Belchatow Anniversary Publication
of the Mutual Aid Society of Belchatow
and its surrounding areas

(Bełchatów, Poland)

51°22' / 19°23'

Translation of
Belchatow - Publicacion Aniversario De La Sociedad
De Ayuda Mutua De Belchatow y Alrededores

Edited by: F. Katowski.

Published in Argentina, 1959


Project Coordinator

Roni Seibel Liebowitz

Our sincere appreciation to Menachem Sharon, of the Belchatow Landmanshaften,
for permission to put this material on the JewishGen web site.

This is a translation from: Belchatow - Publicacion Aniversario De La Sociedad De Ayuda Mutua De Belchatow y Alrededores ;
Belchatow Anniversary Publication of the Mutual Aid Society of Belchatow and its surrounding areas.
Ed. F. Katowski, Argentina, 1959 (Y,Spanish).

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An Anniversary Publication of the Mutual Aid Society
of Belchatow and Its Surrounding Areas

Cover page

September 1959   Pueyrredon 667   Buenos Aires

The Year of Shalom Aleichem


A note from the
Editor to the members ……………………………….
A. Laib
15 Years of Existence of the
Mutual Aid Society of Belchatow
And its surrounding areas …………………………….
Z. Przedborski
Residents of Belchatow
In Argentina ………………………… ………………
J.M. Pukacz
The Little Town Has
Passed the Test [Well]
S. Zytnicki
The Process of Evolution of the
Residents of Belchatow in Argentina …………………
Yankl Meier
Residents of Belchatow in the World
The Destruction of Belchatow ………………………. Z. Pudlowski
List of Officers of the Mutual Aid Society  
Residents of Belchatow in Brazil
Concerning a Realization of the
Residents of Belchatow …………………………….
M. Turkow

Critiques and Opinions
About the book “Belchatow”

Cities and Towns ………………………………… S. Niguer
Book “Belchatow” ……………………………….. Jacobo (Yakov)
Commemorative Book that must
as an example ……………………………………
Jacobo (Yakov)
All Cities have had the luck
having a monument of this nature …………………
S. Suskovich
A new book about the
Disappearance (Annihilation) of the Jews …………
Jacobo (Yakov)
A model for how books of this
Inclination must be
(A model for how Yizkor Books ought to be)…….
(Pinchas) P. Bizberg
The book “Belchatow” – a dignified
(book monument) monument to the memory
(of an unknown mass grave) of a
disappeared Jewish City …………………………
Iejiel (Yechiel) Nieman
There had once been a town of Belchatow
First 15 Years
(Editor: F. Katowski)*

Back page

Back Cover

*The Spanish outside cover spells his name Catovski and indicates he was the printer.

This booklet was provided to us by Mrs. Dora Bornstein in New Jersey who was Dwojra Szczukocka in Belchatow, Poland.

It is written by many of the same people who wrote the Belchatow Yizkor Book in 1951

Translated by Martin Bornstein from the Spanish (Index) on p.44 and the Yiddish (Index) on the Inside cover. Items in parenthesis are where the Yiddish differs from or has additions to the Spanish.

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
Emerita Yizkor Book Project Manager, Joyce Field z”l
Contact person for this translation Roni Seibel Liebowitz
This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld

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Updated 18 Aug 2010 by LA