Aleksandrow – near Lodz
(Aleksandrów Łódzki, Poland)

51°49' / 19°18'

Translation of
Aleksander (a. y. Lodz)

Editor: N. Blumenthal

Published in Tel Aviv 1968

This is a translation of: Aleksander (a. y. Lodz) (Aleksandrow – near Lodz)
Editor: N. Blumenthal, Association of Former Residents of Aleksandrow in Israel,
Published: Tel Aviv 1968 (H, Y 391 pages)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Aleksandrow Lodzki

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Translated by Yocheved Klausner

[H] Publishing the book   9
[Y] Publishing the book   11
The History of the Town
[Y] Homeland Yehoshua Zehndorf 15
[Y] There once was a Jewish community S. P. 16
[H] My town… Nathan Posner 18
[H] My town Aleksander Sara & Yakov Perlmutter 19
[Y] My town Aleksander Sara & Yakov Perlmutter 21
[H] Aleksandrow Ben-Ziom Pomeranz 26
[H] Aleksandrow N. B. 28
[Y] A collection of facts Menachem Winter 34
[H] A collection of facts Menachem Winter 34
  The dynasty of the Aleksandrow ADMORs Y. Ben-Dov 39
[Y] The Aleksandrow “Court” Menashe Ungar 50
[H] The “Seder” in Heaven M. Lipman 53
[H] Shabbat in town Nathan Posner 56
[H] Memories from my childhood Shlomo Baruchoni 57
[Y] Crumbs of memories Israel Farber 63
[Y] My Aleksandrow Yechiel Poisner 71
[H] My town and my home Yitzhak Wunsh 72
Between Two World Wars
[Y] My town Yitzhak Zehndorf 79
[Y] The Community Meir Sonenberg 87
[Y] The Town Council Meir Sonenberg 89
[Y] The Workers' Section Shmuel Perlmutter 92
[H] The development of the Zionist movement Moshe Handelsman 98
[Y] The “Bund” Avraham Tziashniak 100
  “Po'alei Zion” Ya'akov Perlmutter, Yitzhak Zehndorf 111
  “Po'alei Zion” left wing Shmuel Perlmutter 119
[Y] BETAR in Aleksandrow Menachem Winter 129
[Y] The BETAR kibbutz Meir Alek 130
[Y] The Revisionist Organization Meir Alek 132
[H] The “Mizrachi” Organization Aharon Yitzhak Fleishman 134
  “Hechalutz Hamizrachi” Nathan Posner 136
  “Hechalutz Haklali” B. Z. Pomeranz 138
  “Gordonia” Sara Karmi (Scherman) 142
  “Poalei Agudat Israel” Eliezer Cohen 143
Culture and Sports
[Y] Sport Clubs Shabtai Frankental 145
[H] Sports in town: soccer Nathan Posner 148
[Y] The Drama Circles Avraham Lerner z”l 150
The Professional Movement
[Y] The workers' Section Shmuel Perlmutter 154
  The establishment and development of the professional movement Meir Sonenberg 160
Education and Aid Institutions
[H] The “Mizrachi” School and its teachers Ben-Zion Pomeranz 168
[H] The “Mizrachi” School Efraim (Fishel) Olek 171
[Y] The Interest-Free Loan fund Ben-Zion Chilewitz 172
  “Hachnasat Kallah” [aid for the needy brides] Yakov Perlmutter 175
  “Accommodation for the sick” Avraham Wielinski 176
[Y] A social phenomenon S. P. 179
[H] Kalmus the cantor B. Z. Pomeranz 180
[Y] Heroic mercy Menchem Winter 183
  When pogroms broke out, the leaders of the people came forward (after Judges 5:2) Ben-Zion Pomeranz 185
The Holocaust
[Y] A tear for my town Ben-Zion Pomeranz 189
[H] Tears for my town Ben-Zion Pomeranz 195
[Y] The events in Aleksandrow   199
[Y] Aleksandrow Rav Shimon Huberband, may God avenge his blood 203
[Y] Rabbi Yitzhak Menachem Danziger, the Aleksandrow rabbi Rav Shimon Huberband, may God avenge his blood 206
[Y] Reports about the destruction of Aleksandrow   208
[H] Aleksandrow Gedalia F. 209
[H] The beginning of the occupation Gedalia Frankental z”l 211
[H] Pogroms in Aleksandrow A. Wielinski 214
[Y] The destruction of Aleksandrow A. Wielinski 217
[Y] The Aleksandrow Germans during the War Israel Farber 221
[Y] Yom Kippur with the Germans Ben-Zion Chilewitz 223
[H] One chapter from the days of the Holocaust Rivka Stein (Scherman) 226
[Y] In Aleksandrow with the Germans Avraham Tziashniak 228
[Y] The last rabbinic dynasty Israel Farber 233
[Y] With Aleksandrow Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto Israel Farber 237
[Y] At the Aleksandrow rabbi in the Warsaw Ghetto Simcha Turkeltaub 243
[H] How I was saved from the claws of the enemy Zev (Wolf) Greenspan 247
[Y] Wanderings of an Aleksandrow Jew Meir Goza 251
[Y] From those years Meir Alek 257
[Y] How I saved my child Miriam Yashinski 266
[Y] In the ghettos and in the camps Akiva Radomski 270
[Y] My fate during the war Nachman Baharier 280
[Y] My fate [Y[ Yehuda Goldsmidt 283
[Y] She saved the lives of three Jews Shabtai Frankental 284
[Y] On the road to Israel Menachem Winter 286
[Y] Before and after the destruction Moshe Schiflinger 288
  The Aleksandrow Jews who perished in the Holocaust   298
Personalities and Figures
  R'Chanoch Heinich Alter z”l B. Z. Pomeranz 333
  Mordche'le Greiman B. Z. P. 336
  Michael Greiman B. Z. P. 337
  Aharon Hochman M. Handelsman 338
  Moshe Widavski Simcha Scherman 340
  Baruch Sonnenberg S. Perlmutter 340
  Baruch Sonnenberg   341
[Y] A Poem dedicated to Poverty Baruch Sonnenberg 342
  Alter Silberberg Nathan Posner 342
  Necha Zalman Nathan Posner 343
[Y] Chana Mindel the Rebbetzin [the rabbi's wife] B. Z. P. 344
  Yakov Chanoch Yakobowitz P. Ben-Zion 346
  Yitzhak Rebbe'le B. Z. P. 347
  The teacher Avraham Yakov Litvin z”l Moshe Rosenblatt 349
  Little Moshe'le B.Z. Pomeranz 350
  The melamed Moshe Pinchas Navozhna Nathan Posner 352
  Israel Sarvanogora z”l B.Z. Pomeranz 353
  Gedaliahu Frankental z”l B.Z. Pomeranz 355
  Eliahu Fein Simcha Scherman 356
  Yehoshua Zehndorf S. Perlmutter 357
  Israel Yehoshua (Maniek) Zehndorf z”l Yitzhak Zehndorf 358
  Two Poems Y. S. Zehndorf 360
  Avreime'le Kahn S. Perlmutter 362
  Simcha Kopel Avraham Tziashniak 363
  Shiye Rivan B. Z. P. 364
  Efraim Menashe Scherman Ben-Zion Pomeranz 366
After the War
[Y] After the destruction Avrahan Tennenbaum 371
  As I returned to Aleksandrow Yitzhak Zehndorf 373
[H] Information about the activities of the Organization   377
[Y] The Activities of the Organization   385


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