JewishGen Ukraine SIG Coordinator
JewishGen Liaison/Advisor
Project Synopsis
The JewishGen Ukraine SIG obtained the 1875 Revision List for the Litin district from the Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People (CAHJP) in 2013. Among the towns and villages covered in this list are Litin, Mezhirov, Novo-Konstantinov, Dyakovtsy, Salnitsa, Tereshpol, Khmelnik, Pilyava, Sinyava Staraya, and Ulanov. There are over 1400 pages that need to be translated and formatted.
Funds raised for this project will be used to translate the records, entering them into a JewishGen spreadsheet template, to prepare the data for posting to the JewishGen Ukraine Database. We have a translator ready to start on the project.
The spreadsheets will be available to contributors of $100 or more before the data becomes available on the JewishGen Ukraine Database. Full translations may also be posted on the appropriate KehilaLinks websites.
Images of the original documents from this scanning project are not available through JewishGen and can be obtained through the CAHJP.
Key AudienceThe key audience for this project will be family researchers whose ancestors lived within the Litin district.
Project ImportanceMany of the records for this area were destroyed in a fire in the Kamenets-Podolsky Archives in 2003, so it is important to document what remains. For many of us, these particular records have the potential to give us insight and information into our families that isn't available elsewhere.
Project DescriptionThe project will fund translation of the above-mentioned documents. Once complete, the new datasets will be integrated into the JewishGen Ukraine Database, and appropriate KehilaLinks websites. Any funds still remaining at the completion of this translation project will be used to fund additional Litin projects and to acquire Litin records from archives in Ukraine.
Estimated CostThe cost of the work to be done is estimated at $3,400.
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Updated 11-AUG-2015 by AG