Our Town Druzhkopol
Words of Memory and Eulogy

(Druzhkopol’, Ukraine)

50°26' / 24°41'

Translation of
Iyrateinu Druzhkopol – Divrei Zikaron Umisped

Edited by: Organization of Druzhkopol Emigres in Israel, 1958-9

Memory of Henry Gershfield



Project Coordinator

Gary Gershfield


This is a translation from: Iyrateinu Druzhkopol – Divrei Zikaron Umisped
(Our Town Druzhkopol – Words of Memory and Eulogy),
Organization of Druzhkopol Emigres in Israel, 1958-9

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Translated by Jerrold Landau

Upon publication of the book by Binyamin Ben Aryeh 1
Poem by Zeev Kachol 3
Yizkor 4
The Yahrzeit – In memory of our Shtetl Druzhkopol by Binyamin Ben Aryeh 5
A picture of the town drawn from memory by Abraham Boxer (Ben Aryeh) 6
Names of the Martyrs of Druzhkopol 7
Natives of the Town who died fighting in Israel 11
Map of Druzhkopol and environs, drawn by Avraham Boxer (Ben Aryeh) 12
Upon the Publication of the Second Booklet 13
“Now, When the Torches Have Been Extinguished”, poem by Zeev Kachol 14
Druzhkopol In A Period of Over 300 Years by Avraham Boxer 16
    Introduction 16
    The Beginning of Druzhkopol 18
    Druzhkopol as a Village 21
    The Town of Druzhkopol Develops 24
    The First Beis Midrash in Druzhkopol 25
    The New Beis Midrash Built of Brick 27
    The Second Great Fire 28
    Druzhkopol Develops (Renaissance) 30
    Druzhkopol Ceases to be One Family 31
    Cantorial Arts and Music in Druzhkopol 33
    Cantorial Arts 35
    The Last Cantor in Town 37
    The First Modern “Bikur Cholim” Society in Druzhkopol 38
    New Times 40
Our Town of Druzhkopol by Henia Shchori 45
The Young Chalutz (Pioneer) by Rivka Dayagi 48
The Shoa “Days of Horror” (For Yom Hashoah) by Binyamin Ben Aryeh 53
Letter from Abroad (Yiddish) By David Wahze 55
From the Diary of Zelda Shargil by Pnina Shargil 59
Personalities 61
    Yosef Ben Moshe (The Miser) by a friend 62
    Yosef the Miser of Blessed Memory by Avraham Boxer 63
    Pesia Lifshitz by Binyamin Ben Aryeh (Shargil) 64
    Avraham the son of Yosef Cantor by Oran Shmuel 64
    Moshe Wallach by Oran Shmuel 65
    Mina Horenstein by Binyamin Ben Aryeh (Shargil) 65
    On David Who is No More by Binyamin Ben Aryeh [Shargil] 66
    Yaakov the son of Chaya and Avraham Boxer of blessed memory 67
    The Rabbis of the City 69
        Rabbi Wilicker by B. the son of Avraham Leib 69
        Rabbi Yentis by B. the son of Avraham Leib 69
        Yossi Boxer 70
        Ezriel Shatz 70
    The Teachers of our City 71
        Reb Shalom Abbas Schnider 71
        Reb Shmuel Yankels Goldstein 71
        Reb Mottel the Shochet by Pinchas Adiri 72
        Reb Shmuel Kipper by P. A. 72
        Herschel Hirschfeld 74
        Abba Schnider 74
        Zelda Groiser 74
    A Monument to Members of Hechalutz and Hechalutz Hatzair by Binyamin ben Aryeh (Shargil) 74
    A Candle for my Family by Rachel Mirocznyk-Walshber 77
    In Memory of Those Who Are Gone by Pinchas Adiri (Peltz) 78
    In Memory of Lea Fuchs and her Family by Binyamin Ben Aryeh (Shargil) 79
    Lipa Rubenstein of the Village of Pechikhvosty 80
    Memories of a Survivor by Chanan Burstein 82
    Reb Moshe Shia Wahze 84
    Reb David Schlein 84
    Reb Shmuel Geier 84
    Reb Yankel Gedalias Wahze 84
    Reb Mottel Zelis Deutschman 85
    Monia Gershfeld 85
    Eicha by B. Shargil in memory of his parents 86
Memorial to the Memory of Abrasha Mzurak by Avraham the son of Zalman Aryeh (Boxer)
Translated by Bunia Adiri
Conclusion by Binyamin Ben Aryeh 102
List of Druzhkopol Natives in Israel 104
With the Presentation of the Book 108

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
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Contact person for this translation Gary Gershfield
This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld

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Updated 8 Oct 2012 by LA

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