1828 Census Headings (Columns 1-4)

Col. 1: Names of contributors [of information]

Col. 2: Persons contributing information of either sex who are married or unmarried but deemed to be married through the decree of 1820(?) and up to age of 60 inclusive.

Col. 3: These are:

Honoratiores=respected persons with high positions, professionals


Coloni=farmers, settlers






 Servi=servant, slaves

Ancillae=maid servants


Mercatores=merchants, traders

Quaestores=financial or administrative assistant to a magistrate or provincial governor or some kind of judge

Note that these translations differ somewhat from those done by Martha Remer Conner who published 17 volumes with translations of 1828 census records covering more than 20 counties and many cities in 17 volumes. FHL Catalog lists film numbers under Connor, Martha

Remer (Main Author), Germans & Hungarians: 1828 land census.

Daniel Schlyter's article about the Hungarian census with translation of 1848, 1857, and 1869 census headings is at
