There Once was a Town
A descriptive Monograph of the Town of Dombroven

(Dumbrăveni, Moldova)

48°03' / 28°14'

Translation of
Hayoh hayetah 'ayarah – monagrafiyah tsiyurit al ayarati Dombroven

Written by: Chaim Toren

Published in Jerusalem, 1973



Translator: Mira Eckhaus

Translation Editor: Dr. Rafael Manory


This is a translation from: Hayoh hayetah 'ayarah – monagrafiyah tsiyurit al ayarati Dombroven;
There once was a town – a descriptive monograph of the town of Dombroven;
Written by Chaim Toren, Jerusalem, 1973 (198 pages; H, Y)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Dumbraveny (1973)

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Foreword to the Book 7 91
Introduction 9 93
The Power of a Melody 11 96
This is the History 13 98
“Corridor” to Israel 15 101
An Agricultural Colony 17 103
Monotonous Life 24 114
The Entertainment Life 25 116
The Simple People 28 119
The Rabbi 36 130
Father's House 39 135
Homeowners, Intellectuals and Extraordinary People 46 145
The Fanatic 67 175
The Intelligent Persons 69 178
Educated People and the “Plebs” 71 181
Lunatics and Fools 75 185
Synagogues 78 190
The Aliya People 80 192
The End 83 197


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Emerita Yizkor Book Project Manager, Joyce Field z”l
This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld

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Updated 09 Oct 2023 by JH