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The Genealogical Research Division of

Rogachev District

Project Leader: Steve Shatz
Belarus SIG Coordinator: Ruth Silver
JewishGen Liason/Advisor: Avraham Groll

Project Synopsis

The JewishGen Belarus SIG will be transcribing records for Jewish families from the Rogachev Uyezd (district), Mogilev Gubernia, in present-day Belarus. A variety of records from a variety of sources will be researched. Examples of the types of records that we hope to obtain are: Jewish community records, census lists, voter lists, vital records, and Holocaust-era name lists. Images of the original documents will most likely not be available directly on JewishGen, and would have to be obtained from the archive or source where the material came from.

Key Audience

The key audience for this project are people whose ancestors lived in the area covered by the Rogachev district (uyezd) of Minsk Gubernia of the pre-1918 Russian Empire. Between the wars this district was covered by parts of Gomel oblast.

Project Importance

The material we hope to obtain is not currently available online, and can only be accessed by travelling to various locations or hiring a researcher to do so. Easier access to the data helps researchers throughout the world, particularly those whose families were displaced and decimated during the Holocaust.

Project Description

Professional researchers and volunteers will extract data from primary sources, translate them into English, and enter the data into the spreadsheet templates provided by JewishGen. The database will then be checked for accuracy. Once those tasks are complete, JewishGen will integrate the new data into the JewishGen Belarus Database.

Estimated Cost

We estimate that it will cost between $5,000 and $10,000.00 (USD) for the data collection and translation of the records (this will depend on the condition of the material acquired). Any unspent funds will be used to acquire and translate other records from this district. A qualifying contribution to be confirmed with the project leader will allow the researcher to receive the data before it is uploaded to JewishGen.


Update 02/10/2016. We anticipate this prohject will be completed within one year.

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Last Updated: 20-JAN-2016   Avraham Groll
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