Yekaterinoslav-Dnepropetrovsk Memorial Book
(Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine)

48° 27' / 34° 59'

Translation of
Sefer Yekaterinoslav-Dnepropetrovsk

Edited by: Zvi Harkavi, Yaakov Goldburt

Published in Jerusalem-Tel Aviv 1973



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This is a translation of: Sefer Yekaterinoslav-Dnepropetrovsk
(Yekaterinoslav-Dnepropetrovsk memorial book);
Edited by Zvi Harkavi, Yaakov Goldburt; published by Yekaterinoslav-Dnepropetrovsk Society,
Jerusalem-Tel Aviv 1973 (167 pages, H)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Ekaterinoslav

Purchase details for a printed copy of this translation can be found at

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Translated by Yocheved Klausner

From the Editors 5
Efraim Strod z”l 7-8
Verses of Memories Hanania Reichman 9-18
The Jews in Ekaterinoslav–Dniepropetrovsk I. Goldbrot 21-40
The Zionist Movement in Ekaterinoslav (The Time of Hibat Zion) Dr. Israel Klausner 41-45
Ekaterinoslav Jews in the First Aliya and Second Aliya 46
The Campaign Dr. S. Levin z”l 46-49
Impressions from a Journey A. L. Levinski 50
My memories Hadassa Rachel Birman 51-55
Defense in October 1905 Dalman 56-59
Zionism in Ekaterinoslav Y. Ben Menachem 60-67
The Community in Ekaterinoslav Dr. Yakov Kostrinski 68-69
The Jewish Polytechnic in Ekaterinoslav I. G. 69-71
The defense in Ekaterinoslav in the years 1917–1919 I. G. 72-74
My meetings with Dr. Yosef Chazanowitz Dr. Yakov Kostrinski 75
The JOINT in Ekaterinoslav (1921-1924) Shlomo Tesslitzki 76
At the beginning of the road Avraham Millstein 77-78
“Hatchiya” in Ekaterinoslav Aharon Becker 79-82
My visit to Dniepropetrovsk in 1958 Batya Riskind 83-84
Avraham Shlonsky in a conversation with the editors of “Sefer Ekaterinoslav–Dnepropetrovsk” HaRav Dr. Zvi Harkavi and Yaakov Goldburt 84-85
The Holocaust
The Holocaust in Dniepropetrovsk Rav Dr. Zvi Harkavi 89-92
The Days of the Holocaust in Dniepropetrovsk Dr. Rosa Leikina 93-104
Dniepropetrovsk [Yiddish] David Bergelson hy”d 105-107
Dniepropetrovsk [Hebrew] David Bergelson hy”d 107-108
The town on the Dnieper [Hebrew] S. Ortenberg 109-110
Life of Torah
The Rabbis of Ekaterinoslav Rav Yehuda-Leib Levin z”l 113-115
Houses of Prayer in Ekaterinoslav   116
Rabbi Pinchas Gellman z”l Tz. H. 117-118
Rabbi Levi–Yitzhak Schneurson, may he rest in peace Tz. H. 118-119
Rabbi Yehuda Leib Levin z”l Tz. H. 119-122
The Yeshiva in Ekaterinoslav Nechemia Lev 122-124
My grandfather R'Moshe Karpas z”l Tz. H. 125-127
Public Personalities and Zionist Activists
Eliyahu Orshanski, Yitzhak Orshanski, Mechl [Michael] Maidanski, Chaim (Vitali) Levanda, Menachem Ussishkin, Baruch Spiewak, Moshe Bruk, Shimon Stanislavski, Dr. Shmaryahu Levin, Sergei Paley, Menachem–Emanuel Broshtein, Dr. Yakov Dolzhanski, Leon Rothenberg, David Shmorgoner, Pavel (Pinchas) Cohen, Zalman Ostrovski, Dr. Boris Chanis, Shlomo Braslavski, Baruch Toporovski, Avraham Berezovski, Pinchas Schiffman (Ben Sira), Moshe Duchan, Israel Idelson (Bar–Yehuda) 131-146
In Memory of the Departed
Yakov Moiseyev z”l, Zalman Yupit z”l, Moshe Rissin z”l, Dr. Moshe Ofir (Zolotrevski) z”l, Zvi Sheftelson z”l, Avraham Gutman z”l, Dov Admoni z”l, Yehuda Avisar z”l, Daniel Wechsler z”l,Asher Pevzner z”l, David Izraeli (Rubin) z”l 149-157
The letter of the Jewish partisan Rudinov from the Soviet Union to the Editor of the book 158
Mark (Mordechai) Schaechter z”l 159
At the End of the Book 161
List of Illustrations:
The Great Synagogue in Ekaterinoslav, House of Sergei Faley, List of candidates to the Russian Founding Assembly, The proclamation of the Jewish National Parties before the elections to the City Council in 1917 (the two documents from the Russian Zionist Archives founded by A. Refaeli), Voter's card to the Community Committee in 1918, Part of the agreement on the acquisition of land in the Golan, Victims of the 1905 pogroms (two pictures), Temporary Shekel from 1917, Study Register from The Jewish Politechnikum, Certificate issued by the City Council to a member of the Defense Unit of the Community, The Committee of Tzeirei Zion in 1923 (the two documents from the Russian Zionist Archives founded by A. Refaeli).
List of Photographs:
A. Orshanski, M. Usishkin (from the Russian Zionist Archives founded by A. Refaeli), H.D. Birman, M. Meidanski, M. Bruk, Dr. S. Levin (from the Russian Zionist Archives founded by A. Refaeli), S, Faley, S. Braslavski (from the Russian Zionist Archives founded by A. Refaeli), Rabbi Kazvonikov, Rabbi I.L. Levin, Rabbi L.I. Shneursohn, Moshe Karpas, M. Duchan, I. Idelsohn, M. Dissin, Z. Yofim, A. Guttman, B. Admoni, I. Avisar, Z. Sheftelsohn

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