Iaşi County Records Project

Project Leaders:

Rosanne Leeson ROM-SIG Co-Coordinator
Bob Wascou ROM-SIG Research Coordinator
Jeni Armandez

JewishGen Liaison/Advisor:

Warren Blatt

Project Synopsis:

The objective of the Iaşi County Vital Records Project is to acquire legible images of birth, marriage, and death records of Jewish families from Iaşi County in Romania.  The records are in Romanian.  Volunteers from JewishGen's ROM-SIG will transcribe the records, which will be then be incorporated into the “JewishGen Romania Database” at

The records are in books that are kept in the Iaşi branch of the National Archives of Romania (Arhivele Naţionale ale României)

Direcţia Judeţeană Iasi a Arhivelor Naţionale
Şef serviciu: Cătălin BOTOŞINEANU
Adresa: B-dul Carol I nr. 26, Iaşi, jud. Iaşi
Telefon: 0232/267635
Fax: 0232/267635

The records will be photographed at the archives as we are able to raise the funds.  The large majority of the records obtained will be from the city of Iaşi ("Yas", in Yiddish) itself, but others will be obtained from smaller communities, such as Paşcani, Hîrlău, Podu Iloaiei, Tîrgu Frumos, Lespezi, Bivolari, and Răducăneni.  It is our intention to get birth, marriage, and death records for 1865 through 1897 first.  For Iaşi alone there are an average of 2,591 pages of birth records per year, 423 pages of marriages, and 2,812 for deaths, for a total of 192,250 pages.  We are estimating about 28,840 pages from smaller towns.

These records were not accessible until a few years ago, and have not been microfilmed by the LDS Family History Library.

Because of privacy laws, we can only access records over 100 years old.  We will access Jewish civil records created from about 1865 until 1913.  Our emphasis first will be on the records from 1865 to 1897.

The work will performed in phases, as the funds are raised through donations to the “JewishGen ROM-SIG Iaşi County Records Project” account.


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Updated 14 Jun 2012 by WSB