gil (Wengel) | 13 |
A famous little town | Shlomo Adivi (Shlomek Friedman) | 14 |
Falenica in my memory | Chaitche Gurfinkel | 16 |
A long road | Hershel Greenboim | 19 |
Renimiscences from the years of youth | Moshe Schechter | 22 |
Memories, images, figures | Eli Solnitzki | 24 |
Warsaw is not far from Falenica | Yakov Domb | 48 |
Reminiscences from First World War | Simcha Solnitzki | 52 |
Reminiscences from First World War | Mania Myodowski | 58 |
Falenica, my Falenica | Hershel Goldfinger | 60 |
A walk through town | Avraham Ring | 67 |
Wyonzhovne, a beautiful and poor town | Yankel Pontchek | 73 |
b. Parties, Organizations and Institutions | ||
Yiddish and nationality | Ch. Myodowski | 81 |
The Community, its files and its employees | Sofia Goldberg | 82 |
A center of ideals and culture | Yankel Byalobrode (Byaler) | 84 |
Hassidic, Zionist and Communist | Mordechai Ben-Gil | 88 |
Parties in Falenica - and documents | Esther Mark | 93 |
The Communist Party and professional associations | Eli Solnitzki | 98 |
A Bundist's memories | Melech Pascalinski | 106 |
Labor Union and Sport Clubs | I. Zhebrak | 108 |
Torah and Charity institutions | Chanina Stern | 111 |
Professional Associations | Simcha Solnitzki | 112 |
The Sports - Club Orchestra | Avraham Ring | 114 |
The Bakers Union and its leaders | Shmuel Kamienkowski | 116 |
The first objective: an 8-hour workday | Aharon Suchman | 117 |
c. Personalities, Figures, Types | ||
Rav Pinchas Finkelstein, head of the religious court | M. S. Geshuri | 121 |
Shlomo Leitman, one of the organizers of the Sobivor uprising | A. Petchorski | 122 |
Chaim Ankerman | Prof. B. Mark | 142 |
Shimon-Hersh Shochet [ritual slaughterer] | I. Djebrak | 144 |
The Yabblonowitz Family | Batia Chermoni | 146 |
They must be remembered | Mania Yellen- Myodowski | 146 |
Some of the personalities in town | Ch. Goldberg | 149 |
Melamdim [Torah teachers] and artisans | Yakov Domb | 153 |
Leibishel Gleizer and Mendele Stavski | Melech Pascalinski | 156 |
My Father Hillel Katz, of blessed memory | Raizel Katz | 157 |
Mordechai-David Brown | Yosef Brown | 158 |
The community- doers | Michael Yitzchaki (Gelbtrubk) | 159 |
Families of bakers in Felnica | Shmuel Kamyenkowski | 161 |
My father's home | Gila Ben-Gil (Greenfas) | 162 |
The Brown Family | Shoshana Brown-Suchman | 162 |
My friend Avreimel's blue twilight hours | Gershon Segal | 163 |
Rabbis, community workers and just ordinary Jews in Falenica | Mordechai-Chaim Ben-Gil (Wengel) | 165 |
d. Holocaust and Struggle | ||
Impossible to forget you | Tzipora Stalik (Fela Silberstein) | 183 |
The destruction of Falenica | Various sources | 185 |
23 documents are telling a story… | D. Stokfisch | 187 |
The tragic fate of the Falenica ghetto | Mietchislav Chotzhko | 199 |
In the ghetto and in the death camps | Shlomo Dorfman | 202 |
Memories from the Days of War | Guta Goldstein-Friedman | 203 |
In the Falenica ghetto | Chana Yellen | 207 |
The days of destruction | Pola Trebnik (Nissenboim) | 208 |
A Jewish community in ruins | Hersh Goldstein | 212 |
A diary of wandering | Dov Wengel | 215 |
The first days of World War Two | Yitzhak Millstein | 220 |
Wandering and struggling | Chaim Goldberg | 222 |
I escaped from Treblinka | Yakov Ackerman | 230 |
Falenica Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto uprising | The tale of Simcha Korngold | 239 |
In the ghetto and in the Aryan Side | Baruch Goldstein | 246 |
A Jewish town was destroyed | Shmuel Kamienkovski | 273 |
During those terrible days | Hinda Bezpoyasnik | 277 |
The Base of the Jewish partisans | Prof. B. Mark - Michalin | 285 |
The attempted murder of SS General Fischer in Falenica | 287 | |
Falenica Jews in France during WWII | Eli Solnitzki | 290 |
Falenica Jews in Paris during the German occupation | Yankel Klimberg | 291 |
The first day of Freedom | Chaim-Itzel Goldstein | 292 |
On the Line | Dr. Ch. Shoshkes | 295 |
e. Falenica Jews in Israel and in he World | ||
Activity of the former Felnica Residents Organization in Israel, 1948-1965 |
Chaim Goldberg, Yechezkel Finkelstein | 301 |
The Atwotzk-Falenica-Kortchew Society in France | Shalom Goldstein, Eli Solnitzki | 308 |
Hebrew Section | ||
a. People and Events | ||
The Oak of Weeping [Gen. 35:8] | Avraham Friedman | 315 |
Hassidic and Zionist life | Mordechai Ben-Gil | 406 |
The Hechalutz [Pioneer] Chapter in Falenica | Chaim Myodovski | 409 |
The blood covenant (Beitar organization in Falenica) | Gershon Segal | 411 |
Hashomer Hatza'ir movement | Rania Arnon-Miller | 413 |
The Blue Box | Penina Bern | 417 |
The Bet-Ya'akov School | Devora Rozhe-Shedeltzki | 417 |
At School | Lea Krauthammer-Lieberman | 420 |
Personalities | ||
Rav R'Pinchas Finkelstein zl | Yitzhak Levine | 420 |
Rav R'Pinchas Finkelstein zl, ABD in Falenica | M. S. Geshuri | 424 |
The Yablonowitz Family | 425 | |
Alter-Israel Lieberman | A member of the family | 426 |
My brother Eliezer | Miriam (Steinberg) Beiglman | 427 |
Israel Goldberg zl | Zvi Greenfas, Yosef Greenfas | 427 |
Sheindel Shedlitzki zl | 428 | |
My father Yona Steinberg | Eliezer Steinberg | 428 |
b. Holocaust and Rebellion | ||
The tragic fate of the Falenica ghetto | Mietchislav Chotzhko | 433 |
In the ghetto and in the death camps | Shlomo Dorfman | 434 |
Falenica Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto uprising | The tale of Simcha Korngold | 435 |
c. Necrology | ||
List of Martyrs | 443 | |
Obituaries | 451 |
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