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Proposal to Index Jewish Records of the Brest Region

Project Name: Brest Region Jewish Records Project

Project Leader:
Jenni Buch,
Coordinator, Brest and district research.

JewishGen Liaison/Advisor:
Sharon Fingold, Belarus SIG Co-Coordinator

Project Synopsis

The JewishGen Belarus SIG is working to obtain 19th and early 20th century records for Jewish families from the Brest region of present-day Belarus.  A variety of records from a variety of sources will be researched.  Examples of the types of records that we hope to obtain are Jewish community records, census lists, voter lists, vital records and Holocaust-era name lists.

Key Audiences

Individual researchers with family from Brest and nearby towns in the Brest region will be the primary beneficiaries of these projects.

Project Importance

Few records are currently available to those researching Jewish families from the Brest region.  This project will seek to fill the gaps in many of our family genealogies.

Project Description

Professional and volunteer researchers will extract data from original records, translate them into English, and enter the data into a spreadsheet template provided by JewishGen.  Once those tasks are complete, JewishGen will integrate the new data into the JewishGen Belarus Database.

Estimated Cost: $3,000-$10,000, depending on the type and number of records available.


Copyright ©2007 by JewishGen, Inc.
Updated 9 Sep 2009 by LA