Labaton Rabbinic Dynasty
in the Labaton rabbinic dynasty
The Labaton family apparently lived in Spain before the Spanish
Inquisition and the Expulsion of Jews in 1492 by Queen Isabella and King
Surnames are a fairly modern invention, unknown in the Middle Ages when
people were known by who their parents were and the town or village they
lived in. It is believed that the story of the Labatons starts in Spain in
Torrelobatón, a castle near Valladolid,(F1) north of Madrid. Jews who left
this Castilian village may have carried forth the name as their surname.(F2)
Alfonso Enriquez, a future Admiral of Castile, originally built the castle
in 1420. In 1519, the castle was attacked by rebel troops who used it as an
army headquarters. The castle was rebuilt in 1538 and still stands today.
The castle was built in the "School of Valladolid," a
special style of castle building, which was used in Spain’s Duero
Valley in the 15th Century. King Enrique IV created the model and built
the royal castles of Medina del Campo, Portillo and Segovia in the
style. The great noble families of the area built their own castles
using the same model; among them is Torrelobatón. Most of the castles
of the School of Valladolid were built by a new class of noblemen, many
of them of Jewish origin, in an attempt to ingratiate themselves among
the old nobility.
The first reference to Labatón as a surname comes in 1525 in Aleppo in
a rabbinical responsa that included the name Rabbi Avraham Labaton of Aram
Soba.(F3) The name is spelled differently depending on the country of
for example, spellings of the surname are written as Lubatin and Lobaton.
Although the exact linkage cannot be found, it is believed that the Labatón
family, a long line of rabbinic scholars from which Mazel Hedaya is
descended, began as early as 1525 with Rabbi Avraham Labaton.
It is more than 200 years later that our story begins with Rabbi Helfon
Labaton and his wife Luna, who were born, lived and married in Aleppo in
the middle of the 18th Century. Luna had 14 children who died at
a young age. It is said that one day Rabbi Helfon was conducting business
in Aram Soba with a matron who tried to seduce him. Seeing that he was in
bad company, Rabbi Helfon jumped out the window and miraculously survived
without a scratch. That night he dreamt that he would have a son who would
enlighten the world to Torah and live to an old age. Sure enough, nine
months later, Luna gave birth to their son, Haim Mordecai Labaton.(F4)
Rabbi Helfon Labaton > Rabbi Haim Mordecai Labaton
Rabbi Haim Mordecai Labaton (1780-1869 Aleppo), the son of Luna and
Helfon Labaton, became Chief Rabbi of Aleppo and head of the Beit Din.
During his lifetime he was revered and respected by both Jews and Muslims
of the region.
Haim Mordecai was placed in school at a young age. Rabbi
Helfon, his
father, asked the teacher to teach his son the Hebrew alphabet. The teacher
did not feel a child of that age could learn the alphabet and simply
allowed him to play with the other children. So Rabbi Helfon took a few
hours each night to work with his son and teach him the alphabet. Later, in
front of the teacher, Rabbi Helfon asked Haim Mordecai to show what he
learned at home. Haim Mordecai read each letter without a mistake. The
teacher then took special care to teach him more and soon he was reading
from the Siddur (Hebrew prayer book).(F5)
Throughout his schooling, Haim Mordecai was engrossed in learning and
could often be found in the Beit Hamidrash (library) studying.(F6) As
he grew older, people recognized the greatness of Haim Mordecai, who
quickly became a respected rabbi. He wrote two learned treatises, Nochach
Hashulchan and Ben Yayir. He gave one third of his income to
charity and maintained Talmud scholars, even though he was not a rich man.
It is said that Rabbi Haim Mordecai had the power to punish those who
refused to follow his rulings, along with individuals who did not follow
Torah properly.(F7) There are numerous stories about people who conspired to
harm him, his miraculous survival, and the people’s reverence for him.
One such story involves an Ottoman official who came to the Rabbi one
day to pick up the taxes from the community, which was Rabbi Haim
Mordecai’s responsibility to collect. It happened that Rabbi Haim
Mordecai was ill and he yelled at the official that it was inconsiderate to
come for taxes when he was ill. The official went to his boss who said,
"I’m willing to do anything except go against Rabbi Labaton, since I
fear him." He commanded the Ottoman official to erase from the record
debts of the Jewish community for that year.(F8)
Another story had to do with a Christian boy named Musan, who
disappeared from Aleppo on the day before Passover. There was a rumor that
the Jews had kidnapped the boy and used his blood to make matzo. The
Pasha called Rabbi Haim Mordecai Labaton and told him if the boy was not
found the Jews would be expelled from the city. The Rabbi called on the
Jews to assemble and pray to avoid the evil decree. He went to the place
where Musan had been kidnapped and overheard two boys whispering that Musan
had been taken to the church. Rabbi Mordecai then went to the Pasha’s
home and asked the governor to go with him to the church without notifying
church officials first. The governor agreed. When they arrived and were
greeted, the governor saw the boy walking in the church courtyard and
ordered the priests jailed.(F9)
Rabbi Haim Mordecai married Morhava and had three sons,
Helphon, Eliezer
and Joseph Labaton, all of whom became rabbis. In addition, Rabbi Haim
Mordecai raised his niece who was orphaned, as one of his own until she
married. His son Rabbi Helphon, died before his father. He had three sons
and a daughter who became orphaned and Rabbi Haim Mordecai raised them.
At age 70, Rabbi Haim Mordecai was disturbed that he did not have a
daughter, because he felt that he had not fulfilled the mitzvot of
procreation, which requires at least one son and one daughter.(F10) After much
discussion, he decided to marry a younger woman, who could bear him
daughters. The woman worried about whether he could raise daughters because
of his age, but he promised he would be there to marry them off. Sure
enough, his wife bore him a daughter, Luna, who was wed to Rabbi Ezra
Suede.(F11) Rabbi Haim Mordecai died on the 20th of Sivan 5629, just
after the end of the Sabbath.
Rabbi Helfon Labaton > Rabbi Haim Mordecai Labaton > Rabbi Helphon
Rabbi Helphon Labaton, one of the sons of Rabbi Haim Mordecai, was a kabbalist
who died in 1824 at a young age, predeceasing his father. Some of his
writings are included in Nohah HaShulhan.(F12)
Rabbi Helphon had three sons, Rabbis Mordecai (d. 1903), Abraham and
Isaac Labaton, as well as a daughter Sarah. Additional information about
Rabbi Abraham, the second son, could not be located.
Rabbi Helfon Labaton > Rabbi Haim Mordecai Labaton > Rabbi Helphon
Labaton > Rabbi Mordecai Labaton
Rabbi Mordecai, the first child of Rabbi Helphon, married Vida Missry.
They had at least three sons, Rabbi Helfon, Aboud Labaton (1860 – 1944)
along with several daughters. Rabbi Shelomo (1882-1952) was the youngest of
the family and his descendants live in Mexico. Other children from this
marriage are Avraham (brit milah: March 21,1885), and Yitzhak (brit
August 26, 1876).
Rabbi Helfon Labaton > Rabbi Haim Mordecai Labaton > Rabbi Helphon
Labaton > Rabbi Mordecai Labaton > Aboud Labaton
Aboud Helfon Labaton married Grace and they had nine children, five sons
and four daughters – Ezra, Max, Esther, Abraham, Mordecai (brit milah:
February 26, 1891),(F13) Elizabeth, Sarah, Joe and Rose. Aboud emigrated from
Aleppo to New York on March 19, 1913. His son Abraham, born about 1900,
died of influenza in 1920, Elizabeth died as an infant and Mordecai died in
1912, before the family left for America.
Rabbi Helfon Labaton > Rabbi Haim Mordecai Labaton > Rabbi Helphon
Labaton > Rabbi Mordecai Labaton > Rabbi Shlomo Labaton
Rabbi Shlomo Labaton Masri (1882-1952), the youngest child of Rabbi
Mordecai Labaton and Vida Missry was born in Aleppo. He married Latife
Sasson Betech (January 1885 – March 1950) in 1904.
In 1909, Rabbi Shlomo came to Mexico and was the first founder of the
Aleppan Jewish community there. As the first rabbi there, he held the Beit
Hakneset in the living room of his home. Working with his cousin
Mordecai Lobaton, in 1922 they built the Beit Haknesset Rodfe
Sedek in Mexico City.
Rabbi Helfon Labaton > Rabbi Haim Mordecai Labaton > Rabbi Helphon
Labaton > Rabbi Mordecai Labaton > Aboud Labaton > Ezra Labaton
Aboud Labaton’s son Ezra Labaton married Sarah Husney and they had
five sons and five daughters – Alfred, Grace, Esther, Sidney, Pauline,
Florie, Gloria, Roy, Stanley, and Abraham.(F14)
Rabbi Helfon Labaton > Rabbi Haim Mordecai Labaton > Rabbi Helphon
Labaton > Rabbi Mordecai Labaton > Aboud Labaton > Ezra
Labaton > Alfred Labaton
Among the Ezra and Sarah’s children was Alfred. Alfred married Doris
Haber and they had three children, Sari, Robin and Rabbi Ezra Labaton of
Deal, New Jersey.
Rabbi Helfon Labaton > Rabbi Haim Mordecai Labaton > Rabbi Helphon
Labaton > Rabbi Mordecai Labaton > Aboud Labaton > Ezra Labaton
> Alfred Labaton > Rabbi Ezra Labaton
Rabbi Ezra Labaton, who has served as the spiritual leader of Magen
David of West Deal for the past 18 years, has a lifelong commitment to
helping others. As a small child, he appeared in television commercials.
Rabbi Ezra attended Magen David Yeshiva, Flatbush High School and
Yeshiva University where he obtained a Bachelor’s degree in history and
philosophy. He earned an MA in philosophy from Yeshiva University, where he
also received his rabbinical ordination and was a student of Rabbi Joseph
In 1975, while still a graduate student, Rabbi Ezra and his wife Emily
Friedman went to South Africa where they conducted seminars for Jewish
children. In 1976, Rabbi Ezra and his wife worked to gather critical
information on behalf of Soviet Jews in Russia. Rabbi Ezra taught at the
Maimonides School in Boston for seven years. Both he and Emily taught at
Maimonides College of Yeshiva University. Rabbi Ezra has lectured
throughout the country. Today, he continues to lead Magen David
Congregation in Deal, New Jersey and teach at Hillel Yeshiva. Rabbi Ezra is
now a Ph.D. candidate at Brandeis University in Boston.
Rabbi Helfon Labaton > Rabbi Haim Mordecai Labaton > Rabbi Helphon
Labaton > Rabbi Isaac Labaton
Rabbi Helphon’s son, Rabbi Isaac Labaton (d. 1912), was one of the
most respected Dayans in Aleppo. He knew the Book of Laws by heart
and was an expert in writing agreements and contracts between businessmen
according to Jewish law.
Rabbi Isaac Labaton wrote Oseh Hayyil,(F15) and his responsa are
published in works by other authors. Rabbi Isaac Labaton married Rachel
Haddad had two daughters, Sarah and Veda, and two sons, Mordecai and
Rafael. In 1897, Rabbi Isaac moved to Jerusalem with his son-in-law, Rabbi
Shalom Hedaya, where he became a member of the Beit Din.
Rabbi Helfon Labaton > Rabbi Haim Mordecai Labaton > Rabbi Helphon
Labaton > Rabbi Isaac Labaton > Sarah Labaton Hedaya
Sarah Labaton married kabbalist Rabbi Shalom Hedaya (Aleppo
1862-1945), son of Rabbi Moshe Hedaya. Rabbi Isaac moved to Jerusalem with
his son-in-law, Rabbi Shalom Hedaya, in 1897. Rabbi Shalom became a member
of the Beit Din and dean of Yeshiva Bet El, a 200-year-old yeshiva
known for kabbalistic learning. He was the author of Shalom LaAm,
Dober Shalom, HaHayyim VeHaShalom, She LeBet Abot, and Shalom veTzedek.(F16)
He is buried on the Mount of Olives.(F17)
Sarah and Rabbi Shalom had six children, four boys - Ezra (b: 1892),
Moshe, Rabbi Isaac (1888-1962) and Rabbi Ovadya (1890-1969) - and two girls
- Rena (1895-1923) and Mazal. Mazal (1902-1980) married Rabbi Jacob S.
Kassin (1900-1994) and they had nine children. Their eldest son, Rabbi Shaul
Kassin, is now Chief Rabbi of the Brooklyn Sephardic community.
Rabbi Helfon Labaton > Rabbi Haim Mordecai
> Rabbi Eliezer Labaton
Rabbi Eliezer Labaton is known to have had two sons, Solomon and Meir.
Rabbi Helfon Labaton > Rabbi Haim Mordecai Labaton > Rabbi Joseph
Rabbi Joseph Labaton (d. 1899) married Yontrod Yedid and they had a
daughter, Rachel. Rachel married YomTov Yedid Halevy and had two sons,
Eliezer and Isaac. According to a book of biographies of Aleppan rabbis,
Rabbi Joseph was very knowledgeable in Torah and wrote a book. In
his latter years, Rabbi Joseph moved to Jerusalem with his father-in-law
Rabbi YomTov Yedid Halevy. Rabbi Joseph Labaton worked at Yeshiva Bet
1. Internet, Castles of Castille, January 26, 2001.(return)
2. Research by Galit Mizrahi, Israel.(return)
3. Rabbi Ezra Basri, Biography of Rabbi Haim Mordecai Labaton, Haktav Institute, p. 1.(return)
4. Ibid, p.2.(return)
5. Rabbi David Laniado, Holy People of Syria, 1980.(return)
6. Laniado.(return)
7. Basri, p. 10.(return)
8. Basri, p. 12.(return)
9. Laniado, 1980 and Deshen and Zenner, Jews Among Muslims, (New York, 1996) p. 162.(return)
10. Basri, p. 23.(return)
11. Ibid, p. 24. Also Aleppo Book of Circumcisions and Weddings (National Library of Israel).(return)
12. Laniado.(return)
13. Aleppo Book of Circumcisions.(return)
14. Telephone interview with Roy Labaton, July 8, 2001.(return)
15. Laniado.(return)
16. Laniado.(return)
17. Email from Dr. Isaac Labaton, Jerusalem, July 9, 2001.(return)
18. Laniado, p. 65.(return)
Roffé is a career journalist and holds a masters in Jewish
Studies. She has researched numerous genealogies including the Kassin
and Labaton rabbinic dynasties and is considered an expert in Aleppan
Jewry. She is a member of Brooklyn's Syrian Jewish community and the
Jewish Genealogical Society, Inc. of New York. She may be contacted by
email at