JewishGen Ukraine SIG Coordinator
JewishGen Liaison/Advisor
Project Synopsis
The JewishGen UkraineSIG has obtained Jewish vital records for Moshny Ukraine, which is situated 16 miles west-northwest of Cherkasy. These records include births, deaths, marriages, and divorces covering the years 1845 – 1918. There are 809 pages of scanned images (905 vital records) that need to be translated and formatted.
Images of the original documents from this scanning project are not available through JewishGen and can be obtained through the Family History Library and the Center for Jewish History.
Key AudienceThe key audience for this project are people whose ancestors lived in or near Moshny.
Project ImportanceThe Moshny Jewish vital records are currently only available on Family History Library microfilms. The records are in Russian and Hebrew, making them in essence inaccessible to most genealogical researchers. For many of us these particular records have the potential to give us insight and information into our families that isn’t available elsewhere.
Project DescriptionThe project will fund translation of the above-mentioned documents. Once complete, the new datasets will be integrated into the JewishGen Ukraine Database, and appropriate KehilaLinks websites.
Throughout the course of the project, completed spreadsheets will be made available to donors who contribute $100 or more.
Estimated CostWe estimate that it will cost $905 to complete this project. Please note: any funds still remaining at the completion of this translation project will be used to fund additional Moshny projects and to acquire Moshny records from archives in Ukraine.
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Updated 11-AUG-2015 by AG