Sylvia Walowitz Project Coordinator
Ronald D. Doctor Ukraine SIG Coordinator
JewishGen Liaison/Advisor: Avraham Groll
Project Synopsis
The Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People (Hebrew University, Jerusalem) has collected documents relating to towns of Ukraine and their Jewish populations. We have identified various documents relating to Novopoltavka and nearby Jewish settlements in Kherson province:
These will be translated into English and then the data will be entered into a JewishGen spreadsheet template which will become available to contributors well before posting on the JewishGen Ukraine Database
Key Audience
The key audience for this project is people whose ancestors lived in or near these towns, including many whose ancestors emigrated from these towns to Argentina.
Project Importance
The Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem is a rich source of archival documents. Acquiring, translating, and making available documents and dataset relating to Jews from these towns will benefit genealogical researchers and will help provide context for the lives of our ancestors. The data also will help us understand patterns of Jewish population growth and migration.
Project Description
The project will fund acquisition and translation of microfilms and JCA files from The Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People. Professional and volunteer researchers will translate the copies of documents provided by the Archives. The new datasets will be integrated into the JewishGen Ukraine Database, Ukraine SIG Master Name Index, and appropriate KehilaLinks websites.
Estimated Cost.
$5000 - $8000
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Updated 20 Oct 2012 by LA